
Naruto: Veil of Deception (Aizen reincarnates as Sasuke Uchiha)

After thousand years of imprisonment, Aizen successfully executes his plan to reincarnate. However, the Hogyoku has its own agenda, and Aizen finds himself in the Naruto universe, inhabiting the body of a young Sasuke Uchiha. Witness Aizen being Aizen and observe the profound impact he makes on the Naruto universe. ----- For those who are not familiar with Aizen ----- You can still read this story and treat it as a self-insert with an original character. You can think of Aizen as a genius, evil OC who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. He possesses no morality and respects only those who share his vision or intellect. The story will adhere to the power system of the Naruto Universe. ----Clarifications ---- -Aizen will NOT have Kyoka suigetsu, Kido and his other OP powers -Aizen's main advantage will be his intellect and his combat experience (Hakuda = Taijutsu, Kenjutsu) -The story will use powers from Naruto universe / Aizen will try to replicate some of his old abilities with chakra -The characters will use their brains and Aizen will face many challenges -I will try to develop the side characters and add new aspects in their personalities. However, Aizen-sama will be the focus of the story. -If you are worried about the HAREM TAG the explanation is that Aizen tries to restore his clan in order to gain political power. However, he is still is the same Aizen. JUST REMEMBER HOW HE TREATED MOMO DURING SOUL SOCIETY ARC. -If you are seeking a story with HIGH MORAL VALUES, please SKIP this one. This is Aizen-sama, after all! -Between the serious chapters, readers can expect lighthearted interludes featuring side characters and infused with comedy, primarily dirty jokes. --- Schedule --- 5 chapters per week. Extra chapter every Saturday if we reach the required soul stones :D The cover was created by DALL-E. It is unique and it was generated based on my request.

Spalk · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs


After the first day of training, Sasuke was planning to study the scrolls that he received. However, thinking about the discussion with Kakashi, he suddenly had another idea.

"This will save me plenty of time. I will talk with Kakashi tomorrow," Sasuke thought.

Neji had returned from his mission, and Sasuke finally got the chance to talk with him.

"Neji, I have a mission for you," Sasuke said.

Neji nodded for him to continue.

"I want you to bring your cousin Hinata to train with us. I want to talk to her."

Neji's expression changed to fury.

"I thought we had a deal, Uchiha. What do you want to do with her?" Neji asked.

"Neji, this has nothing to do with our deal. I don't plan on betraying you."

"Do you plan on seducing her?" Neji said with a complicated expression.

"Where did you get this idea?" Sasuke asked with a smirk on his face.

Neji looked at him with a disgusted gaze. 

Finally, Sasuke said, "It's not like that. I just need her help with something."

Neji was skeptical, and after almost a minute, he said, "Uchiha, I will trust you on this. Don't make me regret it."


The next day in training, Sasuke immediately approached Kakashi.

"Sensei, yesterday in our discussion, you said that we have the Sharingan, which is a huge advantage and can save us a lot of time and effort."

'What is he planning?' Kakashi immediately thought.

Sasuke continued, "I also thought about your reputation. They call you the Copy Ninja, the man who has copied more than a thousand jutsu. So, I thought that it would be a waste for me not to take advantage of you. Let's make a deal."

Kakashi's interest was immediately piqued, and he asked, "What kind of deal?"

Sasuke looked at him with a mischievous smile and said, "You will perform all the jutsu that you know, and I will copy them with my Sharingan. In return, I will give you access to all the Uchiha scrolls. It's a win-win situation."

Kakashi had an evil smile on his face. "I can't just give you all my life's achievements like that. After all, right now you only have the Chunin-level scrolls in your possession. Also, I am sure that the strongest jutsu of your clan weren't in the library. The elders of yours would never let anyone near the core jutsu."

Sasuke now had an evil smile on his face and said, "What if you only perform the jutsu that are included in the scrolls? You must know most of them already. I would be able to learn these jutsu either way, and with your help, I will save a lot of time."

That was Sasuke's original plan, and he made the first proposition to make Kakashi drop his guard.

"I will do it, but you will also have to give me access to the Jonin-level scrolls when you get them," Kakashi said with a smirk.

"We have a deal, sensei." 

Tenten and Naruto watched their twisted expressions from a distance and both of them had the same thought 'Kakashi-sensei is telling his dirty jokes again...'


After the training, Naruto went to his favorite restaurant and met Kakashi-sensei once again. It was their fourth meeting in the restaurant in the last week.

'Finally, somebody who can appreciate ramen as much as I do,' he instantly thought.

He immediately went to sit next to his sensei, who was making his order to Ayame.

"Sensei, you are such a difficult customer. Every time I see you here, you can't decide what to order."

Ayame instantly giggled.

Kakashi gave a side glance at Naruto and then looked Ayame in the eyes and said, "Naruto, I have already discovered what I like the most."

Ayame instantly turned completely red.

"It's Mito ramen, isn't it?" Naruto said with too much enthusiasm.

Kakashi looked at him like looking at an idiot, and Ayame laughed out loudly.


Later in the afternoon, Neji came to the training with a girl behind him. Sasuke instantly noticed Hinata and was pleased with Neji.

Shikamaru looked at Hinata with suspicion and then looked at Sasuke.

Tenten looked at her strangely, and Ino greeted her and tried to start a discussion with her.

"Hinata, have you come to train with us?" Ino asked.

"Ye…s, Neji nii-san said that Sasuke invited me. He also said that Sasuke wants to talk to me," Hinata said with a barely audible voice. Her face was constantly looking at the floor. She was touching the tip of her fingers, and it was clear that she wasn't feeling comfortable, but she continued, "It's the first time that Neji nii-san invited me to go with him... and I really wanted to come."

'She is extremely shy. This is going to be a problem. I need to get shyness out of her for the plan to succeed,' Sasuke thought.

Sasuke looked at Tenten, who was already looking at him. He invited her to follow him, and then he went towards Hinata.

"Hello, Hinata. How are you doing?" He casually said.

The girl took a few seconds to reply. "Hello, Sasuke. I am doing fine, thank you. What can I do for you?"

Ino, Neji, and Shikamaru were all waiting for Sasuke's reply.

"I need to have a private talk with you. Can you come with me?"

'Private? What could Sasuke want from me?' Hinata thought anxiously.

After thinking for several seconds, she nodded.

Sasuke took Tenten with him, and the rest of the group looked at them with disappointment. However, Ino's gaze also contained anger, and Sasuke immediately noticed. He moved his index finger against his lips and then pointed his finger, signaling to her, "I'll talk to you about it later."

When the trio was far away from the rest, Sasuke finally broke the silence.

"Hinata, me and Tenten are Naruto's new team."

Hinata was still looking at the floor, but Sasuke noticed the change in her expression. She also whispered to herself, "Naruto-kun's team?"

Tenten was totally confused and didn't know what Sasuke was planning.

"Hinata, did you know that Naruto lost his sensei recently?" Sasuke said with sadness in his voice.

Her reaction was extreme. For the first time, she raised her head and looked Sasuke directly in his eyes. Her eyes were wide open, and tears started appearing.

"Oh no... Naruto-kun must be so sad... He finally had somebody who cared about him... and now he lost him...." Her voice was loud this time and full of emotion. She immediately started crying.

Tenten looked at Sasuke, and Sasuke nodded to her. She then went next to Hinata and gave her an embrace.

It took almost 3 minutes for Hinata to relax and stop saying 'Naruto-kun' to herself.

"Hinata, do you know why I called you here?"

Hinata, who was looking at the floor once again, shook her head in denial.

"I want to help Naruto forget his pain. As his friend and teammate, I did everything I could to help him, but it is not enough. Tenten here is my girlfriend, and she is the biggest reason that I have managed to cope with my pain, and I love her deeply. I thought that it would be a good idea to help Naruto find a girlfriend."

Tenten looked at Sasuke, surprised. She knew that Sasuke was pleased with her, but he had never expressed his feelings so much. She immediately went next to him and gave him an embrace full of love.

Hinata was even more shocked, and she was trembling. 'He wants me to be Naruto-kun's girlfriend! Me and Naruto-kun!' Only the thought of being together with Naruto was enough to brighten her day. She was so lost in her own thoughts that she forgot to reply to Sasuke.

"Hinata, I remember from class that you used to like Naruto very much. Also, I asked Ino and Sakura if your feelings are still the same, and they confirmed it. Are you interested in him, or should I try to search for another girl?"

'Another girl?' Hinata's expression changed, and she shouted in panic. "NO, I LOVE NARUTO-KUN. DON'T SEARCH FOR ANOTHER GIRL." However, when she realized what she just said, she turned completely red in embarrassment. She tried to talk again "I…" but Sasuke touched her shoulder and interrupted her.

"Hinata, don't worry. Me and Tenten will help you become Naruto's girlfriend. But first, we need to do something about your shyness. You won't be able to face Naruto like that. From now on, you will be a part of our group, and you will train with us," Sasuke said with a big smile. However, his thoughts were different.

'She is the perfect distraction. With her by his side, Naruto won't be able to completely focus on his training... I also have heard that she has a younger sister, but unfortunately, she is way too young... Neji is good for now, but I have to find a way to get my hands on Byakugan in the future.'


Hello dear readers,

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Goal for an extra chapter on Saturday 74 / 330 soulstones.