
Naruto: Winds and Changes

A few small changes can make a world of difference. Knowledge given at the beginning of ones can career can turn a hopeless loser into a shinobi of strength and skill. Differences in a history that have long since passed can create a totally different outcome from what we might expect.

William777 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Chapter 037

He had already argued with the council on this subject for hours. He had of course already planned on having Kakashi be Sasuke's sensei, and Kakashi had requested Naruto, not only due to his rivalry with Sasuke, but also because Naruto was the son of Kakashi's sensei, the Yonadime Hokage Namikaze Minato.

However, the council wanted Kakashi to neglect Naruto's training in favor of the Uchiha. Sarutobi had fought over this subject for hours, needing to remind them that he was the Hokage, and only he could tell his jonin what to do. However, he also knew they would bring this up again, and needed to appease them in some way.

Sarutobi held up a hand, stopping Kakashi as he was about to speak. "Your hands will already be fairly full, and while I am certainly not saying neglect the other two. I am telling you to focus on Sasuke, give the two some direction, help them where you can, but give Sasuke more general attention. We both know that the boy is a flight risk."

Kakashi nodded at that, having listened to the boy talk about himself and hearing his desire to kill his older brother, Itachi, the cyclopean jonin knew the boy would be easily seduced to betray the village if offered power.

"We need to keep him preoccupied until he can get comfortable and familiar with you and his teammates. Hopefully he will begin to think less about revenge and more about protecting the village." Sarutobi emptied out his pipe and put it back in his desk.

"But if he's a flight risk teaching him would be dangerous." Kakashi commented. He already planned on teaching the boy some things, and if he proved to be competent some of his more powerful jutsu. But that was only if Kakashi was sure Sasuke would not use them against his comrades, something he was not sure the young Uchiha would do or not with the boys current state of mind.

Sarutobi nodded. "Yes it is. That is why you will not teach him anything dangerous until you are sure he can handle the responsibility."

Kakashi nodded. "I understand Hokage-Sama. I have one more question…"

"You wish to know about Naruto-kun's transformation yes?" Kakashi nodded. "Understandable, given that his technique should in all essence be impossible." Sarutobi sighed. "Unfortunately I do not have an answer for you, though I do suspect that the Kyuubi's Yokai may have something to do with his ability to transform into something down to the letter."

"That would make sense." Kakashi mumbled. Maybe Kyuubi's yokai enacted some kind of change in the composition of Naruto's chakra, and allowed the blonds body to literally take on the shape of another being or object.

"Are there anymore question?"

Kakashi shook his head.

"Good. You are dismissed." Sarutobi said.

Kakashi nodded as he left, disappearing in a puff of smoke.

Sarutobi sighed as he put out his pipe, turning his attention back to his paperwork, only to see the stack had somehow doubled during his discussion. How did it get so big! Sarutobi glared at the paper, wishing fervently that he could burn it with a Katon jutsu. It's mocking me. He bristled; he could practically hear it telling him that he would never defeat it.

Curse you for making take up this mantle again Minato!

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Anko held onto her gut as she laughed. "Oh… oh kami…" she wheezed trying to regain the breath she had lost from her small fit. She sat up as she got herself under control, snickering a bit as she looked at Naruto. "So let me get this straight. You Henge'd yourself into Nai-chan and made Kakashi pass out via blood loss and took the bells AND his porn?"

Naruto grinned, rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah, pretty much."

"That's absolute gold gaki. Sweat sage I wish I was there to see that!" Anko snickered again. "Though, you'd better not let Nai-chan hear you used her for something like this. She's been known to genjutsu men for doing less. And believe me, her genjutsu for perverts are horrible."

"You're not going to tell her are you?" Naruto asked, paling at the thought.

Anko tapped her chin as if thinking about it. "Nah!" she said with a grin. "You're much too fun for me to lose… yet."

"That really doesn't inspire much confidence." Naruto deadpanned.

"Relax gakI, I won't rat you out." Anko said, grinning as she grabbed onto him and set him on her lap. "You know I'd be so depressed without my fox plushy!"

"A-Anko!" Naruto shouted, blushing as the scantily clad kunoichi rubbed her cheeks against his. As Anko continued her… nuzzling, she ended up rubbing against Naruto's whiskers and, much to Naruto's horror and Anko's surprise, he start… purring?

"Did you just purr?" Anko asked, blinking as she stared at him.

"Pft… n-no!" Naruto stuttered, attempting to get away from the now madly grinning woman.

Not that there was anywhere for him to run in the Forest of Death.

"KAWAII!" Anko squealed as she grabbed Naruto and held onto him tighter than before, suffocating the poor boy between her rather bountiful assets.

It was just another day for Uzumaki Naruto. However as Naruto began turning blue and red from embarrassment and lack of oxygen, he felt that his adventures had only just begun.

Omake: Perverts and Pranks:

Kurenai snarled as an angry look crossed her face. Grabbing a now fearful Kakashi by the front of his shirt, she pulled him so close that Kakashi could feel her body pressing against his. It was making him both extraordinarily frightened, being so close to her now rage filled eyes, and also extraordinarily hot, having her breasts smashed against his chest.

"YOU!" Kurenai growled as Kakashi looked at her turning from pale white to red, and back to white again as arousal and fright began to combat each other for the look on his face.





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