
Naruto: Winds and Changes

A few small changes can make a world of difference. Knowledge given at the beginning of ones can career can turn a hopeless loser into a shinobi of strength and skill. Differences in a history that have long since passed can create a totally different outcome from what we might expect.

William777 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Chapter 060

"And you say you're a wind user?" he asked.

"Yes," Naruto took out a piece of chakra paper and made it split with his chakra to emphasis his point. "I actually wasn't planning on training in this until I got back home, I was told that Sarutobi Asuma is also a wind user and I was going to ask him for some advice. But if we're going to fight Zabuza and that hunter ninja, I want some kind edge over them."

"Well, I don't know how far you'll be able to get," Kakashi looked thoughtful, knowing the boy would be able to get a decent start on his elemental training due to his Kage Bunshins but he would not likely be able to complete it.

"Chances are Zabuza will be back in action within a week. But it certainly can't hurt." Kakashi paused for a minute before continuing, "Now, I'm not a wind user so I can't actually give you any tips. Thankfully my sensei was, and I got to see him training in his element on occasion." Bending down on the ground Kakashi picked up one of the fallen leaves and twirled it in front of him. "Your first step is to slice a leave in half using wind chakra."

"Hmmm…that doesn't seem to hard, though I'm guessing it's a lot harder than it sounds since it's considered a Jonin-level training exercise," Naruto mumbled to himself.

Kakashi nodded, "Elemental training is a Jonin-level skill. Most shinobi and kunoichis don't even thinkof starting this until they've been a Chunin for at least a year or two."

"Got it," Naruto said. He paused and looked at his sensei for a moment before speaking. "I was also wondering if you could show me the hand seals for the Shunshin (Body Flicker)."

"Shunshin eh?" Kakashi said, once again surprised. A Shunshinwas only a Chunin-level jutsu, but once again it was a jutsu that people didn't bother with until they at least reached Chunin. "Yeah I suppose I can show you the hand seals." Kakashi spoke. After all, it wouldn't hurt any and Naruto may even learn it from just that.

If he's anything like his parents he'll have the jutsu down before the weeks end, possibly sooner…

"The Shunshin is simply the ram seal, much like your Kage Bunshin No Jutsu," Kakashi explained, "However unlike the Kage Bunshins where you imagine multiple clones of yourself. For this you must picture yourself moving at very high speeds. I find it helps if you visualize where you want to be when you use it."

Naruto nodded, "Thanks Kakashi-sensei."

Kakashi gave Naruto an eye smile, "No problem Naruto. Now then, I'm going to go…check on your teammates." Kakashi said as he hobbled back towards the clearing his two teammates were still in.

He's probably just going to and read his porn, Naruto thought with a sigh before perking up.

"Well whatever, I've got work to do!" Brining up his hands in the ram seal, Naruto began channeling mass amounts of chakra.

"Tajuu Kage Bunshin No Jutsu (Mass multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu)!"

Back in the clearing Sasuke's feet hit the bark of the tree. He channeled chakra into his feet and began to run up. One step, two steps, four, eight, ten, fifteen. He felt the bark blast off of the tree, forcing him to mark his spot before he fell.

Sasuke flipped back down and looked at his progress. Fifteen steps. Damn it! Why is this so hard!

"You're using too much chakra."

Sasuke turned around and glared at the clone. "What?" he asked in a scathing voice.

The Clone sighed. He seriously could not understand how the boss dealt with this shit every day. "You used too much chakra, that's why the bark exploded. If you use too much, it pushes you off, too little and you slip off."

"Hey Sasuke-kun! Look up here!"

Their conversation was cut off as they both turned to the female voice, to see Sakura sitting on top of the first tree branch on her tree.

"Well it looks like she's got good control," Naruto mused.

Sasuke looked at Sakura with a glare, which did not go unnoticed by the pinkette.

Oh no! Sasuke-kun looks mad, and I thought he would be impressed! What am I going to do!

"Sasuke-teme stop glaring at Sakura and get back to work or you'll never be able to get this exercise down," The Naruto clone spoke in an annoyed voice, making the raven haired Genin turn his glare on him.

"Hey, don't talk to Sasuke-kun like that!" Sakura shouted, defending her crush despite said crush giving her a scathing glare that looked like he was trying to burn a hole through her.

"Sakura!" The clone who was helping Sakura shouted. "I know you want to be the center of Sasuke's attention, but I need you to focus on your training."

Sakura blinked in surprise. Naruto's clone was not acting anything like him.

Well, not acting like his idiotic self, She corrected, remembering the way he had been talking recently. They were more like he was when talking about something he was knowledgeable in, something that was still taking some getting used to.

"But I already did the training!" Sakura said with a scowl. Acting smarter or not, there was no way she was going to let Naruto, or his clones, talk to her like that. "You saw me, I can already climb the tree!"

"Really?" the clone asked with a raised eyebrow. "So if I asked you to walk all the way to the top and back down you could do it?"

"Well…" Sakura hesitated. Running up to this branch had tired her out as it was, she was not sure if she could actually walk to the top.

"Exactly," Naruto said as he saw her hesitation to answer. "You may have been able to get up there, but that's only because you have such good control of your chakra. However this also means that there is something else you are lacking."

Sakura frowned, not liking how Naruto seemed to be insulting her. "Are you insulting me?" she asked in a threatening tone.

For the love of Kami! Naruto's clone nearly facepalmed, "No Sakura, I''m not insulting you. Like Sasuke you have both good qualities and area's where you are simply lacking. Only your situation is reversed."

Sakuar gave him a confused look, "What do you mean?"

"You have perfect chakra control; this is because your chakra reserves are so small," Naruto said with a shrug. "It's not all that surprising, since you come from a civilian family, larger reserves are not in your genetics like it would be if you were an Uchiha. Sasuke on the other hand has larger than average reserves, which equates to a lack of control."

I don't think I'm ever going to get used to Naruto actually sounding smart,Sakura thought as she listened. "So then…what am I supposed to do?" she asked.

"We need to get your chakra reserves up," Naruto said as if the answer was obvious. "The only way to do that is to work on chakra control exercises, but go for endurance, rather than simply learning the exercise. Now, I have a friend who helped me when I learned tree climbing. She said that 'you haven't mastered tree climbing until you can fight on a vertical surface for one hour like you were fighting on a horizontal surface'." Naruto said in quote.

Sakura gulped a bit, causing Naruto to smile.

"Don't worry; we're not going to be doing that yet. Right now you don't have the reserves for it. What I want you to do is to start running up and down the surface of the tree. I want you to do this until you're exhausted. You can take a small break when you tire out, but once you're rested, you're going to start over again."

Sakura paled a bit at what Naruto was suggesting to her.






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