
Naruto: Winds and Changes

A few small changes can make a world of difference. Knowledge given at the beginning of ones can career can turn a hopeless loser into a shinobi of strength and skill. Differences in a history that have long since passed can create a totally different outcome from what we might expect.

William777 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Chapter 035

"I'm going to be testing them in a little while." Kurenai replied. "But I wanted your advice first."

"Ah!" Kakashi nodded his head as if that explained everything. "How can I help you then?"

Kurenai gave him a smile. "Well I want to give my team a challenging test, but at the same time I don't want to make it impossible for them."

"And you want me to help?" Kakashi raised an eyebrow. "You do know that I'm not the best person to ask something like this." Kakashi smirked beneath his mask. "Of course you would know this if you were really Kurenai, Naruto!" Kakashi moved his hand up to dispel the Henge, only to freeze as his hand landed on the red eyed woman's breast.

T-th-these are real! Kakashi thought, his one eye widening. But that's impossible! There no way this can be real unless… He paled. Unless this isn't a Henge but really is Kurenai! His hand subconsciously twitched, squeezing Kurenai's breast, causing her to let out a squeak.

Kurenai snarled as an angry look crossed her face. Grabbing a now fearful Kakashi by the front of his shirt, she pulled him so close that Kakashi could feel her body pressing against his. It was making him both extraordinarily frightened, being so close to her now rage filled eyes, and also extraordinarily hot, having her breasts smashed against his chest.

"YOU!" Kurenai growled as Kakashi looked at her turning from pale white to red, and back to white again as arousal and fright began to combat each other for the look on his face.

"YOU!" Kurenai's face leaned into Kakaki's, her lips near his ear. "Pervert." She whispered in a seductive voice.

Kakashi's one eye widened even further, his face turned completely red, even though most of it could not be seen and steam began pouring out of his ears. Then his eyes rolled up in the back of his head as he passed out, falling to the floor as Kurenai let him go, a trickle blood appearing from inside his mask and began spreading across the fabric.

There was a puff of smoke surrounding Kurenai, before it cleared to reveal Naruto standing there with a frown. Wow, I didn't think that would actually work. Guess I shouldn't underestimate just how powerful this technique is against perverts. He frowned a bit as he touched his chest. It had felt really creepy and gross having Kakashi touch his chest like that in his female form. I'm going to have to look into that, that was just… He shuddered a bit before shaking the feeling off.

Naruto shook his head as he grabbed Kakashi and began dragging him over to the training posts.

A groggy Kakashi woke up to find himself leaning against the training post. Standing up he frowned as he looked around for Kurenai, and wondering why he could not find her. Did I dream all that? He shook his head at that, knowing it was too real to be a dream. Nor could it have been a genjutsu, as he was pretty sure none of his possible genin candidates had the ability to use genjutsu to that degree. But he knew it could not have been Kurenai, especially because his man bits were still intact. He quickly checked himself, sighing in relief when they were indeed still there. If it had been Kurenai he was sure she would have done something horrible to him, her hatred of perverts was well known. But then, what had happened?

He sighed; he would have to figure this out later.

Beside him the bell rang, signifying the test had come to an end. He looked down to see his bells securely fastened to his pants. Shaking his head in disappointment he looked up to see Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke coming out of the forests with varying emotions of disappointment and anger.

"Well," Kakashi started. "I have to say I'm disappointed in you three. You all failed to retrieve a bell."

"Are you sure about that sensei?" Naruto asked, holding up two bells and jingling them. Kakashi's, Sasuke's and Sakura's eyes all widened at what they were seeing.

When did the dobe get a bell! Sasuke wondered, seething at the thought that the dead last had been able to do what he could not.

I don't believe Naruto baka actually managed to get a bell from Kakashi-sensei! Sakura thought in shock.

I DON'T BELIEVE IT! HE PROBABLY STOLE IT FROM SASUKE-KUN! SHANNARO! Inner Sakura ranted as she held a chibi Naruto by the throat, and began squeezing the life out of it.

Kakashi looked down at the bells attached to his pants, watching as they went up in a puff of smoke. He must have switched the bells out with a henge'd Kage Bunshin… but that wouldn't make sense! Henge is only an illusion jutsu, there would be no way to do that unless… Kakashi's eye widened further as he remembered his encounter with Kurenai. That was no Henge! That was an honest to kami transformation! But that's not possible is it? True transformations shouldn't be possible, even using a thick layer of chakra to create a physical body should not be possible. The difference in mass would and weight would mean he didn't just create a chakra construct and place it over himself, but actually transformed into the object he henge'd into, copying both its weight and body mass. I really need to talk to Hokage-Sama about this.

Regaining his composure Kakashi looked over at his three genin. "Well it seems you did get the bells after all. Congratulations Naruto." Sasuke grit his teeth in anger as he saw Naruto smirk, while Sakura looked both shocked that Naruto got the bells, and disappointed that she had been useless. "Now however, you need to decide who to give the bells to. After all, only two of you can pass."

Naruto smirked as he tossed a bell to Sasuke and Sakura, surprising every one. "I'll give mine to both of them."

"You do realize that if you do that, you'll be going back to the academy." Kakashi tried. He has figured it out. The jonin thought to himself. There's no other explanation for this.

"An extra year won't hurt me any." Naruto said with a shrug.

"No," Sasuke said, surprising the others as he tossed his bell back to Naruto. "You got the bells, not me. You deserve to pass, and my pride as an Uchiha will not let me accept this when I didn't actually get one myself." I refuse to accept charity from the dobe!

"Then I think I should be the one who goes back." Said Sakura, looking rather depressed as she threw her bell to Sasuke. "All I did was fall into a genjutsu. Sasuke-kun tried to get a bell, and Naruto got both bells so…" I can't accept it, even if I can't be with Sasuke-kun…

"You two need to relax." Naruto said with a smirk as he tossed his bell to Sakura. "I have a way to make sure we all pass." Everyone watched as Naruto reached into his pouch and pulled out a little orange book. "I made sure to get some added insurance." Naruto turned to look at a wide eyed Kakashi and grinned. "Either you pass all of us, or I'll have Sasuke show you what a Katon Jutsu can do to paperback."

"NO, NOT THE PRECIOUS!" Kakashi shouted, getting on his knees as he looked at Naruto pleadingly. "You don't need to worry you all pass! Please just give me the PRECIOUS!"

Naruto grinned as he tossed the book to Kakashi, who snatched it from the air. The three genin sweat dropped as Kakashi started to lovingly nuzzling the book against his cheek, mumbling about 'the precious' and 'don't worry, your safe now precious'.

"Uhhh… Sensei?" Naruto asked, a little uncomfortable with the awkward scene before him. "You kind of freaking me out here."

Kakashi coughed as he stood back up, pocketing the book and acting as if he had not just been snuggling a book as one normally would a lover. "Ahem, well I guess all of you pass then. You can thank Naruto for that, since he seemed to understand that this test was about teamwork."

The other two genin looked over at Naruto who flashed them a grin and shrugged. Honestly he had not really known the test was about teamwork. He had only realized that without help, he normally would have never been able to get a book. Thank kami for perverted weaknesses…

"Anyway, meet me here tomorrow over at the bridge at 8:00 am and we'll begin our first mission as team 7." Kakashi gave the group an eye smile.

Sakura gave a large smile as she realized that she was still going to be on a team with her Sasuke-kun. Sasuke, despite feeling put off at not having actually gotten a bell, smirked as the feeling of having passed push his other feelings away for the moment.

Naruto grinned, excited at the prospect of telling what happened here to Anko.

"Right well, I will see you all later. I have to report to Hokage-Sama that we are now a team." Kakashi disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Hey Sasuke-kun, do you want to go out on a date with me to celebrate?" asked Sakura.

"No." Sasuke said as he walked away, Sakura following after him and pestering him for a date.






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