
Naruto: Winds and Changes

A few small changes can make a world of difference. Knowledge given at the beginning of ones can career can turn a hopeless loser into a shinobi of strength and skill. Differences in a history that have long since passed can create a totally different outcome from what we might expect.

William777 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Chapter 021

Well, it was fun and I was resting today anyway. Naruto thought with a chuckle. It was nice being able to act like nothing more than an overly cocky kid and show off to someone else, something that he knew he probably would not get to do again.

"Well I'm off. But don't for one second think you can just slack off! You never know when we might meet again, and I find out that you've been slacking…" Naruto trailed off with the implied threat causing Konohamaru to gulp. "Alright then, I'll see you later… Konohamaru." Konohamaru felt his eyes widen as Naruto turned around and tossed a wave over his shoulder.

Sarutobi smiled as he leaned back in his chair and watched Konohamaru give a salute to the leaving Naruto.

Thank you Naruto-kun. For helping Konohamaru-kun true path of a ninja…

He sighed, I just wish he hadn't taught Konohamaru-kun the Oiroke No Jutsu…


It was early morning; the sun hadn't even risen yet. But one Uzumaki Naruto was already up and about, getting ready for his first day as a ninja. After a quick rinse in the shower, and a… somewhat decent breakfast of eggs and toast, Naruto was ready to start the day.

He looked himself over in the mirror, checking his clothing and equipment to make sure everything looked good. He wanted every one of his classmates, former classmates he reminded himself, to leave with a good impression of him. He looked at his bo staff attached to his back, angling over his shoulder slightly for easy access. Nodding to himself, the blond genin left and began making his way towards the academy.

He had decided to walk to the academy instead of roof hopping, even though he had come to enjoy the activity. There were not any people out at this time, being so early that the sun was just beginning to rise, so Naruto did not have to suffer through any glares this morning and since it was so early he could afford to take his time.

However, as Naruto turned around a corner he stopped when he noticed a small section of the fence that was dirtier than the others. And sideways. And had a pair of feet sticking out of the bottom, a pair of hands on either side and a tuft of hair sticking out at the top. Naruto sighed and shook his head.

Seriously, you think he would have learned yesterday. Naruto thought as he started walking forward again. Just as he passed the sheet, Naruto pulled out four kunai, tossing each one into a corner of the sheet, pinning his 'rival' to the fence.

"Gak! Hey! What the- let me go! Get me out of here!" Came the muffled response from inside of the cloth.

Naruto grinned as he walked up and wrapped his knuckles against Konohamaru's helmeted head, making the currently complaining kid quiet down. "So can I help you Konohamaru?" he asked, amusement leaking from his voice.

"Ha! You saw through my disguise again! That's why I respect you as my rival!" Konohamaru tried to get out of the restraining cloth by slipping through the sides, but the kunai had stretched the sheet enough so that they were too tight to slip through and in too deep to pull out from his position. "Now can you let me out!"

Naruto grinned as he grabbed the kunai and pulled them out, letting the covering drop to the ground. "So… I take it there's something you want from me?" the blond asked.

"I challenge you!" Konohamaru shouted as he pointed at Naruto.

Naruto laughed at the kid. "Sorry but I can't, remember I have to head over to the academy today to get assigned my jonin sensei."

"Ohh yeah." Konohamaru said, his eyes getting stars in them. "Man that's so cool! I wish I was a ninja."

"Well just make sure you work hard and don't slack off." Naruto looked up at the sky and saw the sun had risen. He would have to hurry now if he wanted to get to the academy before the glares started coming his way. "Anyways I need to head over to the academy or I'll be late. See ya!" Naruto tossed the energetic kid a wave as he ran off.

Naruto ended up getting to the academy a tad later then he had expected due to the interruption. However, it was still early enough that he doubted anyone else was there. Making his way to his homeroom, Naruto walked up to the door. Opening just as Iruka was about to walk out.

Iruka blinked in surprise when he laid eyes on Naruto and for a moment, didn't recognize him.

"Oh morning Iruka-sensei." Naruto greeted his teacher with a large grin.

Iruka blinked once, twice, thrice. "Naruto?" he asked, getting a nod in response the scarred chunin academy teacher looked his former student up and down, taking notice of the rather large cloak covering the blonds frame. "You look… different." Iruka smirked a bit. "You actually look like a real shinobi now."

"Hey!" Naruto said indignantly. "Are you saying I didn't look like a-" he stopped, took a deep breath and started again. "I mean uh… thanks Iruka-sensei, he he."

The chunin instructor raised an eyebrow at the small turn around in emotion, but just chalked it up to Naruto being Naruto. "You're here a lot earlier than I expected."

"Yeah well…" Naruto trailed off for a moment as he tried to come up with an excuse for being so early. It would not do if he said he felt like walking and did not want to be subject to the villagers glares on the day he became a ninja. "I guess I was just too excited to wait. I've been waiting a whole week you know."

Iruka chuckled. "And waiting was never one of your strong points."

Naruto's left eye twitched but he quickly calmed himself down, he was a ninja, and he refused to let himself get so worked up over something as trivial as this. Instead he plastered a large grin on his face. "Yeah, I guess I did. But I've gotten a lot more patient now."

"Really? That's good; I look forward to seeing this 'patients' you're talking about." Iruka resisted the urge to chuckle when Naruto's left eyebrow began twitching. "Anyways, why don't you go have a seat? I have some things I need to get, so I'll be back a little later."






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