
Naruto: Winds and Changes

A few small changes can make a world of difference. Knowledge given at the beginning of ones can career can turn a hopeless loser into a shinobi of strength and skill. Differences in a history that have long since passed can create a totally different outcome from what we might expect.

William777 · Anime e quadrinhos
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127 Chs

Chapter 046

(The Next Morning…)

It was the next morning and Naruto was up bright and early going over his equipment. He knew he was probably overstressing things, but he felt that being over prepared for something like this was better than being under prepared. After all it was his first mission out of the village and it was important to make a good impression on their client. Even if said client was an old drunk like Tazuna.

Ugh, Anko's paranoia is getting to me,Naruto thought with a frown as he looked at all his equipment. He shrugged the thought off; paranoia could only be a good thing for a ninja.

"Let's see, Kunai scroll, check. Shurikenscroll, check. Ninja wire, check. Smoke pellets, check. Flash bangs, check. Food and camping equipment, check. Customized explosive notes." Narutogrinned as he patted the scroll holding his modified explosive notes. "Double check."

Finding all of his containment scrolls ready to go, Naruto grinned to himself and sealed all of the scrolls into a larger master scroll, which was then sealed into a containment scroll on the left hand side of his chest.

Finished with his preparations Naruto had only one more thing to do.

Naruto formed a ram seal and created a mental image in his mind. "Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!"he said, getting a puff of smoke. When it cleared it revealed two Naruto clones that were already transformed into Kian and Akira.

Naruto channeled chakra into a containment seal on his left hand and unsealed an ink brush and some ink.

"Alright, turn around you two." Naruto ordered.

Knowing what Naruto was doing his clones turned around. The blond went up to Akira and pulled her shirt down to expose the back of her neck. Sticking his tongue out in concentration, he began to write the only truly complex seal that was of his own make.

It was a seal that he had modified from a basic containment seal. This seal was designed to hold chakra instead of an item of some kind, and continuously release it into the person or object to help reinforce them or it. In this case it would continuously send chakra into his clone and allow it to last longer than a day, that way it could go work while he went on this mission.

It had been something he had been working on since he first got the idea of using henge'd Kage Bunshin to earn extra money. Knowing that his missions would take him out of the village, Naruto had realized that if he wanted his clones to keep their jobs he would need to find some way to make them last longer when he was out of the village.

When Naruto finished he checked, doubled checked and then triple checked the seal to make sure none of the ink was messed up. Satisfied he channeled enough chakra to create thirty KageBunshin's, it would be enough to last for a month, give or take a day.

He repeated the process with Kian. Before nodding to himself. "Alright done, I want you guys to keep a low profile while I'm gone. Don't do anything stupid."

"Don't worry," Akira said in her soft alto tenor, giving her creator a beautiful smile. "You can count on us."

"Right," Naruto said with a nod. He had created these clones with a specific personality in mind that was nothing like his. Having read a few stories Naruto created Akira from a few of the girls he had read about in some of his manga. She was made to be sweet, kind and dependable, always willing to help out others.

Kian was created based off of what Naruto thought Sasuke's personality would be like if he ever got that emo stick out of his ass.

The process of creating clones that were in truth nothing like him had actually been rather complicated, at least the mental process had. In order to create the clones like that Naruto had been required to immerse himself in the mindset of the personality he wanted to impose on his clones, and then create the clones. It had required a long and drawn out process of changing his mindset, he had only been able to really make them perfect around two weeks ago.

It did not help that he had also been forced to use a seal-less henge on them in order for them not to freak out. He had learned early on that if they were not transformed into who they were, the clones would start to hyperventilate before dispelling, though this problem mainly came from Akira. Not that he could blame her, if Naruto were to wake up and suddenly find himself as a girl rather than a guy he would freak out too.

"Well then, I'll see you guys later." Naruto said as he left his apartment and made his way towards the gate where he was supposed to meet his sensei.

Like Naruto, Sakura was busy packing the things she felt would be important for her mission. Clothing, extra shampoo and conditioner, a luufa, her make-up, that cute little dress that she had been hoping to wear for Sasuke-kun. You know, the important things.

When she finished packing Sakura hefted her backpack over her shoulder. She walked downstairs and headed towards the door.