
Naruto: Uchiha Survivor with Tech

I reincarnated as an Uchiha, who was even able to awaken her Mangekyo Sharingan in the later days. But the time of Uchiha Massacre was nearing, and I wasn't very interested in saving them. So, I did what any sane person would do. Run away while faking death.

SuperDemonWriter · Anime e quadrinhos
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6 Chs

Messing with Massacre Plans

I turned to Itachi, with my eyes closed so that I don't get caught in his genjutsu, even though I can't because I have Mangekyo as well. My other senses are developed enough due to my weakening eyesight that I can make a picture of Itachi shattering my barriers only to be stuck between more of them.

I am going to 'die', but that doesn't mean that I will make things for them either.

I gracefully sat on the tatami mat, and asked:

"Did you kill Shisui as well?"


He said in a neutral voice, still trying to reach me by trying to break the large amount of barriers I have placed. He must have already used Amaterasu, but it will only destroy one target at a use.

I sighed. I have been a classmate of Shisui, but he was just a brainwashed idiot who believed in Will of Fire.

"Why? Because you were jealous that he was better than you?"


"And why are you massacring the family? Why is there no Police Force yet? You can't kill them, unless...

Hokage and gang, who are still alive because we Uchiha founded the village, now are hell bent on massacring us."

"You are wrong. I don't care about the politics. I had enough with this village, and I will kill every-"

"So you killed your girlfriend as well?"


"Well then, I suppose the coup is failed."

"What a coincidence."

"Then I guess I don't really have to wait for the Clan Head's signal."



The nuclear fusion reactor I developed was dropped on the Shimura Clan Compound by my clone.


Another failed product was dropped on Sarutobi Clan.




Three smaller explosions took off explosions took off in Danzo and other two oldies' homes.

5 of my water clones were expended.

And Itachi, he had wide eyes while being trapped between the many barriers I have placed.

"Itachi, you have chosen the wrong path. Konoha can survive without Hiruzen and his old minions, but not without Uchiha clan, the founders of the village."

I opened the barriers for him to leave.

"Without Uchiha, Konoha won't survive!"

I did several handseals, and marks covered my whole body, and my whole house. Itachi ran away swiftly, and I laughed like a maniac.

"I won't go by the blade of your assiliant, I will go down my way! The Uchiha way! Fuinjutsu-Fire Style: Suicide Bomb!"

And I exploded along with my whole house, leaving nothing but ash in its place.

Itachi barely survived, but he inhaled some smoke and coughed. But he didn't have time. He had to meet Sasuke one last time after he killed his parents.

He rushed to his house, seeing that Madara has also taken care of the less powerful people who he was going to kill, and he found his parents were sitting, ready to die by his blade.

"Did you order Haruka-san-"

"She just told me that her fuinjutsu will be useful in rendering Hokage useless. I guess she really meant it. But I didn't gave her the signal till now. That must mean, you have chosen the other side."


"Don't hesitate. Even though we are on the opposite side, I am proud of you."


"Itachi, you are a kind child. Take care of Sasuke."

"...I will."

Slashing off both of their heads, he headed off after sensing the presence of ANBU's coming to the Uchiha Clan. Sasuke was most likely in the academy bunkers after the explosions. Haruka-san wouldn't bomb the academy as she liked to tease him by calling him 'Duckbutt' and even gave him several seals as gifts on his last birthday.

He will have to meet Sasuke later to tell him the 'truth' so that he comes after him to take revenge.

He ran at full speed, killed off his ROOT partners, and met with Madara.

"Where were you caught up? I had to do your job."

"Haruka-san trapped me in too many barriers. So it took time to kill her."

"And the explosions?"

"She must have set them up for the coup, and detonated them all as a desparate attempt."

"Whatever. It worked even better in my favour."

"You promised that you will not harm Konoha after this."

"I don't plan to. I have no interest in it anymore after the Uchiha Clan is gone. It's just a pity that I couldn't get this Haruka on Akatsuki. It's a pity she died.

Anyway, good news for both you and me. Danzo died in the explosions. So he had no choice but to use Shisui Uchiha's Sharingan."

Itachi was worried about the implications of this. Danzo will try to get his hands on Mangekyo then-


"I will meet you after dealing with some important matter."

"Yeah yeah. Say goodbye to your brother, if he survived, that is. Hahaha!"