
Naruto : Uchiha Clan

The story : "What if Naruto had been born into the same timeline as the legendary Sannin? Imagine if he were a member of the Uchiha clan, yet shunned by the entire village because he was Izuna Uchiha's son and Madara Uchiha's grandson. How might the story unfold as he carves his unique path, earning the village's respect and affection, ultimately ascending the ranks to achieve the unthinkable: becoming the Hokage, a feat no Uchiha had ever accomplished." Naruto X Tsunade ===================== Disclaimer : I don't own anything

sybife · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
93 Chs

Naruto : Uchiha : Chapter 82

( Hayakawa Village )

Numerous chains perforated the branch - upon which, one Uchiha had rested over not even a second ago. To the point, there was nothing but slivers of wood were left in it's wake.

Landing as softly as a dry leaf on the ground, Naruto was off in a blur as soon as his toes touched the ground.

Going in straight for the girl - the same one who was looking at him in pure admiration while being rooted to the same damn spot, all this while.

He had full intention of doing her in, as soon as he was within arms reach - all with a clean and swift slash of his sword.

But it soon took a turn to be aimed at as quite an accomplishment to achieve - seeing how chains upon chains started sprouting out from the ground in front of him.

He could discern those chains quite clearly, even in this dark of an environment.

The same ones with thorn like protrusions embedded within each of their links to make them even more deadly.

But the most deadly part of them all - were those long and pointed spear-like spikes that were covering each of their ends.

Any idiot could tell those chains had been designed by the conjurer with only one intention in mind.

The intention to kill.

But he wasn't one who was about to be scared off by some technique like that.

Faster than she could blink, his feet picked up their pace instead of slowing down like any other sensible shinobi might have done. He wasn't even fazed enough to so much as blink upon seeing those metallic shackles coming at him from straight ahead. All in an attempt to turn him into a block of cheese any passing moment now.

But he had one thing that all of those sensible shinobi didn't possess.

He had his Sharingan.

And pumping up the chakra input to the back of his eyes, everything in front of him slowed down in an instant. Flicking his wrist loose that held the hilt of his sword, he began his dance.

The deadly dance of blades.

The Kuroikazuchi in his grasp hummed, almost vibrated in his hand when he fed it some more chakra to sharpen it's edge. It's razor like blade surpassing the sharpness of any known blade known to man, almost instantly.

It was said that when wielded by the one it had chosen as it's master, the sword could slice through virtually anything.

It was stupendously hard too. Rumored even to have been forged by the eternal black flames by one of the first ancestors of the Uchiha clan nearly a millennium ago.

And at the last possible moment - really, the last, almost split second - he twisted himself in a circular arc and brought his sword vertically up.

And the two weapons made contact.

The chain was shattered like it was made of glass. And almost as if it were their own will - two more chains took it's job to pierce him through his liver and right lung with absolutely no time for respite.

But it was all for naught.

Before the girl could even blink, or even realize what her chains were about to do - he was already on the counter offensive.

Jumping back to avoid another chain right from under his feet, Naruto cleaved it in half as soon as he whizzed past it, so as to not lose any of his momentum.

The girl in question, took a hesitant step back seeing his sudden onslaught and pushed her hand forward - commanding the four chains still behind her to go on the attack.

To be honest she was a bit peeved seeing how he was handling the situation.

No one else had ever responded to her chains in that matter.

Most were dead by this point, and those that were lucky or skilled enough to be alive were looking for ways to escape by now.

No one had ever even thought about attacking her.

Not until now…

But it wasn't just this that peeved her.

Her chains were extraordinarily strong, she had tested them quite a few times. They were hailed as nigh unbreakable, but he; he was cleaving through them as if they were made of butter.

And it disturbed her quite a bit.

Not in the scared sense.

Oh no, far from it…

She felt a little tingly - giddy almost.

Licking her lips softly, she rubbed her thighs together while her heart raced upon seeing the sight in front of her.

Seeing his flailing hair, when he shattered yet another chain to dust. She caught a sight that she wasn't about to forget anytime soon now.

His flailing blonde locks drenched in sweat, which dusted off like sparkles off his face in the moonlight.

And his eyes…

Oh kami, those exotic eyes…

One moment they were that adorable baby blue. But this…

This lovely, beautiful, and almost twisted shade of crimson. A shade that reminded her of her favorite liquid in the whole wide world.

This had an effect over her like no other.

Kami, was he making her feel so alive and -

So aroused…

Naruto, unaware of everything going through his opponents mind, jumped up - onto a chain - and ran over it. All while glancing away the chain that scratched his sword's flat blade in a loud screeching noise, sparks flying with each second the two metallic objects remained in contact.

But that didn't deter his momentum in the slightest.

Jumping off from the chain he was over so she could not try any funny business by wrapping him up in the chain, still not quite aware he was spurring her on even more with these completely unpredictable moves of his - he continued on his onslaught to destroy these annoying chains into oblivion.

But his eyes, dancing around all the time to predict their paths had let him detect one more thing. A thing that one might not have noticed, if not for his astute awareness even in the face of such fiery combat that is.

He had scratched out a weakness.

As many as he destroyed, she replaced them almost instantly.

But even still, there was a pattern.

Never had she increased that number beyond twenty four.

And that was the weakness - a limit.

It was only to be expected seeing how hard they were. With each strike he was making - he could feel the strain it was putting on his sword. Each broken chain made his sword vibrate, and that was a first.

His sword usually cleaved through metal like it was nothing if he willed it so. His grandmother's chain weren't even enough to offer him resistance if and when they did spar seriously.

These chains certainly were no joke.

They were hard, like impossibly hard.

But therein lay their weakness.

To maintain that rigidity and strength - she was compromising numbers.

And seeing how she wasn't moving in the slightest but just staring down at him like he was Kami's gift to man - it must be a stressful technique to control in the manner she was doing. Not once had a chain impacted with another no matter how he had tried to manipulate in making her do so. So, the concentration she was letting out must be insane to hold such a technique for so long.

Not to question her reserves, she had one hell of a chakra reserve to hold these chains and keep on replacing them as long as she had.

But he had to finish them right now.

He didn't have that kind of chakra to waste and throw like she was doing, and still not even look fazed. So he was holding back his techniques until he could discern what weaknesses she had before he opened up his repertoire of techniques.

Even better, if he could finish this without them.

That would be as efficient as he's like.

And just now he had found a third hole in her technique.

The chain he had glanced to the side of his ear just now had not disappeared.

But to the degree of control she was using them with, it must have been better to just make it vanish and attack with a new replacement straight from the front of him.

It would have been much more efficient than stopping the chain then, changing it's trajectory and turning it back on him that might open up new problems of it clanging with another chain's path from the front.

So why didn't she?

Or was it - why couldn't she?


Maybe she didn't want to dispel them as it would be quite a lot of chakra wastage to replace. Or was it maybe she couldn't…

Well, he was up for a trial and error for certainty testing.

But he would have to be swift, his quick movements were racking up a lot of energy. And he certainly wasn't a beast as was Tsunade with her humongous reserves or this twisted enemy in front of him.

He had to keep a good chunk in reserve if she had something up her sleeve for later on.

So, quick as a bolt - he was off again to close the distance.

The girl, having no time for respite from his onslaught just let her remaining three chains out in front of her to stop him.

He was just too much for her to handle.

And that wasn't in terms of strength or skill. Well … her lower abdomen regions were killing her right now and she was doing all that she could to keep herself composed.

All three chains converged in on him like a helix in formation, intent on piercing and pulling him back to make some distance at the same time.

Not like he was having any of it …


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