
Naruto: Winds and Changes

A few small changes can make a world of difference. Knowledge given at the beginning of ones can career can turn a hopeless loser into a shinobi of strength and skill. Differences in a history that have long since passed can create a totally different outcome from what we might expect.

William777 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Chapter 028

"Calm down Naruto." Kakashi spoke in a lazy voice. When the blond finally stilled he spoke again. "Our task will involve just the four of us. A survival exercise." Kakashi looked over at the different reactions, most of it was surprise. However, Naruto had narrowed his eyes as he looked at Kakashi with a thoughtful frown. Now that surprised Kakashi.

"A survival exercise?" Sakura questioned. "But we already took those back in the academy!"

"This isn't going be some simple exercise. This is nothing like your training at the academy." Kakashi stated with a smirk, not that his soon to be students could see it. Or not, it all depends on if they pass the test.

Naruto's frown deepened, there was something going on here. "Then what kind of training is it?"

Kakashi began to chuckle, causing the three students to give him odd looks ranging from confusion to consternation.

"Hey, that was a normal question sensei, what's so funny?" asked Sakura.

"Well, if I told you, you'd chicken out." Kakashi said laughing some more.

Naruto glared at the man fiercely. "Just try us!"

"Oh don't worry Naruto I will!" Kakashi laughed, before shifting his personality to be more serious. "Of the twenty seven graduates that made it this far, only nine will actually be accepted as genin. The other eighteen will be weeded out and sent back to the academy. In other words, this is a make-it or break-it pass-fail test, with the chances of passing being at least 66%."

Sakura's eyes widened in shock as she began to worry about what her sensei was saying, wondering whether or not she would be able to pass and still remain with her Sasuke-kun. Said Uchiha on the other hand looked irate at having to do another test, especially with two other people who would only slow him down.

Naruto however was in thought, I've never heard of this test before. Maybe I can ask Anko to shed some light on this new development.

"But we already graduated!" Sakura shouted. "That's not fair! Then what was that test we took at the academy all about!"

"Oh that?" Kakashi shrugged dismissively. "That was simply to weed out the hopeless cases. The ones that pass that test are the ones who have the 'potential' to become genin. I'm the one who gets to decide whether you three pass or fail. Be at training ground 7 at 5:00 am. Bring all your gear and weapons." Kakashi paused for a moment before giving them the clincher. "And I would suggest not eating breakfast tomorrow morning."

"Why is that?" asked Sakura.

"Because you'll just throw it up." Kakashi disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving a pale Sakura, a brooding Sasuke, and a contemplative Naruto.

Another test! And if I fail I'm going to be separated from Sasuke-kun! Sakura thought to herself. This is a test of love!

Another test won't make any difference for me. It'll be easy. Sasuke thought as he looked over at his two 'teammates'. So long as these two don't get in my way.

Another test, this one to see if we can actually become genin. Naruto frowned in thought. He said not to eat, but I read that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially if we want to have enough energy to fight. He also said to be there at 5:00. Is all of that a trick? Part of the test? Perhaps he'll expect us to come late because he was tardy today and then he'll come on time tomorrow. Naruto shook his head; he was starting to think too much and it was giving him a headache again. The eating part is easy enough to ignore, but I'll have to talk to Anko about whether or not she thinks Kakashi would be late.

"I'm out of here." Sasuke muttered as he stood up.

"Oh! Sasuke-kun maybe we can spend some time together, you know to make a plan to pass Kakashi's test." Sakura said in a hopeful voice.

Sasuke turned around and stared at her for a full minute. "I don't need a plan to pass this test. All you'll do is hold me back. I don't need worthless teammates like you and the dobe to get in my way." Sasuke walked off leaving a dejected Sakura.

Naruto grit his teeth a bit. Who the hell does he think he is! Always belittling people! He looked over at Sakura, a part of him still held onto his small crush and wanted to help her. But another part, the part that had been slowly coming out since the Mizuki incident wanted her stew in her own misery for a change.

In the end he sighed, giving her a small pat on the shoulder as he walked past her. "I'm sure he didn't mean what he said." he told her.

"Naruto?" Sakura asked in surprise. But Naruto didn't pay any attention as he jumped off the roof and made his way towards his 'special' training ground.

Naruto continued tree hopping as he looked around the Forest of Death. He stopped at the next tree branch and sighed. "I wonder where she is?" he asked himself. He had been looking for over an hour and had yet to find a trace of her.

Just then Naruto's senses went on high alert and he rolled to left as a kunai lodged itself where he had been. Naruto pulled out a kunai as he came to his feet and looked around. Several more kunai came out of the trees to his left, and Naruto used his kunai to block them, before tossing his kunai into the tree.

The kunai came back a few seconds later, but Naruto was already running towards that spot. He pulled out several shuriken and tossed them at the figure hidden in the brush. Going through a few hand seals he called out a jutsu. "Shuriken Kage Bushin No Jutsu!" five shuriken became twenty five shuriken, and they all impaled the figure below.






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