
Naruto : Uchiha Clan

The story : "What if Naruto had been born into the same timeline as the legendary Sannin? Imagine if he were a member of the Uchiha clan, yet shunned by the entire village because he was Izuna Uchiha's son and Madara Uchiha's grandson. How might the story unfold as he carves his unique path, earning the village's respect and affection, ultimately ascending the ranks to achieve the unthinkable: becoming the Hokage, a feat no Uchiha had ever accomplished." Naruto X Tsunade ===================== Disclaimer : I don't own anything

sybife · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
102 Chs

Naruto : Uchiha : Chapter 23

"Alright time's up, pencil's down…" he called out, getting all students to obey.

"Now come up one by one and put your tests here on my desk face down and you can go for the accuracy and weapons tests outside." he called out an everyone did so.


Naruto got up, putting his test down on the instructor's desk and walked out, putting his hands in his pockets to look for Sakumo and…

A blonde and white blur whizzed past the students coming out of the class and straight onto the oblivious blue eyes boy's back.

"You're a lifesaver Naru Mwah…" Tsunade chirped up, jumping onto his back with a giggle while her arms were around his neck for support and her knees curled up back and she placed a tight kiss on his cheek.

"Oi! Where's my kiss?" a third voice drawled out from behind them only to see a silver haired boy grinning stupidly at the two. Tsunade stuck her tongue out childishly.

"It's in hell, you'll get it after you die Saku no baka!" Tsunade retorted instantly getting a chuckle out of both the boy's while she hopped down her feet to feel a couple of fingers poke her forehead.

"Start studying history idiot, I won't always be able to bail you out…" Naruto spoke in a half scolding manner before walking out for the training grounds. Tsunade puffed her cheeks and jumped by his side to walk with him.

"Well you could have helped me get more than the passing marks…" Tsunade retorted dryly, rubbing her forehead with her palm.

"There was only enough time for you to jot down what I sent Tsuna…" Naruto replied back with another poke, making her bristle in anger yet she couldn't deny his words.

The bell had rung as soon as she had finished writing the answers he had sent for her. It annoyed her to no end that he always seemed to know everything and he was always right no matter what he said when it came to the stuff concerning anything related to shinobi.

"Now stop being such a wise guy and Kami forbid stop poking me!" she shouted rubbing her forehead, her face flushed with anger while he just walked on, completely unfazed by her angry words and quite used to her antics by now.

Sakumo though…

"Guys am I missing something?" he asked in a lost voice, not getting what was going on and fell in step with the two bickering blonde friends of his.

'Nothing for you to worry about…" Naruto answered simply, putting his right fist out only for Sakumo to side bump it with his own left fist.

"Yeah! Now let's ace those damn shuriken and kunai tests…" pumped up Tsunade, happy that it wasn't anything related to history now.

"Weapons and Accuracy tests…" Sakumo corrected wisely making Tsunade frown.

"Smart ass…" she mumbled with a cute pout, making Naruto chuckle and Sakumo to grumble about the stupid nickname she had stuck him with.

The trio stepped out with the rest of their batch mates to see a table lined up with kunais and shurikens as well as several bull's eyes on the opposite wall.

"Alright class, this is the last grading test for this semester. All of you have to throw six kunais and six shurikens to score as many points as you can. Now I'll call two of you in pairs so we can get this over quickly. Now…"

The teacher called them out by turns. Tsunade got eleven points out of a possible twelve with Sakumo a close ten behind her by a single point. Everyone got off their turns until it came to the last two with matching surnames on the list.

"Naruto Uchiha and Jin Uchiha…" the teacher called out while the two boy's stepped forward. Jin glared at Naruto with all the hate he could muster.

He resented him with his very being ever since the second half of their first year when Naruto and Sakumo had finally started to catch up to his high scores before surpassing him and leaving him in the dust with the blonde at the top and his friend a close second in just about everything they did while Tsunade was the kunoichi to beat in their batch with her topping just about everything ... everything except history that is.

Jin picked up his weapons and threw them all by the turns, each hitting a perfect dart in the center making him smirk at seeing the perfect score of twelve. There was no way he could be beaten…

"And Naruto Uchiha scores a perfect twelve with a single point for the extra credit demonstration while throwing all his weapons at once…"

The teacher's voice caled out, lacking any hint of pride or warmth and a small scowl on his face at seeing the target's center ladden with kunais with the shurikens forming a small '+' around them.

Everyone let out 'oohs' and 'ah' of shock at seeing his target while the boy calmly stepped by his friends to find Sakumo with a competitive glint in his eyes and trying to burn holes in his target while Tsunade was puffing out her cheeks.

"Show off." she mumbled and Naruto sighed. She was going to burst her cheeks one day if she kept this up and the instructor stood in front of them after rounding up the last of their scores.

"Alright congratulations you all, this marks the end of your second year. Now you all have a month long vacation before we move on to the new year.

So go on and enjoy your time with your family." he called out and stepped into the building leaving happily chattering students behind. The trio retrieved their bags from their lockers and slung them on while walking out of the Academy.

"So what are you guys going to do in the vacation? Tou-san is going to finally start training me in kenjutsu this fall…" Sakumo said, working out the kinks in his back with a stretch while they waled through the streets of the village.

"I'm going to study some more anatomy and biology in my free time and gamble some of my money at that Han and Sho game I found last week at a stall in the shopping districts, you know there's a fifty percent chance at my winning which is higher than any other so finally my luck will shine!"

Tsunade chirped up, pumped at her idea and Sakumo dropped his head in defeat while Naruto let out a soft sigh of defeat too.

"What about you Naruto?" Sakumo asked to gauge what his friend was going to do in his vacation and Naruto shrugged carelessly making the two of his companions sweat drop.

"Dunno train in what I find interesting and study some scrolls?" he asked more than stated making Sakumo nod. That was just how his friend was, he knew that much.

"Guys I'll go and see you two tomorrow at our usual place…" Sakumo said hurriedly making Naruto raise an eyebrow at his agitated friend.

"What gotten into you?" he asked with Tsunade nodding in agreement to get a cheeky smile from their friend.

"I'm going to go get myself a nice training katana today for my vacation long training." Sakumo said making Tsunade and Naruto look at him in jealousy while he smiled in victory.

"Lucky…" the two mumbled with a slump in their shoulders. Sakumo laughed and ran off towards his house while waving his hand back at them.

"Alright I'll see you tomorrow, Ja Ne!" he called out and both waved at him. Naruto walked towards the clan districts with Tsunade in tow and rose an eyebrow when she didn't take the turn for her house.

"I'm coming with you, don't wanna go home right now." she said simply making him nod. It wasn't unusual for her to spend her day at his house, no she loved lazing around there and had almost made it her haven away from home.


Uchiha clan compounds…

The duo of friends walked within the fortified clan compounds of the Uchiha, getting several curious glances towards the girl by our hero's side but none were too surprised after seeing it several times already.

Though none did understand why or how Tobirama had allowed his granddaughter to be so close to the Uchiha family's heir he had resented the most in his past, but none were brave enough to question his decisions.

Naruto opened the large gate to his estate and walked in with Tsunade in tow, her hands clasped behind her back with a little smile. He slid the key in his door and turned opened it to step inside his house.

Tsunade slid off her sandals and threw them everywhere before hopping in the house leaving a sighing Naruto behind. He slid off his own footwear and put them neatly, doing the same for his impulsive friend when a small sound rang in the silent hallway.

"Mewww…." a soft mewl reached the ears of both blondes making Tsunade perk up. She saw the glowing slitted eyes and grinned seeing the adorable white cub with her tail wagging happily at seeing her master return home.

"Kiara!" Tsunade chirped in a chipper tone and ran up to coddle the adorable thing in her arms. Kiara ran towards Tsunade herself making her grin and open her arms when she jumped up in pure bliss…

When the white blur went past her side and she landed straight on her face onto the floor. Her body twitched comically, while the cub in question rested in Naruto's arms comfortably with a purr. He brushed her fur and rubbed her head with a finger, kissing her head gently.

"You hungry girl?" he asked the cub who mewled in affirmative making him chuckle and move inside the kitchen while Tsunade sat on the ground with a twitching eyebrow and a tick mark donned on her forehead.

"That traitorous, no good, ball of fur…" she mumbled furiously, watching her friend walk inside and went in only to plop down on the couch tiredly with a sigh of relief. Though she did glare at the cub who hopped onto her couch and was standing in front of her face with a curious glint in her eyes.

"What do you want traitor?" she mumbled in irritation, getting a tilt of the head from the cub in question and her heart melted when she licked her cheek.

"Aww come to mama…" she cooed and scooped her up in her arms, hugging her for dear life which the cub loved if her purrs were any indication.

"Kiara come and have some lunch…" Naruto's voice rang in the kitchen and she slicked her way out of Tsunade's arms expertly who tried to keep her in her arms, but ended up falling off the couch face first...again.


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