
Naruto: Under the Banner of the Clans

What if the Uchiha clan had not been decimated? What if the Senju clan had not ceased to exist? What if, throughout the centuries of history, an individual had traveled through dimensions to save and recruit members from the greatest clans in the Naruto world? Reincarnated into a cultivation world, Akeno found himself alone, without assistance... Until the day the sound of a bell echoed in his mind... "Traveling to other worlds to recruit powerful clans, you say?" ... At the pinnacle of the world, facing a multitude of enemies, beasts, demons, and powerful legends, Akeno did not tremble. Behind him, Susanoo towering over a hundred meters, wooden dragons, and thousands of beings with colossal power stood by his side. Hovering above their heads, a banner representing their identities. The banner of the clans! ========== "Hi everyone, this is my first attempt at writing, so please be understanding. English isn't my native language, and I'm using ChatGPT for translation. Enjoy the read!"

vionltron · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 9 : New Friends

The next morning, at the break of dawn, Akeno left the medical room and headed towards his own. On his way, he encountered numerous children dressed in the sect's attire, running through the corridors with smiles on their faces. Something he didn't expect to see in this city.

Approaching his room, he noticed Chikara waiting outside, dressed in simple street clothes, having exchanged his Uchiha clan ninja attire. "Hey, Chikara, what are you doing here?" Akeno asked.

Startled by Akeno's voice, Chikara jumped slightly and turned his head in his direction. "Wait, I thought your room was here."

"There was a little issue last night, no need to worry. But it seems you'll have to wait a bit longer before you can start practicing Qi," Akeno explained.

Clearly bewildered by this explanation, Akeno decided not to scare Chikara by telling him about his failed attempt at mastering Chakra.

Pushing open the door to his room, he saw three other youths of his age deeply asleep in their respective beds.

As the sunlight streamed into the room, the young ones had buried their faces in their pillows to avoid the light.


Trying to wake them or at least capture their attention gently, Akeno entered the room and approached the first bed.

"Don't come closer," said the person closest, their voice muffled by the pillow.

"You're the newcomer, right?" asked another person, their voice still muffled by the pillow.

"Why get up so early?" asked the third person, their voice... also muffled.

In the midst of the room, Akeno was a bit lost about what he should do. It was up to them to introduce him to the city and the rules.

"So, should I wait for you guys outside?" Akeno asked.


While waiting for an answer, Akeno decided to leave the room and join Chikara, who was still waiting in the hallway.

"Chikara, even though you can't start your Qi training just yet, I don't want you to stop your efforts in mastering Chakra and Taijutsu. I saw kids your age heading to the courtyard; maybe you could train with them," Akeno said.

Without waiting for Chikara's response, Akeno headed to the courtyard, followed by Chikara, who was taken aback by how quickly things were unfolding.

Upon reaching the courtyard, they saw several young people of various ages practicing martial arts. Some were striking straw dummies with wooden swords, others engaged in duels, perfecting their techniques and physical strength.

"Hey you over there!" shouted a young person around Akeno's age.

Turning to face him, Akeno found himself confronted by another disciple with an arrogant demeanor.

"Um, do we know each other?" Akeno asked.

"You're from the big cities, right? I'm Li Yang. I heard that you think you're better than us. Let's be clear, maybe we're not on the same level, but at least we know how to fight. Unlike you, born with all the resources at your disposal."

Leaving as quickly as he had appeared, Li Yang left Akeno dumbfounded by his behavior.

"What just happened? Could this be the infamous antagonist who appears for no reason?" Akeno wondered.

"Who was that, big brother?" Chikara asked.

"Probably just an angry person," Akeno replied.

Looking in another direction across the courtyard, Akeno noticed that some were giving him the same disdainful looks as Li Yang, a hint of disgust, while most others continued their duels or training.

"Chikara, you see those young ones over there? I want you to train with them. Don't use Taijutsu and learn their way of fighting. If they don't give you too much trouble, move on to slightly stronger opponents," Akeno said.

Looking in the same direction, Chikara wasn't too sure about approaching them. "Well, you see, I'm not really talented. If I can't use the Chakra and Taijutsu of the clan, I don't think I can defeat them..."

"Don't worry, you're much more talented than you think. And besides, it's not really about defeating them, but about learning. In this world, you'll need to diversify your fighting style. Today, you're a ninja, but tomorrow, you'll become a cultivator."

Akeno could have personally taught him instead of letting him figure it out on his own like this. However, Chikara had lost everything by dying in his own world and coming to this one. He had been separated from everything familiar to him, and it was essential for him to learn how to socialize.

He mustn't isolate himself or rely solely on Akeno to navigate this new world. It might seem rushed, but Akeno had confidence in Chikara's abilities.

Leaving Chikara to slowly approach the others, Akeno decided to find a quiet spot in the courtyard to meditate and recuperate from his injuries from the previous night, which hadn't fully healed yet.


"Jia Cheng, did you see? It looks like the kid next to the newcomer is heading our way," another child asked.

Pausing their duels, the children watched as Chikara approached them.

Jia Cheng, the leader, stepped forward from the group and scrutinized Chikara from head to toe. "What are you looking for, friend?"

Chikara, both hesitant and determined, looked directly into Jia Cheng's eyes. "My name is Chikara. Would you kindly allow me to join your training?"

Intrigued by this newcomer, the children began to gather around the young Uchiha. While they usually appeared joyful and smiling, their personalities changed dramatically during training.

Most of them were orphans who had experienced hunger and the dangers of living on the streets. The training sessions were their salvation, a way to have a new life.

The path of martial arts was dangerous and demanding, and what set people apart might be their heart. Every cultivator, every master, had their own reason for embarking on this perilous path.

Here, the children aspired to a better life, a promising future. Thus, training demanded true determination.

"If you want. Have you already entered the stage of opening meridians?" Jia Cheng asked.

"Not yet," answered Chikara.

"Do you know how to fight?"

"I have some basic knowledge, yes."

"Then Chen Peng will be your opponent. Let's see what you're made of."

Clearing a space for the duel, the children were excited to see the newcomer fight. After all, one could be serious and still find enjoyment in a spectacle.

Stepping into the circle, young Chen Peng clenched his fists and introduced himself, "Chen Peng, four open meridians."

Discovering these new manners of politeness, Chikara complied and, fists clenched, stated, "Chikara, zero open meridians."

As Chikara expected a few laughs from the crowd, he was surprised by the silence and the lack of mockery in their gazes.

Although he had presented himself as inferior to the others, no one was laughing.

For the first time in his life, Chikara was witnessing the difference between being in a family where perfection was expected of him, and being in a less privileged environment where you were only expected to be yourself.

Unconsciously, a tear slid down his cheek, and with a revitalized look, he prepared himself to fight.

At the sound of a small bell attached to a pole, Chen Peng and Chikara engaged in a bare-handed combat.

Even though Chikara knew how to fight with his fists, he had to avoid using Uchiha techniques to diversify, which restricted his movements and reflexes. He also refrained from using his Chakra to enhance his strength.

While Chen Peng took an early advantage, Chikara didn't back down.

Although he was using only a tenth of his strength, he managed to hold his own against his opponent.

If Chen Peng's movements showcased a certain fluidity, Chikara's were lethal. Aiming for vital points with speed, Chikara launched lightning-fast attacks and followed with evasive maneuvers.

Even without using Chakra, as a member of the Uchiha clan, he had tempered his body, and his powerful genetics gave him a stronger physique than average.

While Chen Peng gradually lost his advantage, Chikara increased his speed and understanding of his opponent's techniques. It wasn't for nothing that civilians were often the main victims in the world of Naruto; against a ninja, even the weakest one, no civilian could put up resistance.

With only four open meridians, young Chen Peng could be compared to a slightly stronger child. Not much of a difference.

Chikara took a step back, and as Chen Peng advanced, throwing a punch, Chikara squatted and aimed his fingers towards his eyes. Seeing the attack aimed at his eyes, Chen Peng arched his back and managed to dodge his fingers.

Taking advantage of the moment when his opponent couldn't see him, Chikara exerted all his force on his leg and delivered a powerful blow to Chen Peng's knee.


As his leg dislocated, Chen Peng couldn't hold back a cry of intense pain. But Chikara wouldn't let this opportunity slip, and moving behind him while wrapping his arm around Chen Peng's throat, he immobilized him in a chokehold.

"Stop!" Jia Cheng yelled as he approached Chen Peng.

Releasing his opponent, Chikara watched the reactions of the others and saw mixed expressions in the crowd.

Some felt pain for Chen Peng, while others found Chikara's attacks quite cool.

"Chikara, help me take Chen Peng to the infirmary," Jia Cheng said.

"Um, sure."

Leaving under the watchful eyes of some teachers, Chikara's feats didn't go unnoticed and even captured the attention of a few.

Upon reaching the infirmary, they left Chen Peng in the care of Zhāng Yànfēi and exited the room.

"Chikara, for the next duels, try not to go as far," Jia Cheng said.

"I'll do my best," Chikara replied, visibly embarrassed to have gone so far.

Engulfed in silence, Jia Cheng couldn't help but acknowledge Chikara's brilliant way of winning the duel. "Otherwise, well done. Your strikes were calculated and precise. I've rarely seen others fight like that. You're from the big cities, aren't you?"

"Not exactly, it's a long story."

"I'm interested, how did you learn this way of fighting?"

"And now, how should I explain this situation?" Chikara thought, tears welling up in his eyes inwardly...