
Naruto X Boruto: Leaf's Value

And so for some reason, I am now Konohamaru and I am armed with a system, the problem is why am I older than Naruto? Why is he calling me Nii-sama? Why does he look a bit different? The fuck? Seems like I reincarnated after canon... That's not so bad, I guess the current world is a relatively safe one.

AllBullshit · Anime e quadrinhos
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4 Chs

Otsutsuki Re, Attack on Konoha

(if you didn't catch on, this story is a fast-paced one.)


"So what's this exactly?" I asked the three kids standing before me as they handed over a filled file each.

"Our chunin Exam applications of course." Boruto answered, taking the lead as always.

Ignoring Boruto I turned my head left and right, toward Sarada and Mitsuki. It's highly likely that Boruto was the one to propose this to them.

  "Y'all sure about that? The chunin exam is no laughing matter you know?" At least from what I could remember, things may have changed quite a bit though in this period of peace.

"I feel like we can do this Konohamaru-sensei." Sarada said with determination.

"Wherever the sun goes, I will follow." Mitsuki just said cryptically with a smile.

Seriously there was something strange about that boy, I just couldn't put my hands around it, he felt rather snake-like.

Having enough of theorizing, I used the fiery golden eyes, to see through all falsehood and discover his true nature.

A clone huh? Interestingly, there is also some snake in there as well, and that chakra... he was seemingly a clone created by Orochimaru through human experiments.

I did read somewhere that the man was authorized to continue his research in the village as long as he was under watch and did nothing interdicted by the village.

I see so that's how it's, I dismissed my Dojutsu, which is easier to say than Fiery golden eyes. The neat thing about  Charyeok is that most of the time if the user didn't want to, nobody could see it. So nobody noticed me using it.

Back to those three, I looked at them and spoke.

"Then I won't try dissuading you, I will take those to the Hokage later." I said and dismissed them. I still have some things I need to figure out.

When going through Jin Mori's memory and learning Renewal Taekwondo, I noticed something interesting.

In that martial art, there is a technique called Bo-bup, a type of instant movement technique, and much unlike the body flicker technique that the ninja used, it wasn't dependent on chakra but mastery over the body and pure martial technique.

In fact, if I were to make a comparison it would most resemble Flash Step from Bleach, the manga of course.

Now here is my theory wouldn't be possible to combine Bo-bup and Body Flicker in order to get something even better? 

I thought about it for hours, and came to a conclusion: It should be possible. So in order to become a certified speedster, I started training first in those two skills separately in order to achieve greater understanding and mastery so I could fuse them and create something new.

But I also knew it could not be done in a single day. So after hours of training, I paused here for the day and went to take a shower.

After which I made my way to the Hokage Office, this would officially be my first time seeing Naruto in person. But I have to act normally so they wouldn't see anything wrong with me.


"Yo, Konohamaru it's been a while, how have you been?" Naruto asked me as I stopped right before his desk. I contemplated the original Konohamaru and Naruto's relationship dynamic in the show and decided how I was going to respond.

"I have been doing better, stuff happened, but I have to say, Boruto is going to make me have a heart attack some of those days I tell you." I spoke comfortably as if it was natural like I was talking to a friend from way back.

"Haha, sorry for that, he is still..." Naruto's voice got lower and his face pensive for a moment. "Nevermind Boruto, what's up with you?" Perhaps he could tell I had become much stronger? Just in case I am going to let him on some in advance.

"It's related to my summons, I got a whole lot stronger, but I didn't come here to speak about that but this." I handed out the files and passed them to him.

"So they want to participate in the chunin exam... What do you think about this? Is it a good idea?" He asked me after taking a look.

"Well, I say, let them try, even if it doesn't work, at least it will be a new experience for them. There is no loss, everything in life is a lesson." 

"You are right, there is nothing to lose. Then!" He took out a stamp and applied it on them.

"With this, it's all set. Anything else?" Naruto asked me.

At first, I was going to say no, but then I thought a little bit and I had an idea, and since this is Naruto we are talking about, I wasn't afraid to ask.

"Say Naruto, I should have made quite some contribution from all those years of service right?" I asked, already smiling in expectation even though I was shooting blank, merely guessing.

"It's difficult to point it out the top of my head but I am sure that's right." Naruto started thinking about it extensively.

"That should be more than enough for me to request an S-rank Jutsu right?" My smile became even bigger as I looked at him and started rubbing my hands together in an effort to imitate the original Konohamaru, or at least how I supposed he acted.

"Sigh*, Just tell me what you want Konohamaru." Naruto seemed fed up with my antics.

"The Flying Raijin Jutsu, I wanna learn it." I stopped acting immaturely and said in all seriousness.

"Why?" He asked me for a reason, his eyes not drifting away.

"I wanna research the Spacio-Temporal side of Ninjutsu." It was bullshit I just wanted it cause it was cool.

"...." He looked at me for a while without speaking, seemingly in a deep thought.

"Fine, I'll let you learn it." He finally relented, I guess he didn't make much fuss about it because he trusted in me.


So I got the scroll of the jutsu, and I am going to try learning it quickly.

The truth is, I didn't choose it just to be cool but also because I thought of a theory and basically got to confirm it.

Here is how it goes, the Dojutsu I have access to has one interesting ability. It allowed me to totally learn a new language in an instant.

So I thought, wouldn't fuinjutsu also be considered a language? 

I wasn't sure but it seemed likely, So I did some tests to see and indeed it worked. Before my eyes I could understand seals as if they were regular English, that's just a metaphor by the way.

What I meant was that I was able to instinctively decipher it and learn it as if I were drinking milk from my mother's breast, it just felt that natural.

So I figured I could easily learn the Flying Raijin jutsu since it was mostly Fuinjutsu-based. At the same time gain a hax and versatility boost while I am at it.

Learn one jutsu and bam, Hokage level. Well as long as you have enough chakra to correctly use it.

But I am not worrying about that, I got plenty of chakras even more after obtaining my new charyeok which came with a passive boost in stats.

Not only am I going to learn it, but I am also going to master it while the kids are occupied with the chunin exam.

Perfect timing innit? Still, as I said there is much I have to do, Master the Flying Raijin jutsu, Mastering the Re Taekwondo and multiple others, and learn even more jutsus.

So much to do, but I have time, there is no threat on the horizon anyway. This is an era of peace built upon understanding and trust.


The days went by, I was so focused I didn't even have time to check the chunin exam going on, I wasn't that much interested, to be honest.

I was curious to see the children of the Konoha thirteens and whoever else but that was all about it, It is better to focus on myself right now.

Plus training is fun, when you live an entire life without superpowers, obtaining them puts you in a kind of drugged state, I just couldn't have enough, it always surprised me how strong I was compared to a normal human.


Suddenly, It was when I was finishing my Taijutsu training I heard the sound of an explosion from a distance away.

In reflex, I used my dojutsu to check, and what I saw left me baffled. The chunin exam site was almost in ruin. The different Kages along with some others were trying to keep it from completely collapsing.

Naruto and Sasuke were trying to protect the kids while fighting against-

"Huh?" Am I seeing right? Or are my eyes playing a trick on me?

Skin as white as snow, pupilless eyes, strange clothes, the enormous amount of chakra. 

I cannot be wrong. Those two are...


Damn fucked up world, peace my ass. After Ninja and Demi-Gods, now we gotta fight Gods too?

We'll be damned.

I didn't lose any more time and by squatting a bit and pushing the ground with all my strengh, not bothering to even use any technique, I put all my strengh in my legs and pushed the ground. 

Leaving a little quake and crater in my wake, I propelled myself through the village, sound, lighting, light... I was faster. 

In an instant, I arrived on the scene. I looked at the big guy trying to put his hand on Sasuke and Sarada but was restrained by Shikamaru's Shadow technique.

I locked on him first, with a single step, using Bo-bup, I appeared at his side and muttered for all to hear.

*Renewal Taekwondo: Roundhouse Kick*

The moment they heard my voice it was already too late, my kick is faster than sound after all. 

Due to the fact that I was at his side, the kick hit his face, it generated a great shockwave that knocked everyone back, dissipating Shikamaru's technique at the same time.

As for the guy I attacked... although he was send flying back, I could tell by the feeling of my kick that he didn't sustain life threatening injuries.