
Naruto: Uzushio’s Pride

Shiran finds himself reincarnated in a world he is familiar with, yet, not completely. Watch his journey as he perfects his gifts and protects the people and land he has in his new life. Will he sit on the level of Hashirama, Madara, Naruto, and Sasuke or will he fall short and die before he can get there? AU Uzumaki Clan, Original Jutsus, and Seals. Takes place in Minato's generation. This is also a slow burn. (All pictures, jutsu, seals, clans, etc. are in the auxiliary chapter)

ABunds899 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
67 Chs

War Preparations


The Third Mizukage sat in front of a letter that had been sent by the Raikage about the attack plan against Uzushiogakure. Narrowing his eyes and frowning at the letter, he started to think a little more.

"So the Cloud isn't willing to send over ground troops, only armor and weapons. And they still demand 50% of everything that's found? Do they take me for a fool?" He slammed his fist onto the table while his face stayed eerily calm.

Taking out a piece of paper, he wrote a response to send back to the Raikage. "I agree only on the terms that the Mist can claim anything and anyone they want to first and after we've gone through that place we will allow you guys to search through there. We are also going to bring down the money you'll be getting to just 25% instead of the original 50% because you aren't sending any manpower to the battlefield."

Satisfied, he called an ANBU member, telling him to deliver this letter to the Raikage. "Understood," he replied as he disappeared in a swirl of mist.

Later on in the day...

The Mizukage sat in front of the best shinobi and strategists that his village had. Looking at everyone, he decided to start the meeting.

"The reason I've called you all here is because I am planning an assault against the Village Hidden in the Whirlpools. I have been in contact with the Raikage and he has agreed to supply us weapons in exchange for a part of the money we find on the island."

Murmurs made their way through the crowd of ninjas. The Mizukage continued his speech. "The reason I have decided that we are doing this is because we need more power. Our nation isn't connected to the mainland, nor is it allied so closely with another village that it can rely on to supplement bad years like Uzushiogakure can with the Leaf. What this means is that we have to take our resources ourselves, we need to be brutal to get what we want, we need to take our destiny in our own hands."

The mood in the room started to rise, the excitement and bloodlust of the Mist Village shining through. "On top of the fact that we need an even closer connection to the mainland, they stole our Three-Tails Tailed Beast at the first Kage summit; they must pay for their transgressions against our forefathers."

With the pride of the ninjas in the room rising to fever pitch, the Mizukage kept pressing. "Last but not least is the Uzumaki clan. They are too powerful to allow to live, and only we know that. We've had skirmishes throughout the years, and they really dealt us a killing blow in the First Shinobi War, taking out Lord First. The world doesn't know about how strong they can be when they focus on fighting since they mainly focus on fuinjutsu, so we have to take them out or at least show the other villages how much of a threat they are to their power. That is how we can bring the Hidden Mist into its golden era." The Mizukage finished very calmly, never raising his voice.

The Terumi clan leader raised his hand and spoke up. "So how are we going to go about attacking them? We all know that they're surrounded by a maze of whirlpools and it'll be impossible to get many ships through there at a time."

The Mizukage nodded once more. "True, they are surrounded by those whirlpools, but that doesn't make them impossible to bypass. In order to do this, I plan on making 1-2 battalions comprised of our best water release users to perform a jutsu to calm the waters in a straight path. That way, we can have our assault team go through unobstructed. Once we do that, we'll be able to set up an encampment on their island and start our attack." He finished calmly, looking at everyone very calculatively.

"Sounds like you have a solid plan in place, although I don't really care. All I care about is blood spilled and enemies killed," the Kaguya clan head said with a smile so devilish it made a chill go up everyone's spine in the room.

"Once our first shipment of weapons comes through from the Cloud Village, then we will mobilize. Dismissed," he finished.


The Third Kazekage sat in front of everyone that he trusted. It was a combination of his assistants, clan heads, jonin, and the best strategic brains in the village.

"I have decided that we are going to war against the Hidden Leaf. They keep growing at an exponential rate and we need fertile land in order to survive as a village. In order to take care of both these problems, we are going to be attacking Konoha. I will be holding this meeting to discuss and plan more strategies in order to have a higher chance of success."


"So far, it looks like the tides of war are shifting once again," Onoki said while looking at his war strategists. "We need to be the ones to come out on top. For now, we will sit back and watch the chaos erupt all over the land and strike when the time is right. There's no need to be hasty in a battle between multiple great ninja villages."

Everyone nodded at his words, seemingly okay with staying on the fence, at least to start.

Onoki thought for a second, then narrowed his eyes. "If push comes to shove and the Leaf attacks us, then we will just have to go through the Rain Country."


"For now, we are only going to supply weapons to Kiri in their endeavors against the Whirlpool. If there comes a time where we are being threatened by Uzushiogakure, then I'm sure that the Mist will be glad to have us on their side. At that time, the Whirlpool won't be able to survive an onslaught from two sides," Ay started the meeting off bluntly.

"As of right now, our village is growing at a great pace. If we can keep it up, then we will be able to rival Konoha in the prosperity of our villages," Ay stopped talking as he looked at all the people in the war room.

As everyone looked at the Third Raikage, they all thought along the same lines. 'Even though he's a hothead, he still knows when to ease up on the attack and let things play out.'

"In the meantime, we will continue to try and recruit kids and shinobi that belong to bloodline clans. If we can come out of this war relatively unscathed and capture a couple bloodlines, then we will be in a position to rival Konoha."



Danzo sat in front of Hiruzen, staring at him with his cold left eye.

"Hiruzen, my Root agents are picking up major military movements from the Sand Village. We have to be proactive so we don't get caught by surprise."

Hiruzen looked at Danzo and nodded. "I agree. We need to start mobilizing our ninjas to our borders. I'm going to call a wartime meeting with everyone, and we'll discuss it further there."

Danzo nodded as he got up to leave, heading back to his foundation with a calculating gleam in his eye.


(A/N: Second Shinobi War is here. Have a few good fights planned that I hope come out well and that you all can enjoy.)

70 powerstones for an extra chapter

120 for 2 extra

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