
Naruto: Winds and Changes

A few small changes can make a world of difference. Knowledge given at the beginning of ones can career can turn a hopeless loser into a shinobi of strength and skill. Differences in a history that have long since passed can create a totally different outcome from what we might expect.

William777 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Chapter 026

"W-wh-what are you doing!" Naruto stuttered his voice cracking as he squeaked. Not that he was actually surprised by her actions mind you; she had started doing this a while ago after an incident where he had surprised her during sparring, only to trip and land smack dab in between her bosom. Rather than kill him she had grinned and asked if he liked it.

Of course Naruto being Naruto had not been able to speak and stuttered out incoherent gibberish, which of course caused Anko to get amused. Since then she had taken to either sneaking up on him and doing this, or grabbing him and setting her in his lap when they were eating Dango, claiming she could not get comfortable without her 'fox plushy' .

"What's wrong? Don't you like this?" Anko whispered in his ear, an unseen grin on her face. Really this kid was too easy. She had always enjoyed using her feminine whiles to toy with men and then put them down. With Naruto it was even more fun since he obviously had no clue what to do in this kind of situation.

That's the problem. Naruto thought, because he did like it. The way her chest pressed and rubbed against his back made him feel things he had never felt before, even when he was thinking about Sakura. It was also due to the oddly warm feeling he got, he had never been hugged before by a member of the opposite sex, or even having women get close to him, with the exception of Sakura who got close enough to hit him. So having someone who was actually willing to be to be this close and physical with him was, well it felt nice to say the least.

"I… well… uh… t-that is too say…you and um…" Naruto tried to get out something, but like the last time she had done this, all that came out was gibberish.

"HAHAHAHA!" Anko started laughing as she let go Naruto go. "GakI you are far too easy to fluster! You better hope some enemy kunoichi from another village doesn't try to seduce you or you'd be in deep shit!" Naruto scowled as he watched Anko clutching her stomach and trying to get her breath back. However, he could not give her any retort, finding it impossible to come up with anything suitable to say due to his scattered brain.

Anko's laughing calmed down to an occasional snicker. "So who's your jonin sensei?" she asked at last.

Naruto fought down his blush and reestablished a mental link with his mind as Anko brought about an abrupt change of topic. However, he shrugged her ability to randomly switch subjects easily enough, he had gotten used to it over the past week. "Uh… I think his name was Kakashi."

"Hatake Kakashi?" Anko asked before snorting. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, he had always had a soft spot for that spoiled Uchiha brat, given his own past relations with that clan."

"Er… so you know about my sensei?" Naruto tilted his head in curiosity.

"Know about him?" Anko scoffed. "GakI, everyone knows who your sensei is. He is one of the best ninja in the village, known as Sharingan No Kakashi or the copycat ninja; only a few of our jonin can rival him in power."

Naruto looked at Anko before a grin formed on his face. "So what else can you tell me about my sensei?"

"Where the hell is our sensei!"

Naruto sighed to himself as he flipped another page of his book, trying to ignore Sakura's rather loud… exclamations. Not that he could quite blame her, he was infinitely less patient then she was, if it wasn't for his book he would probably go mad.

"Calm down Sakura." Naruto said, deciding to not add the affectionate '-chan' suffix at the end, something that neither of his teammates seemed to notice. "Kakashi is always three hours late to anything barring an A rank or higher mission, or a direct order from the Hokage."

Both of his teammates turned to him.

"How do you know that dobe?" asked Sasuke, for once curious about what the blond idiot had to say.

Naruto smiled lightly as he remembered his enlightening conversation with Anko just a few minutes before. "A little birdy told me." he replied, flipping another page of his book. He and Anko had agreed not to let anyone know she had given him the information on their sensei, agreeing that it would be much more fun to let them suffer and stew in their ignorance.

Both Sasuke and Sakura waited to see if he would elaborate. When Naruto didn't Sasuke scoffed and turned away, while Sakura went back to what she had been doing, switching between pacing and staring dreamily at Saskue.

Several minutes later, exactly three hours after all the other genin had left; a man with silver hair entered the room and looked at them. "Team 7?" he asked in a bored tone.

Naruto almost snickered as he saw the man's lazy half-dropped eye and slumped posture; it seemed that Anko's assessment of the man was right on the dot. "That's right, who's asking Cyclops?"

Kakashi ignored the blond's statement as he continued studying the group. "Hmm, how should I put this, my first impression of this group…" he paused for a moment to build up suspense. "You're all boring and I think I hate you." Sakura face faulted, while Sasuke's left eyebrow gained a twitch, Naruto just looked at the man and snickered. "Meet me on the roof." Kakashi disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Was that a Sunshin? Naruto asked himself, having seen Anko perform a technique similar, except it used leaves instead of smoke. I'll have to see if she can teach me that later.

Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura walked up the stairs and onto the roof, seeing there Jonin sensei sitting on the rail. The three sat on the steps below him with Sakura in the middle, Sasuke on the left and Naruto on the right.

"Alright, since we're all here, why don't you all introduce yourselves?" Kakashi suggested in a voice that said he really did not care who they were.

"Introduce ourselves?" Sakrua asked in a quizzical tone. "What are we supposed to say?"





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