
Naruto: Uncontrollable power

==== Synopsis: After winning a "Bet" with an unknown God, Ren must venture into the world of Naruto, trying not to stand out so he can live a peaceful life. Sent to another world with nothing but his own memories, and an interesting power... psychic powers, he will try to survive, avoiding exposure until he is strong enough. ==== [Author: Updates will be irregular.]

TheOnlyGreedy · Anime e quadrinhos
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

[Autor: I apologize for the delay].


-2 months later-

It wasn't long after I went to Shun's house, it was a nice experience, even his parents came to give me a Shuriken.

'The perfect gift for a child.' I thought.

It had already been 6 months since I entered the academy, and my life there could be summed up in two words: I'm great.

Despite my desire to have a peaceful life, that doesn't mean I don't have to excel in certain areas, besides, acting incompetent doesn't do any good, it would only make other people look over my shoulder.

Although I'm just exaggerating on this matter, I'm only top of my class with regards to theoretical subjects, but if we take into account that I'm only competing against kids who barely pay attention to classes, then that achievement isn't that impressive.

So, why do I call myself Great? It's simple, my "Aura Reading" skill has progressed without even doing anything, which allowed me to discover two interesting things.

First of all, what my "Aura Reading" skill senses is people's chakra, which officially makes me a Sensor ninja. And the second thing is somewhat disappointing... I have almost no chakra.

The improvement in my "Aura Reading" skill now allows me to more accurately measure the chakra of those around me, as long as I concentrate on them, as well as increasing the range in which I can sense the aura or chakra of other people.

And it was because of that that I was able to sense my own aura, or my own chakra, which is not almost nil... the reason I keep classifying it as "Aura" instead of just "Chakra" is because, in addition to the chakra within me, my body produces other energy, which I guess is my "Psychic Power".

Knowing that I have almost zero amounts of chakra made me feel somewhat disappointed, but thanks to my "Aura Reading" skill improving, I realized something.

Every time I used my "Telekinesis" I was unconsciously expending exaggerated amounts of psychic energy, which, contrary to any thought I might have had, made my power inefficient.

Doesn't using more power mean doing something more powerful? Well, it wasn't, for example, when I wanted to break a sheet of paper with my "Telekinesis", the psychic energy I poured on the sheet would overflow uncontrollably, making moving such an amount of energy to break the sheet will be complicated.

And why didn't the blade break when I poured so much psychic energy? I don't know, although I have a theory, and that is that the objects of this world, or at least most of them, were not made to store this energy, and that's why they just didn't explode or something like that, it's just that they rejected this energy.

So why could I even move things with that energy if they rejected it in the first place? I don't really know, that's just me rambling.

The important thing here is that... now I can occupy my powers more efficiently.

'Like now.' I thought, then held up a finger.

Feeling a little bit of energy leave my body, it began to distribute itself in all directions, colliding with various objects and making them float.

Unlike before, I now take up less psychic energy, and due to my better control, it's enough to use a finger as an output of my powers...

'I'm just showing off, though.' I thought.

Floating things was already something I could do before, only now I do it without expending too much energy, and using a single finger as a means of outputting my psychic energy is just to show off, doing it with my whole hand works too, even with my feet... although to achieve something similar to that, with my hands, my feet should be just as versatile as my hands and fingers.

And it's just that, making things float, if I show it to someone else they're likely to be surprised, but nothing more, I could make things that float start moving, but that would require a lot of concentration on my part, and if I wanted each object to move individually instead of erratically, I'd need more concentration than I can give, after all I must maintain a certain focus of attention to avoid expending more psychic energy than necessary.

"It's already a breakthrough though." I mutter.

It may not seem like much, but this gives me some hope... yes there is a chance to get stronger.

'Or at least strong enough not to die.' I thought.

My thoughts of self-preservation became greater after discovering that I have practically no Chakra, the main energy of this world, so ways like learning ninjutsu is impossible... and becoming an expert in Taijutsu is not something I would want to do, and something I doubt is possible.


-At the orphanage-

6 years is too long, that's something I've been thinking about. Living a full life is my main goal, and becoming strong may be a step towards that.

I don't know if the other possible variations of my psychic powers will emerge over time, but it never hurts to try.

Sitting in my room, I concentrated on something simple, controlling the water.

... Staring at the glass of water in front of me, I concentrated, trying to move the water... Which was complicated.


Raising my hand in the direction of the glass, I began to slowly pour my psychic energy, trying to move the water inside the glass.


Contrary to my goal, what began to move was the glass.


Until it shattered, or more specifically, cracked, leaving a sound too crisp due to the silence in the room.


'It's too hard.' I thought.

Water is different from other materials, it's a liquid, so controlling it is complicated. Based on my own experience, my telekinesis is like generating other invisible hands, so to speak, which allows me to move things that my hands could move, but water is different...

'Or maybe I have the wrong point of view.' I thought, looking again at the glass of water, which was now cracked.


'It's a pity I don't have anyone to help me with this.' I thought.

Being the only person in this world with abilities of this style... perhaps, I have no one to help me, even demonstrating this kind of ability would quickly mark me, and perhaps attract unwanted attention.

Since my psychic powers easily translate as a "Kekkei Genkai", and due to its null use of Chakra, it renders it more useful and also renders its user useless... Will my children inherit my psychic powers?