
Chapter 1:

The soft glow of the full moon caressed the hidden village of Konoha, revealing the quiet streets and rooftops of the houses. In the heart of the Inuzuka district, in a small mansion surrounded by a carefully tended garden, a unique and warm event was taking place.

The family was celebrating its second birth. The newborn, a baby with curiously piercing eyes, had just been born into this Konoha ninja family. A murmur of excitement passed through the family, everyone sensing that this child was special in some inexplicable way. The parents, Kaito and Miyuki Inuzuka, exchanged knowing glances as they gently cradled their newborn.

The baby let out a little chirp, attracting the attention of Ren, now the eldest in the family. His eyes shone with an indefinable sparkle as he watched his new brother. He approached the cradle with an expression that was a mixture of astonishment and benevolence.

"Ren, look at him. There's something special about him, isn't there?" asked Miyuki with a beaming smile.

Ren nodded, his eyes fixed on the baby. "Yes, there's something unique about him. It's almost as if he already understands what's going on around him."

Meanwhile, the baby looked curiously at his new family and surroundings, a little surprised by what he saw. A gleam of understanding passed through the newborn's eyes, as if he were aware of his surroundings in an unusual way.

The night progressed slowly, but something was different in the Inuzuka household. The baby showed a particular interest in the family dogs, smiling every time one of the 3 ninkens approached him. It was as if an innate connection existed between him and his canine companions.

The next day, the Inuzuka family met to discuss the baby's strange behaviour. They wondered if he had inherited their clan's special gifts.

"Maybe he's the reincarnation of a former member of the Inuzuka clan," Miyuki suggested.

Kaito looked at the baby with a glint of pride in his eyes. "Anyway, he's already part of our family. We will accept him, no matter where he comes from."


I scanned my new surroundings carefully, looking for familiar clues. Everything seemed strangely different from what I had known before I died. The distinctive markings on the cheeks and the strangely large but undeniably adorable dogs triggered a sudden understanding of where I was. This was the world of Naruto, a world I knew well from my interest in the series. The marks on my father's and brother's cheeks, the unusually large dogs, everything seemed to indicate that I was in the Inuzuka clan. Despite the challenges inherent in the Naruto universe, it was a relief to find myself here rather than in worlds like Attack of the Titans, where I could die at any moment depending on my situation.'

I smiled as I watched the dogs around me, marvelling at their unusual size and feeling an instinctive connection with them. Dogs, my favourite animals after wolves, seemed to be my companions in this new life. I felt grateful to have fallen into a world I knew well, and that gave me a certain advantage. Although the world of Naruto was not without its dangers, my prior knowledge gave me a better understanding of the rules of the game, thus increasing my chances of survival, as history has shown: even if you were devoid of talent, you could gain impressive strength through training. So, even though the Inuzuka weren't one of the strongest clans in Konoha, I still had a definite advantage over all the civilians who wanted to become ninja.


16 Y bK (before Kyubi attack)

Today was the day I was going to unlock my chakra coils, but it was also the day I was going to meet my best companion. Today I was going to take part in meeting ninken puppies for the first time to see if there was one or more that were compatible with me. If there weren't any, I'd have to try again the following year, or the year after that... until I was 9 at the most, when if I still didn't have a bond with at least one ninken, I'd be the laughing stock of the clan'.

"Satoshi, we're going to be late," called Kaito Inuzuka, it was a big day for his son and he didn't want to be late.

Satoshi went to meet his father, then they both set off for the ninken kennels, as the chakra unblocking ceremony preceded the ninja dog adoption ceremony and this avoided any unnecessary travel, although in general the children of the Inuzuka clan obtained a bond with a ninken puppy when they were around 7 years old rather than 5, this enabled them to prepare for later ceremonies and to spot potential prodigies.

They reached their destination fairly quickly and waited a few minutes for the rest of the children who had or were due to celebrate their 5th birthday this month to arrive, not forgetting those hoping to adopt a puppy.

It was a clan elder and a few clan chunins who were organising the ceremony and who were going to guide them.

The elder and the chunins, standing in the centre of the square in front of the kennels, surrounded by the children. He held up a scroll of parchment and began to explain the importance of this solemn event.

"Welcome to this chakra opening ceremony, today marks a turning point in your ninja journey. You are about to open your chakra coils, a fundamental step in becoming a true ninja."

The looks on the faces of the clan's children were one of anticipation and nervousness. Everyone knew that this step would seal their destiny in the world of ninjas.

The elder read the instructions to open his chakra coils and be able to use his chakra freely.

"But remember, concentrate on your inner flame and spread it throughout your body! Summed up the elder

"Now concentrate and feel the flow of your inner chakra," he ordered in a calm but authoritative voice.

The children closed their eyes, trying to connect with the vital energy that lay dormant within them. A soft aura began to form around them as they concentrated intensely.

The chunins spread out among the children to check that everything was going well.

I concentrated on my plexus and tried to clear my mind. I couldn't see the time passing. Suddenly, I felt an energy like a flame slumbering within me. I tried to mentally add fuel to it so that it would grow and then I began to try to spread it throughout my body. I did this in the order of the inner doors, assuming that this would be beneficial to me. Once I'd succeeded, I felt that something in me had changed, I felt better, stronger and I opened my eyes'.

The chunins and the elder noticed that Kaito's son had woken up first while the rest of the children were still concentrating on opening their coils. Time passed and one by one the children unlocked their chakra coils, some with the help of the chunins.

The elder smiled, proud to see their progress. "You have taken a crucial step today. Your chakra coils are now open. May this moment mark the beginning of your journey to become true Inuzuka."

Now it's time for the ninken puppy adoption ceremony! Those who feel ready, follow me! announced the elder.


"Remember to transmit your chakra to the puppies you want to test if you are compatible and see if they accept you. They can't speak yet but you should be able to feel their emotions.

I began to observe all the puppies. There were different breeds that matched some of the dog breeds of our world except they were all bigger and smarter it seemed.

A puppy stood out from the grey and black mass of intelligent fur balls. He was dressed all in white and from his muzzle and little paws I guessed that he was similar to an Arctic wolf, only bigger and taller of course. He reminded me of my old dog, a white Swiss shepherd. I liked him, so I went to take a closer look to see if he liked me.

"How are you big boy?"

"Feeling a bit lonely, are you?" I said after trying to feel how he was doing.

"Woof! (puppy who seems to agree)"

"I'm different from the others too, but that doesn't mean I have to feel weak! On the contrary, you and I have to assert ourselves!

"Woof! (puppy who seems to agree)"

I then tried to transmit a gentle flow of chakra to the puppy and he responded in kind. This time I could feel his emotions more clearly, he was filled with joy and acceptance. At that moment, I was the most fulfilled child in the ninja world for the first time.

Satoshi took the baby in his arms and went to join the other children who had found their mate in front of the old one and wait for the others. An hour later, the children were forbidden to try and form a bond. 

"By accepting these puppies into your lives, you also accept the responsibility that comes with it. You'll train them, guide them, and together, you'll share bonds that transcend simple master-animal relationships," explained the elder.

After him, the young Inuzuka repeated their vows of commitment to their future companions. The puppies seemed to understand the importance of the event, their little eyes shining with an intelligent, knowing gleam.

The ceremony reached its climax when each young Inuzuka, with a smile full of determination, placed a blood mark on his puppy's forehead and then went to have the clan marks tattooed on his cheeks, thus sealing the bond between them. The puppies, in turn, expressed their agreement by gently licking their new partner's hand. And so the ceremony drew to a close, allowing the parents to rejoin their children.

"Well done Satoshi! Usually it's only when you're around 7 that you manage to form a bond with a ninken because you're not mature enough to understand the feelings of a ninken puppy and therefore don't take his feelings into account in your choice" my father congratulated me.

"What's his name?"

"Obake/Woof" I said at the same time as Obake (A/N : i just translate Ghost in japanese but if you have a better translation give it.)

 A/N: Merry Christmas ! 

New writing style compared to my other story (I'm trying to alternate between an omniscient narrator and the first person). I can't guarantee that all the chapters will be this long, even if I force myself to write more than 1.2K words. Let me know if you think the pace of the scenes is too slow or too fast so I can try to adjust it for the next chapters. And for French speakers, let me know if you want me to publish the story in French.

Porthos10creators' thoughts