
Naruto: Undead Monarch

The Potential Mangekyo Sharingan have is what people in this platform doesn't realise, there are many fanfics with systems and those systems provides out of the world abilities which aren't supposed to be compatible with the law of Naruto universe but they still exist But in this fanfic you will be able to witness the power a mangekyo sharingan can give and it will be within the laws of the universe, no copy ability of any other fiction worlds and it will continue to Boruto 2 blue vortex that is currently airing Update schedule: At least 2 chapters per week *Note: Upadate schedule will be changed in February

Divine_Demo9ic · Anime e quadrinhos
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: Night of the Uchiha Clan massacre

My name is Renji Uchiha and this is my second life, I don't know much about my previous self nor much about the previous world I lived in and I don't have any memories of my parents in that life but I do know that I had parents.

I even know that they were very loving towards me but I don't know if my previous self took good care of them and what's even more strange thing is that i can feel the amount of love I had for my parents in previous life and it makes me feel very sad whenever I think of them, the amount of pain I feel allowed me to awaken Sharingan .

I became known as a genius in the clan, I don't have parents in this life, they died in second Shinobi war, The patriarch of our clan and my father were best friends that's what patriarch told me so he takes care of my livelihood and provides me with whatever I need and ask him, he spoils me like his own son, he takes care of me more than his son's so his youngest son is always jealous of me

I live in the same house as Uncle patriarch, I call him Uncle and Sasuke and Itachi as my brothers

Even though I call patriarch Uncle but I still call mom to his wife, in this family she loves me the most along with Patriarch but I still love Mom the most, She loves me as much as her other two Sons maybe because in my previous life I loved my mother more too and always felt pain but because of this household my pain has been lessened to a great deal.

Big brother Itachi is the the most talented Ninja of the clan and he already joined Anbu at such an young age, i really look to the day when I will defeat him and become the most talented Ninja in the clan at least that's what I thought before this day

I turned 12 years old this day and today was supposed to be a very happy day for me, yet I see the whole clan painted in red with the smell of blood all over the clan and saw the Cause behind all this, I saw Big brother Itachi killing Other clan members

I can't understand why is he doing this but I suddenly became even more terrified as he is heading towards our Home

Could he be? No it isn't possible, even if he somehow killed so many clan member but he possibly can't kill Mom and uncle right? Yes nobody will kill their parents and when they are kind and loving parents as Mom and Uncle

I ran as fast as I could towards the my home, i always trained with Itachi as my opponent and i already possess strength rivaling an elite Chunin and with my Sharingan I am Jounin level Ninja, i already have the rank of Chunin given by vIllage

I sensed my mom's chakra and went towards that room and screamed Loudly "Mom!" And just when I saw the Inside of the room I saw Him killing both Mom and Father

My Mind became completely blank as I witnessed that scene and then I came back to my senses and rushed towards her body without caring about anything

Mom! I screamed at the top of my lungs as I tried to see her vitals and chakra but I already knew the answer I knew she was dead but I still tried to use medical ninjutsu where she was stabbed

"It's no use Renji, she is dead" said Itachi

I heard his voice who i viewed as my target and role model for whole my life but right now he was the person I hated the most

"Why Itachi, Why did you kill our parents? Why? Why ? Why?" I said the last one weakly and broke into tears

"It had to be done Renji, forgive me, this was your Birthday and a Happy day but I ruined it, if you want to blame me i won't stop you."

"You can't understand my actions now but someday you will, I am leaving Sasuke in your care"

Listening to his reason made me boil with anger, what reason can someone have to kill his own parents? At that moment I was filled with Pure hatred and sadness, I wanted to kill this person in front of me as revenge and that's when I awakend Mangakeyou Sharingan but after seeing my eyes that Murdered smiled and felw away I still couldn't run after him as I don't know what to do even though I want to kill him but my mind feels like it can't take anymore and I fainted

To be continued...