
Naruto: Winds and Changes

A few small changes can make a world of difference. Knowledge given at the beginning of ones can career can turn a hopeless loser into a shinobi of strength and skill. Differences in a history that have long since passed can create a totally different outcome from what we might expect.

William777 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Chapter 018

Maybe I can go visit Tenten, Naruto thought. He had not really spoken to her much, but she had treated him like a normal person, unlike most of the people in this village. Though she may be out of the village or with her team. I could just go and look at some of the equipment since I need to buy some more kunai and explosive notes. Naruto made a silent curse to Anko for making him waste so much equipment on those damn monsters in the Forest of Death. Then he sighed, of course it would only be looking since I don't have as much money right now, and what I do have I need to save for my housing bills…

Naruto's thoughts trailed off as he noticed a cloth that was near the fence that was designed to blend in with it, except that it was dirtier than the rest of the fence. And being held sideways. And there were a pair of hands holding it up on either side, and a pair of feet sticking out of the bottom and a small tuft of hair sticking out of the top.

He can't seriously think that's going to work on me, does he? Naruto thought with a sweat drop. Sighing he went over to the 'camouflaged' child and grabbed the cloth, pulling it down.

"I take it you want something, seeing as your following me?" Naruto asked in a bored tone, he really didn't feel like dealing with this brat right now.

"I'm impressed that you saw through my disguised, your reputation is well earned." Konohamaru said with a large smile as he pointed at Naruto. "So that settles it! I'll be your apprentice and you'll be my trainer!"

Naruto blinked, "what?" he asked slowly, as if not understanding.

"Yeah! You gotta teach me that Oiroke No Jutsu thing you used to beat ojisan!" Konohamaru shouted as he bounced on the balls of his feet.

"Hey! Hold on! Who said anything about me teaching you?" asked Naruto. What the hell was with this brat? Thinking he would just up and teach someone he did not even know.

"Come on! Please! Please, please, please say yes boss!" Konohamaru begged.

"What? Boss?" Naruto asked, tilting his head in a quizzical expression.

"Yeah! That's right! You're the boss! Boss, boss, boss!" Konohamaru shouted as he jumped up and down.

Naruto looked up at the sky as he scratched the bottom of his chin. Well, he was getting bored and had been trying to find something to do.

"Well, I suppose I can give you some pointers, but it will only be for today." Naruto said, looking at the over active child pointedly.

"What!" Konohamaru cried out, looking ready to complain. "Why only today!"

"Because tomorrow I have genin orientation, so I won't have any free time after that." Naruto said with a smirk as he pointed to the head band on his head. "Or did you not notice the head band?"

Konohamaru looked at the head band and his eyes widened. "Sugoi! That's so COOL!"

"Erm. I suppose it is." Naruto took a step back at the boy's enthusiasm. "Anyways, let's head over to one of the parks." Naruto smirked as he jumped up onto the roof of one of the buildings. It was one of his more recent accomplishments, being able to jump that high by using his chakra. But it did a good job of making Konohamaru get all starry eyed. "I hope you can keep up!" Naruto shouted and began to jump to another building.

Konohamaru who did not have the chakra control for that had to travel on the ground. Naruto always made sure to stay in the boy's sight as he hopped across the roof tops, making sure that the boy had to make a concerted effort to follow him. He made sure to circle the parks at once or twice before heading over there. By the time they had reached the park, Konohamaru was stumbling and falling over as he panted for breath. He fell down onto the ground as he looked up at Naruto, who was sitting on a tree branch a few feet above him.

"What… what was that for?" Konohamaru asked as he tried to regain his breath.

Naruto frowned at how tired the boy was. "Are you in the academy?" he asked.

Konohamaru looked indignant, or as indignant as an exhausted eight year old could look. He stood up only to fall back down. "Of course I am I-"

"What are you doing sitting on the ground like that?" interrupted Naruto. "Stand up."

Konohamaru glared at him. "I'm tired from you making me run all over the place!"

Naruto shrugged. "That wouldn't even constitute for my morning runs, if something as mildly strenuous as that made you tired, then your obviously not training your body enough." Man this is weird. The blond thought. I wonder if this is what Iruka-sensei felt like when he gave me a lecture? He had to admit that, while it felt odd, it was also satisfying to actually be able to teach someone else. Maybe there really was a point to all of those boring lectures Iruka-sensei gave.

"Anyways." Naruto shook his head of thoughts on Iruka. "Since you're so exhausted it's obvious that your chakra reserves are too small to do anything more than the basic jutsu. So I think we'll start with-"

"HEY!" Konohamaru shouted with an angry expression on his face. "I am not small!"

Naruto face palmed as he listened to the little kid. Please Kami; tell me this is not how I sounded to Iruka-sensei and Ojisan! If it is I swear I'll never be such a brat again!

"I said your chakra! CHA-KRA!" Naruto pronounced the word chakra extra slowly. "I made no comment on your height. I am merely saying that your chakra reserves are a tad on the small side. This means you'll have to work on getting your reserves up to snuff. I'll write down a few exercises I found in a book and give them to you to practice on your own." Naruto paused for a moment. "Though if your reserves are smaller, then you should have better control. Tell me, how good is your chakra control?" he asked.

"Um… well, I don't really know much about that…" Konohamaru admitted. "Four-eyes-sensei hasn't gone beyond what the academy has already taught me."

Naruto sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. "Which means you have had absolutely no practice in chakra control." he paused, come to think of it, he hadn't been taught chakra control exercises either. Though, he had assumed it had been one of the days he had been sent out of class, or skipped. He frowned to himself before shaking his head. "Have you at least been working on the Henge No Jutsu? Please tell me you have?"





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