
Naruto: Winds and Changes

A few small changes can make a world of difference. Knowledge given at the beginning of ones can career can turn a hopeless loser into a shinobi of strength and skill. Differences in a history that have long since passed can create a totally different outcome from what we might expect.

William777 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Chapter 072

The next morning saw Naruto getting up bright and early, making some breakfast in the kitchen while everyone else slept. He flipped the pan cake currently on the frying pan; while at the same time put a few spices on the sizzling pieces of bacon that was in the other pan. Having been cooking for nearly a month, he had gotten good enough to make a fairly decent meal. Nothing extravagant, but now he could eat his food and actually enjoy the flavor, rather than eat his food and wanting to gag.

Normally Naruto would have had a clone make him breakfast while he got ready to start the day. Since he had started taking his training more seriously he had found himself having less time but this was special, at least to Naruto it was. He was making for someone else, not just himself and for whatever reason, felt that it would not be the same if a clone made it. It was a pretty odd notion for him, considering he had no clue why he felt this way, but he had never been one to question things like emotions and feelings and usually just went with the flow when it came to these things. And so, here was making breakfast.

When all the food was done he put it in a container before sealing it and a blanket he had gotten from a closet, in a scroll. Putting the scroll in his pouch Naruto hurried out of the door and began making his way towards the clearing that he was going to see Haku in.

Haku put on her yukata after she finished taking a shower, this time not wearing the chest bindings she had worn to conceal herself with. She looked in the mirror for a moment as she grabbed her brush and began to comb her hair. As she did, she thought about why she was doing this.

Not going to see Naruto, her mind was clear on that. Zabuza had always told her to 'know thy enemy to allow for an easier victory,' though she was sure he was just quoting from someone else. The man may be a skilled shinobi, but he was nowhere near intelligent enough to come up with a saying like that.

No what she was wondering was, why was she getting so dressed up? She often took care of her appearance, as evidenced by the blemish-free skin and silky black hair. But she had never before bothered to truly comb her hair other than the necessary times she needed to get knots out. Nor had she worn makeup before, something she was now wearing, though it was really just a hint of lipstick that she had found in her bag for the times she had to go somewhere in disguise to gather information for Zabuza when he asked her to.

She shook her head as she realized that thinking about it wasn't going to help. Finished with her brushing Haku stood up and left her room.


Naruto turned around and grinned as he saw Haku walk into the clearing. "Hey Haku-chan! How are you…doing?"

He blinked when he noticed that her chest was decidedly…larger than last time.

Now having spent as much time as he had with Anko, he was now well aware of the female figure so it was not a surprise that he had noticed this rather easily. However, since Haku had been wearing her bindings yesterday Naruto had not even noticed them before, and the difference was extremely noticeable.

Haku who happened to take notice of where he was looking blushed and, despite being fully clothed covered her chest. "You know, it's kind of embarrassing when you look at me like that."

"Huh?" Naruto looked at her face before his eyes widened as his face took on the hue of a tomato, "Oh, no! I was just…I was surprised because well…because of yesterday and all! And I! erm…"

Haku giggled as Naruto got completely flustered, her embarrassment fading a tad as the blond continued sputtering out excuses. "It's ok; I suppose it would be surprising. I usually wear chest bindings to hide them."

"Oh…" Naruto said in realization. "So…how about we start again?" he asked sheepishly. "How are you doing?"

Haku brought a hand to her mouth as she giggled from Naruto's behavior, "I'm doing well, thank you. And what about you, did you have a nice sleep?"

Naruto grinned, "Yeah it was good, better than sleeping out in the woods like I did last time we met. To be honest, I think sleep is overrated." The blond grinned for a moment, "Though I did have some fun yesterday, beating the crap out of Sasuke-teme."

Haku blinked at the blond and tilted her head slightly, "Sasuke…teme?"

"Yep! Sasuke-teme," The spiky haired shinobi gave a grin.

"Who's that?"

Naruto looked at her strangely for a second before remembering that she did not know who his teammates were, having never met them before, "Sasuke is one of my teammates. All Konoha ninja operate in four man cells, three genin and a Jonin. Sasuke-teme is one of the other genin on my squad, and let me tell you the prick is a real piece of work, though he was surprisingly docile after our training."






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