
Chapter 7: Meeting With Hokage

After, two days my Father came to me saying that we should go meet with Hokage for me to have one of my wish Fulfilled. My Father thought that I would be very Excited to meet the most Powerful Shinobi in the Village but I was so calm that he was also Shocked by my Calmness. He thought that I was very matured for my age because these were only which he got from Chunnin and Jonnin because they met with Hokage many times because of their Missions which they have to Directly report to Hokage.

My inner thoughts were I was very Excited to meet the Legendary man as he was very Powerful and was able to defeat Orochimaru and First and Second Hokage at that Old age. But he was not one of my favorite characters because his way of doing work was not a little bit liked by me. But he did sacrifice himself for the Village so I had respect for him because he was always thinking about Village before even his Children. So, I also started running from roof-to-roof to the Hokage Office.

At there, I saw many Anbu Guarding guarding Hokage from where no-one can see them and then I go inside with my Father without caring. There, I saw Hiruzen with his Pipe smoking and puffing out smoke from his mouth and he saw the Carefree look after Sensing all the Anbus hiding here.

Hiruzen: " Kid you are very sharp you were able to realize that there were Shinobi hiding in here and even after you realized you were very calm. What is your name??"

Itsuki: " My name is Itsuki and I would want all of Shinobi which are here other than my Father to leave the Room so that I can express my wish to you without any hurdle(Then Hiruzen made all of the Anbu leave the Room and Now me, Hiruzen and were the only ones in the Room) my wish is that you have to become my teacher and teach me everything about shinobi(Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Genjutsu)".

Both of them were shocked, That why I didn't demand any other wish because I could have demanded anything but Why want to be a Student of Hokage??

I answered him that you are the Strongest Shinobi in the Village and If you become my Teacher than I would also be able to become the Strongest Shinobi.

Both of them laughed hard and then Hiruzen said to me If you answer one of My questions I will take you in as My student.

Hiruzen: "Why do you want to be a Shinobi and the Strongest at that and What will you do even after you become one of the Strongest Shinobi??"

Itsuki: " I want to be a strong Shinobi so that I would be able to protect all those close to me and my Family and the Village in which I was Born and Be able to control my Own Fate and If I become one of Strongest Shinobi I would like to Bring Peace in this World and Improve the ways the People treatment is in the World right now".

Hiruzen was Stumped by his answer and asked: "What treatment do you want to improve in the current System ".

Itsuki: " I would like to make many changes that are In the Academy you only teach all the Student basic information about Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Genjutsu and you want to make them Learn everything from there Sensei But If you think how will a Person be able to teach three people at the same time when they are doing missions and in the free time the Person also want rest, So how can they be able to divide the time in all three. Now about the teaching they receive in Academy you want all of them to become able to all the three Jutsus(Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Genjutsu) otherwise they will not be able to Pass the test to become a Genin. Sir everyone is not a Genius like you everyone has their own Field of Speciality and I approve that they will be able to do what they want to specialize in after becoming a Genin, But if they are able to train themselves in what they Specialise in from a Young age then How good will they Become Just think about it. And the Last That What type of Crappy teachers you Give all of them that are Not even Jounnin themselves to teach the Young Kids you Should make fields in Academy like for Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and Genjutsu different Departments so that after the Basic education they receive in the Academy for the Following Years they are in the Academy they will be able to what they Specialize and unearth their Potential at an early age. So, that they will have a High chance of Survival in the Missions they will be Doing and they will become strong early which in turn will help the Village. You should take all the War veterans who are Specialised in these fields to teach them and You should check every Child of their Potential at the time they Start Academy and see If they have a Kekkai Genkai and Some type of other Potential and if they Don't show Potential in Anything then send them to the Taijutsu Department where they can Learn Taijutsu and then after necessary Academy Graduation from Academy make them Fight with Chunnins who Specialize in Ninjutsu and Genjutsu and see if they are able to Overcome their Enemy even if they have the Necessary Power then make them Shinobi if not. Then it will only improve the Power of the Village because these People will work for us and they will do work like(Construction etc.) which if they are Powerful can be done Easily and Fast. That's all which I will say right now because the Books I have read only have these much Problems If I find any other then I will change it when I become the Strongest."

Hiruzen: " Kid you have given me some Nice Ideas and I would like to implement them from today onwards but how many books have you read By the Way to Know the Things You Know and to find Its Solution??"

Itsuki: "I like to read so I have finished all the Books in the Clan which is not Related to Jutsus because of Mom and Dad doesn't allow me to learn Jutsus and I have also finished all the Books in Village Library. I have very high computing Power after getting to Know anything I am able to find solutions for problems and I can remember anything I read for the First time."

Both were Shocked and then Hiruzen said to me that I will start Training you from tomorrow, So go home and Sleep tonight.

Then I left and my Father and Hiruzen Started Talking about me..................