
Naruto: Uchiha Survivor with Tech

I reincarnated as an Uchiha, who was even able to awaken her Mangekyo Sharingan in the later days. But the time of Uchiha Massacre was nearing, and I wasn't very interested in saving them. So, I did what any sane person would do. Run away while faking death.

SuperDemonWriter · Anime e quadrinhos
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6 Chs

H-cells are the best cheats & Planning for Future

As the anesthesia wore off, I opened my eyes to the clones looking at me.

"Can you see alright now, boss?"

I blinked a few times, realising that everything looked crystal clear. Even without turning ON my Sharingan!

I dispelled the clones and immediately started doing the eye tests that they did in my previous life, and I could see the small texts really well!

I smiled in satisfaction. H-cells are the best cheats one can have!

I turned ON my Mangekyo, and no longer felt any strain on them.


I whispered as my hands transformed into laser guns. And this time, I didn't feel any strain.

Then I left my base to the open field to check the other power that comes with Mangekyo.

This time, I shouted.


First, a pink ribcage appeared. Okay, no strain so far.

Then a skeleton appeared. Another okay. No strain so far.

Then, the skeleton got flesh, a machine gun in the right hand, and a canon in the left. Still, no strain so far. It is just consuming a lot of chakra.

"Full body Susanno!"


Nothing happened.

Okay, so Full body Susanno is only a EMS thing. How DMS Kakashi did what he did is a mystery.

I deactivated the Susanno, and went back inside my base.

Now that I am not in danger of massacre, I am not going blind, and I have OP Magekyo abilities that gave me my own dimension and an ability that is essentially a toner down version of Asura Path which has helped me develop even tiny Hydrogen bombs that would otherwise be impossible, I have to think what I want to do now.

No one should really know that I am alive and in my own dimension. No one should really know that I have collected the bodies of majorities of Uchihas and have stored them in preservation liquids, providing me with almost 70 pairs of 3 tomoe Sharingan and a Mangekyo pair whose ability I don't know yet. Plus, the Mangekyo that Shin got may be hidden with someone as well. And most importantly, I have gotten Hashirama cells.

So, what direction do I want to go?

Maybe try to create Sharingan weilding cyborgs?

Make a power ranger-like base that transforms into a mecha-giant?

Create a team of Mecha girls?

Steal the forbidden scroll of Konoha?

Create a village?

Or go on a training arc to try to learn Senjutsu?

Now that I think about it, I don't really have a summoning animal with me.

Sigh. Why not do all of these things at the same time? But I have to go in the outside world to gain more experience in fighting.

So bounty hunting it is.

And while I am at it, I will also recruit Karin. She must be only 7-8 right now, so her life force shouldn't have been used much by those pathetic fools. I will need a medical ninja for doing whatever I want. I am not wasting time in trying to become an expert in it.

And what will I really do for the plot? I mean, I can just remain in my dimension all the time and occassionally just collect food.

Hmm, maybe I will get Hiruko's Chimera Technique and the Zero-tails. And get puppet jutsu from Suna.

Okay, I have decided. I will just focus on becoming powerful and maybe immortal because I don't really want to die. And develop a biotech army of cyborgs, clones mecha girls and all the Sci-Fi stuff. I will just keep an eye on the Fourth Shinobi War, and interfere if needed or if I just wanted to.

Alright! It's time to head towards Kusagakure.