
Naruto: Want To Destroy My Senju Clan, Are You Worthy?

Warning: This is a translations of a Chinese Fanfic and may contain some Chinese elements(I try to remove/replace whatever I can, but forced to leave some in to maintain the chapter’s integrity). Following the death of the Second Hokage and the succession of the Third Hokage, the Senju Clan faced the most significant genocide crisis in history. At this crucial moment, the 60-year-old Takumi Senju stepped forward. He struck across the Sand Shinobi. He pushed back the Mist Ninja. He vowed to destroy Sarutobi and confront Danzo head-on. He will save the Senju

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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Long Awaited Points

Early the next morning, Takumi, who hadn't slept all night, got out of bed. He was excited last night and didn't calm down.

With dark circles under his eyes, he hastily watered his beloved potted plants, then walked to the clan meeting room.

Along the way, he passed the training grounds where many young Senju clan members practiced. When they saw Takumi pass by, they ignored or dismissed him.

Old and weak. This was Takumi's reputation among the younger Senju.

Takumi didn't care. He laughed, making his dark circles into crescent moons. "The youth don't know my past glory," he told himself.

After comforting himself, Takumi strode to the meeting room. He arrived very early. The room was empty except for him.

"Perfect, I can nap," he thought. Takumi sat in a chair, leaned back, and fell asleep. Oddly, he dreamed of his youth, when he used to have fun with Senju Tobirama & Hashirama.

Soon, clansmen filed into the room and were dumbfounded. They saw 60-year-old Takumi sleeping deeply in a chair, drooling and inexplicably blowing nose bubbles.

"What's this crowd in the doorway?" boomed the voice of elder Kira, who had arrived. He saw the clansmen blocking the entrance without order. They quickly moved aside.

Kira frowned and entered. He saw Takumi's exaggerated sleeping posture, nearly slipping off the chair. Especially the nose bubbles expanding and shrinking but not popping.

"You grow more brazen with age," scolded Kira with disgust. "How dare you sleep in the meeting room?"

"Let it go. Takumi probably didn't sleep last night," said Sato, noticing Takumi's dark circles.

The meeting soon started. Kira, seated centrally, glanced at the sleeping Takumi before clearing his throat.

"Today we will select a clan member knowledgeable in ninjutsu to advise the youth," announced Kira.

"He just means himself," muttered the clansmen, though they still nominated Kira.

Kira accepted happily, bothered only by the sleeping Takumi affecting the seriousness of the meeting.

"As you have chosen me, I'll do my part. But the meeting room is serious. Sleepers should not attend, to avoid embarrassing themselves!" said Kira, eyeing Takumi.

Suddenly, Takumi woke to a voice in his mind: "Plot task - change the Senju youth advisor."

Opening his eyes, Takumi saw Kira's glare. "Why stare at me, Uncle Kira? I'm not your wife," joked Takumi. Laughter erupted.

Kira was furious. "You insolent...! Is this how I taught you to behave?"

Takumi stood calmly. "As eldest, don't get so worked up over jokes, Uncle," said Sato worriedly.

Takumi glanced triumphantly at Kira before sitting. He wouldn't challenge Kira's authority directly.

After the commotion, Kira suppressed his anger and began his announcement. "Since you chose me..."

"Wait! I object!" interjected Takumi, standing up.

"You!" Kira turned red with anger. "Objections need valid reasons!"

"Firstly, I understand ninjutsu more deeply than you!" argued Takumi. "Secondly, as Elder you're too busy to advise the youth, while I have ample free time."

"It's true, Takumi understands ninjutsu best," agreed Sato. "My grandfather even discussed ninjutsu with him." Sato stood in support.

"I support Takumi as advisor," stated Sato.

"No!" objected Kira, but saw only disapproving looks. Takumi's ninjutsu knowledge surpassed all in the clan. Even the Second Hokage had said so.

Reluctantly, Kira conceded. In Takumi's mind sounded a reward: "Branch plot changed! +10 points."

Takumi rushed out first. Kira watched his back broodingly.