
Naruto: Winds and Changes

A few small changes can make a world of difference. Knowledge given at the beginning of ones can career can turn a hopeless loser into a shinobi of strength and skill. Differences in a history that have long since passed can create a totally different outcome from what we might expect.

William777 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Chapter 036

Ugh! Seriously, I just save them from failing and they still ignore me. I didn't even get a thank you for essentially passing them. Ungrateful bastards. Naruto frowned, shaking his head before making his way to the Forest of Death. No doubt Anko would want to hear the tale of how he 'defeated' the legendary Hatake Kakashi.

Sarutobi sighed to himself as he saw that Kakashi was still not here. "Why don't you all start, Kakashi will probably be several hours late anyway." Sarutobi motioned for them to begin.

Shiranui Genma stepped forward. "Hokage-Sama, team 1 failed."

As he stepped back Aoba stepped forward. "Team 2 failed as well. They simply don't understand the principals of teamwork."

On this went as teams 3 through 6 failed as well.

"Go on Kurena-san, since Kakashi isn't here yet." Sarutobi gestured for her to have the spotlight.

Kurenai stepped forward. "Team 8 passed."

Asuma went after her, taking a puff of his cigarette. "Team 10 passed as well." He took a step back as a puff of smoke erupted in the room.

"Sorry I'm late Hokage-Sama, a black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way around." Kakashi said as he appeared from within the smoke.

Several groans were heard at Kakashi's terrible excuse. Really, you would think a ninja as famous as Kakashi would, at the very least, be able to come up with more plausible excuses.

Sarutobi just sighed as he shook off his annoyance. "Just give me your report."

"Team 7 passed." Kakashi said with a shrug. For a moment there was such a complete silence that one would almost think they had walked into a grave. Not even the crickets chirped as everyone stared at the cyclopean jonin with wide eyes and gaping mouths. Kakashi noticed the looks he was receiving and sweat dropped. "What? I'm not that bad am I?" he asked.

A resounding 'YES!' rang in the room, causing Kakashi to rub the back of his head sheepishly.

Sarutobi looked at Kakashi for a moment before nodding. "Very well then. All of you are dismissed." One by one the jonin began to leave in their own unique way, from sunshin'sto simply walking out the door. However, Kakashi stayed where he was, snapping his book shut as soon as the other ninja left. "I take it there is something you still wish to discuss Kakashi-kun?" Sarutobi asked, grabbing a pipe from within his desk.

"Yes sir, I wanted to talk to you about Naruto." replied Kakashi.

Sarutobi nodded as he used a katon jutsu to light his pipe, taking a few puffs. "I suspected as much. He's not quite what you thought he'd be is he?"

Kakashi shook his head. "He's so far from what I thought he would be that I wasn't even sure that was Naruto. First he was much quieter then I had been led to believe. He seems to still have his moments of hyper activity, but they seemed to be leaning more towards smart ass remarks more than anything. Second he was a lot better than the reports said. I'd say that he was on par with Sasuke in skill, if not a tad better. Third, he was far more intelligent then he should be. I came in expecting him to be a loud mouth brat with no control over his emotions and no intelligence what so ever, screaming about being Hokage and ramen. But not only was he able to keep his calm during our battle and managed to use a good amount of deception on me during the test. He also used several jutsu that he should not know, that I know he couldn't have learned, even from the scroll of Forbidden sealing, and managed to get the bells."

Sarutobi nodded as he listened to Kakashi. "All of this is very true."

"I have to question the competence of the academy staff." Kakashi continued. "It seems they let their hatred of the Kyuubi get to them and gave me false information about Naruto's abilities."

Sarutobi shook his head. "While that information definitely has some biased in it, none of it was actually false… at the time."

Kakashi looked startled. "At the time sir?"

"Mmm." Sarutobi blew out a puff of smoke. "You know of the Mizuki incident." It was not a question, but Kakashi nodded anyway. "Nobody can learn such a terrible truth about themselves, one that had been kept secret from them for their whole lives and remain the same. I suspect that Naruto used his hyperactivity and general goofy attitude as a way to keep himself from falling into despair because of the loneliness he had felt his whole life, thanks to the foolishness of the village. At first it likely was more of an act then anything, but over time he had been that way for so long it simply became who he was. However, the Mizuki incident forced him to reevaluate his life and I suspect… force him out of the 'mask' he has forged for himself, so to speak."

Kakashi's eye lit with understanding as he nodded. He knew well about metaphorical masks, after all, he was wearing a mask by emulating his long dead friend Obito, who gave his life to save Kakashi's during the Third Great Ninja War. "But if that's the case, then how did he get so strong in such a short amount of time?" asked Kakashi. "Even if he had a complete 180 degree change, it would still take more than a week to learn most of those techniques. At least two months, even for a genius."

"You know the secrets of the Kage Bunshin No Jutsu Kakashi." Sarutobi commented making the elite ninja's eyes widen.

"Of course!" Kakashi mumbled. "That makes sense. Kage Bunshin's pass on the knowledge they learn to their creator when they dispel! And with Naruto's reserves…"

"A powerful technique for learning indeed." Sarutobi nodded his head. "And one I suspect, only he can use to its full potential."

Kakashi nodded. "Yes with Kage Bunshin his actual potential for learning is nearly unlimited. It would only take a few days to learn what would take others weeks, months for something that would take years…" He frowned for a moment as another thought crossed his mind. "However that still doesn't explain how he knew some of those jutsu. Kage Bunshin I can understand, but Kunai Kage Bunshin? Bunshin Daibakuha? Even with the Kage Bunshin No Jutsu at his disposal it would be impossible to learn those techniques on his own."

"Ah!" Sarutobi said with a small smirk. "Now here's where things get interesting. It seems that one our kunoichi, one Mitirashi Anko has taken a shine to young Naruto."

That's how he knew all those things about me! Kakashi realized, remembering Naruto's little run down of him during their first meeting, then he paled. "Oh no! With those two together…"

Sarutobi nodded. "A most interesting pair if I do say so myself."

"Interesting?" Kakashi questioned in a slightly incredulous tone. "With Naruto's penchant for pranks, and Anko's sarcastic humor and lust for blood, those two are a walking disaster!"

"Perhaps." Sarutobi admitted with a shrug. "However Naruto has matured quite a bit since graduating, I don't think there is anything to worry about."

"So your saying I should leave them be?" asked Kakashi. "Naruto is my genin now, I don't want her-"

"Kakashi." Sarutobi said, his voice hardening a bit. "I do not want you interfering with those two. It may seem strange but I think there friendship will do each other some good. Both are outcasts with only a few friends, and both understand one another." The old Hokage paused to take a puff from his pipe. "As for Anko training Naruto. The… council wants you to train Sasuke, it's the whole reason you were selected for this squad. And while I do not approve of favoritism, we both know that the council will not let this go and I have no desire to listen to pointless bickering."