
Naruto: Winds and Changes

A few small changes can make a world of difference. Knowledge given at the beginning of ones can career can turn a hopeless loser into a shinobi of strength and skill. Differences in a history that have long since passed can create a totally different outcome from what we might expect.

William777 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Chapter 078

Haku had never laughed so hard when he had told her some of them. If she were honest with herself, being with Naruto had been the most fun she had ever had. It depressed her to know that this happiness and content she was feeling with the blond would end soon.

Looking out the window from her room Haku sighed as she finished getting ready to meet up with Naruto. It was the last day they would get to see each other as friends. Zabuza was now completely healed and had told her the plan to kill the bridge builder would commence tomorrow, which had been why she decided on having dinner with the blond instead of breakfast like normal.

Looking herself over in the mirror one last time, Haku tried not to let her emotions spill before she looked away and left her room.

"Going somewhere?"

Haku stiffened as she turned around and saw Zabuza leaning against the wall.

"You're going to see that boy again aren't you?" he asked.

"How did you know?" Haku asked, knowing better then to lie to Zabuza. She had never been able to lie to Zabuza, not that she had ever tried to before.

Zabuza looked at her before casting a careless shrug, "Since you came back the second time to 'get herbs' and had this odd glow about you." He put up quotation marks when he said getting herbs, "From what I understand, that only happens when a girl becomes a woman."

Haku blushed a bit at the implication, "W-we haven't done anything like that…"

Zabuza chuckled in amusement at seeing Haku actually get embarrassed about something for once, "There are other ways to become a woman."

"And you would know?" Haku asked in a slightly snappish voice.

"Whoa, looks like the claws are out today," Zabuza said, hiding his surprise with a laugh, "I don't think you've ever snapped at me unless I hurt myself."

"I'm sorry Zabuza-sama," Haku said, looking contrite.

"Meh, its fine," Zabuza replied, not really caring that she was a bit snappish. He paused and look at her intently, "you know I don't approve of this. Getting close to the enemy unless you're going to assassinate him is not what a ninja would do."

Haku winced and looked down, "However, I am not going to stop you, should you wish to see him."

That cause Haku's head to snap up so quickly Zabuza was sure she would snap her head. "You won't?" She asked in a guarded voice.

"You're not a child Haku," Zabuza said, "you can make choices for yourself; I'm not going to stop you."

He began walking away, but still managed to toss a parting comment over his shoulder, "Just be ready to not let your feelings get the best of you when we take down the bridge builder and everything will be fine."

"Going somewhere Naruto?" asked Kakashi as his blond student left the dinner table and went over to the door.

Naruto stopped and turned his head to look at Kakashi. "Just going to get some fresh air sensei," He replied as he scratched the back of his head. "You said that tomorrow, chances are Zabuza will be healed. I…admit I'm feeling a little nervous."

His other two teammates looked at Naruto in surprise. The old Naruto would have never admitted to being nervous about anything.

Kakashi however narrowed his good eye as he saw through Naruto's lie, though what he was lying about Kakashi was unsure of. He decided not to press the issue for the moment and shrugged, "That's understandable, just don't stay up to late. We're waking up early tomorrow."

"Bah! You worry too much sensei!" Naruto whined, waving his hand in the air. "I'll be fine, and even if I'm late I'll just tell Zabuza about the black cat that crossed my path, forcing me to take the long way around. I'm sure he'll understand."

While everyone else in the room face-faulted, Kakashi eye-smiled, "Perhaps, but I don't think he would get the joke like I would."

"Whatever," Naruto said as he left.

Walking into the clearing Naruto saw Haku was already there.

"Haku-chan," Naruto said with a smile as he walked up to the beautiful raven-haired girl.

Haku gave Naruto a smile of her own as she gave him there by now, customary hug, "It's good to see you Naruto-kun."

Naruto grinned as he broke the hug, "You make it sound like we haven't seen each other in years rather than yesterday with a tone like that."

Haku just gave him a sad smile, something that Naruto noticed but ignored as he grabbed her by the hand and led her to one of the trees. Sitting down Naruto leaned against the tree while Haku sat in between his legs, leaning her head against his chest. This had been something that they had started doing on their third meeting. It had been amusing when Haku had first began snuggling into the blond, who had felt his face about to burst, something that the fake hunter ninja had found surprisingly amusing. Though after the first fifteen minutes of blushing, stuttering and trying not to pass out from the feeling of having a beautiful young woman pressed against him, the whiskered blond had gotten used to, and come to enjoy the cuddling they did.

Naruto wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her as close as possible without making her uncomfortable as he put his head on hers. He took in a deep breath as Haku's scent filled him, letting out a sigh as he nuzzled deeper into her hair, causing Haku to giggle a bit. They stayed like that for nearly half an hour before Naruto broke the comfortable silence.

"You work for Zabuza, don't you?" he asked. He felt Haku stiffen his arms and aimed to reassure her, "Don't worry, I don't care if you do."

Knowing Naruto enough to realize that he was not the type to lie to her, Haku relaxed, melding back into Naruto. "Yes…when did you figure it out?" she asked curiously.

"The moment you told me about your past," Naruto said, shrugging a bit. "A girl from Kiri with a Kekkei Genkai, and a former Jonin turned missing ninja from Kiri wanted for the attempted assassination of the Sandaime Mizukage. It wasn't all that hard to figure out." He complimented himelf on reading up about Zabuza in the bingo Book, otherwise he probably would have not even considered that Haku may have been working for him even after she had told him of her past.

Despite being surprised that Naruto had known for this long and not done anything against her, Haku nodded. Or maybe she should not be so surprised, especially since she had known Naruto was her enemy from the moment they met and done nothing against him.

"How is Zabuza by the way?" Naruto asked.

Haku sighed, "He's fully healed."

"Then I suppose you'll be attacking the bridge builder tomorrow," Naruto hypothesized.

"…yes," Haku commented in a quiet whisper.

"I wish you wouldn't you know," Naruto said, his grip on Haku tightening a bit.

Haku buried herself even deeper into Naruto, her head nuzzling into the blonde's neck, "… I know." She tried not to let her sadness get to her; "… are you angry?"

"No…" Naruto sighed, "I know you can't help it. This battle is necessary. Zabuza is your precious person, I know I can't stop you." Having spent as much time as he had with Haku, her ideal's had been permanently imprinted and taken into his own ideal's, namely her thoughts and beliefs on true strength coming from protecting those who are precious to you.

"You know, you don't have to fight if you don't want to," Haku suggested. She knew it was unlikely, but she really hoped Naruto would not participate in the battle.

Naruto smiled, "I could…however, the people here that I care about. Kakashi-sensei, Tazuna-ojisan and his family. And even my teammates, much as they annoy me, have become my precious people." Naruto paused and tilted Haku's head so she was looking at him. He gave her one of the genuine smiles that only she, Anko and the Hokage had ever seen, "Just as you are."

Haku bit her lower lip as a few tears spilled from her. She put her head back in the crook of Naruto's neck, "You know…you're going to make it that much harder for me to fight you…"

"Sorry…" Naruto apologized. "Am I…precious to you as well?" he asked.

"Of course," Haku said in a whisper.

Naruto bit his lip as he made a decision. "Haku," He said, making said girl look up at him, "I have something important I want to tell you…"





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