
Naruto: Winds and Changes

A few small changes can make a world of difference. Knowledge given at the beginning of ones can career can turn a hopeless loser into a shinobi of strength and skill. Differences in a history that have long since passed can create a totally different outcome from what we might expect.

William777 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Chapter 054

Is this what a high level battle between two jonin is like? This suffocating feeling…Sasuke began bringing a kunai to his throat. I don't think I can take much more of it!

"Sasuke! Calm down!" Kakashi said as he noticed the trouble his genin were having. "I won't let any of my comrade's die on me."

Sasuke seemed to calm himself down, lowering his kunai.

"You're all talk Kakashi," Zabuza appeared right in the midst of the genin and Tazuna. Just as he was about to cleave them all with Kubikiri Houcho however, Kakashi appeared right next to Zabuza and stabbed him in the gut, only for the Zaubza that he had stabbed to turn into water.

"Mizu Bunshin (Water Clone)!" Kakashi exclaimed right before Zabuza appeared behind him and cleaved him in half, causing Sakura to scream. However, much to Zabuza's surprise, Kakashi turned into water as well.

"It's over," Kakashi said as he appeared behind Zabuza and brought a kunai to the other ninja's throat.

"I see," Zabuza chuckled as he turned his head to look at the copy ninja. "You created and switched yourself with a Mizu Bunshin when you made your speech didn't you? That eye of yours is quite impressive; however…this battle is far from over!"

Zabuza swung his sword arm around, forcing Kakashi to duck under the powerful swing. Planting his sword into the ground, the mist ninja used the leverage it granted him to launch a powerful kick in Kakashi's face.

Kakashi flew through the air with Zabuza following after him. The silver haired Jonin threw some Makibishi spikes as he fell into the water, forcing Zabuza to stop.

"Makibishi spikes?" Zabuza sneered beneath his mask. "Come on Kakashi, are you even trying!"

Kakashi broke the surface of the water and gasped for some air, "There's something wrong with this water…"

"Hah! Now I've got you!" Zabuza appeared right next to Kakashi, going through a set of hand seals, "Suiton: Suirou No Jutsu (Water Release: Water Prison Jutsu)!"

Kakashi cursed as he found himself trapped within a water prison. He looked over at his students and began to make orders. "Run! Take the bridge builder and go!"

"Oh they'ree not going anywhere Kakashi!" Zabuza chuckled as he made a Mizu Bunshin to deal with the genin.

"Get out of here!" Kakashi yelled at his students. "This battle was over the moment I got caught!"

He can't seriously think we can run does he? Sasuke wondered. Even if we managed to escape now, he would just kill Kakashi and come after us.

Sasuke ran towards the Mizu Bunshin in an attempt to surprise it. However as soon as he got in range the Zabuza clone kicked him in the ribs, sending the young raven-haired Genin flying back.

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura yelled in shock and fear at seeing her crush hit so easily.

Sasuke gasped out in pain as he landed on the ground and the air was forced from his lungs. He was about to get up when Zabuza appeared next to him and stepped on him, making the raven-haired Genin scream in pain as the Kiri nuke-nin began to grind his foot into Sasuke's ribs.

"You kids think you're ninja?" Zabuza sneered at the pathetic sight of Sasuke under his foot and screaming in pain. "None of you are worthy of the title ninja. When you have stained your hands with as much blood as me, then you can be considered ninja. When you-"

"Fuuton: Renkuudan!" Zabuza's speech was cut off as a cannonball-sized ball of wind smashed into the Mizu Bunshin, forcing it to disperse back into water molecules.

"You alright Sasuke-teme?" Naruto asked as he ran over to his teammate and pulled the raven haired Genin up.

"…yes." Sasuke said, only slightly put off that Naruto had just saved him.

"Listen I got a plan, when I tell you I want you to launch the biggest fireball you can." Naruto said, looking over at Zabuza.

"So we're going to be working together now?" Sasuke asked with obvious sarcasm.

"Just get ready to launch your fireball." Naruto said, ignoring the sarcasm in Sasuke's voice. "Oi! No-brows-Ojisan! Are you done rambling now!"

"What did you call me you brat!" Zabuza seethed at the blond who dared mock him.

"You heard me you eyebrow-less freak!" Naruto shouted with a grin, it seemed Zabuza was sensitiveabout his lack of eyebrows. "You know if you're sensitive about your lack of brow hair, I know someone who can help you with that, he's got more than enough eyebrow to spare!"

"You little piece of shit! I'll kill you!" Zabuza shouted as his face turned red. He created half a dozen Mizu Bushins.

The Mizu Bunshins surged forward, running across the water.

"Sasuke I could use that fireball!" Naruto yelled.

Sasuke nodded as he went through some hand seals and sucked in a deep breath."Katon: Goukakyouu No Jutsu!" A large fireball came out of Sasuke's mouth.

Before the Mizu Bunshin could jump out of the way, Naruto finished his own hand seals. "Fuuton: Daitoppa!"

Sucking in his breath, Naruto blew out a large gust of wind that hit the fireball, turning it into a large firestorm.

The Mizu Bunshin didn't stand a chance as the hailstorm of fire hit them, dispelling them and evaporating the water used. Zabuzacursed as he was forced to release the water prison and drop into the water as the massive firestorm washed over his position.

"Did we get him?" asked Sasuke as he looked into the water.

Naruto scoffed, "Don't be ridiculous, a Jonin of his caliber would take far more than that to defeat."

"You're right about that brat!" Zabuza shouted as he jumped out of the water, charging over to the two genin. Before he could close the distance Kakashi jumped in front of him.

"Your fight is with me!" Kakashi said, his sharing an eye glaring at the Kiri nuke-nin.

Zabuza glared at Kakashi before jumping back and placing his zanbatou on his back, "Fine by me! I'll just kill the brats after I kill you!" He began going through several hand seals, moving faster than any of the genin could follow.

However, Kakashi could see them, and was managing to copy hand seals that Zabuzawas doing with relative ease.

"Suiton: Suiryuudan No Jutsu (Water Release: Water Dragon Jutsu)!" Both Kakashi and Zabuza shouted at the same time. Two large water dragons with glowing yellow eyes formed in front of the two shinobi, clashed against each other with a loud roar, canceling each other out.

Zabuza growled as he started doing more hand seals. As he did however he saw Kakashi begin doing his own hand seals. "What's this? It's like he can-"

"Read my mind?" Kakashi finished, copying Zabuza's hand seals at the same time Zabuza himself was dong them.





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