
Naruto: Uchiha's Genjutsu Demon

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lazarus898 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
400 Chs

Smuggling Karin Out

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Yami was someone who had seen a couple of scenes from the warring times in Naruto. He knew that the world was way crueler back then. The current times could be called peaceful times by that comparison. But this brother and his teammates were still new to all this. And their kind-heartedness is what could become the reason for their downfall.

"Yami...did you kill any genins since you came to the forest of death?" Sakura asked in a little scared tone. Everyone turned toward Yami to see what his answer would be. They had known before that some deaths occur during the chunin exams but are scarce.

Yami shook his head and said "No...I made sure to make my way through other group's blindspots. I knew Neji and Lee would be able to get the scroll we need one way or the other so I didn't need to do anything. Engaging in useless conflict with other groups is a waste of time."

Sakura sighed as she heard that. She was thankful that Yami didn't kill anyone else during this test.

"What is that on your neck?" Neji asked with a frown on his face. He had seen the tattoo on Yami's left hand but this one on his neck was something new. This caught Sasuke's attention as well. He walked forward to inspect the tattoo.

"Yami what is this? I don't remember seeing this one on you before." Sasuke asked.

Yami adjusted his Kimono and covered up the Tattoo. He looked at Sasuke and said "We can talk about it later. Right now we need to end this test."

Sakura who was now tending Karin's wounds looked at her teammates and asked "How are we gonna get her out of here while making others believe that she is dead?"

"Her using a transformation jutsu is the best option we have." Neji said. He looked at Yami for confirmation who just nodded.

"Yami can disperse as bats and appear anywhere including outside the forest of death. So we can have her transform into Yami and leave the forest with us.

Sakura looked back at Karin and asked "Are you going to be able to do it?"

Karin looked at Yami with fearful eyes and then at Sakura and said "I can try. I don't know if I can mimic a person's demeanor or not."

Naruto quickly interjected "You don't have to worry about that Karin...Hehe...all you have to do it look serious and not talk to anyone."

Yami's mouth twitched a little as he heard that. He looked at his teammates and brother and all three of them were trying to hold in their laughter.

'I don't talk much because you people are childish...hmph" Yami thought as he controlled his own emotions.

"Ahem...now that we have finished with the planning, it is time to start the plan. All of you leave now. I will erase all traces of Shigeri and his partner and then leave the forest. Where are we going to hide Karin?"

"I can take her home. We both are Uzumaki." Naruto shouted without thinking anything. Karin's face turned red in embarrassment as she heard this. Sakura bonked his head hard for saying just stupid things.

"YOU IDIOT...how can you say something so shameless?" Sakura shouted at Naruto.

"Oww...oww...fine I am sorry. But where will she stay then?" Naruto asked while rubbing his head.

Neji decided to provide the solution himself rather than waiting for the rest of the genins to figure out something. "Since she is going to transform into Yami, why not let her stay in the Uchiha compound? There is plenty of room there. "

Everyone thought for a few seconds and then agreed including Sakura and Karin. Although Sakura was a bit jealous when she heard this at first, but this was a question of life and death for the poor Karin so Sakura decided to compromise a little.

After everything was decided Karin transformed into Yami. It took a few tries to get the perfect clone but as an Uzumaki, she had a lot of chakra to spare.

"Now this looks just like you Yami." Lee said as the entire group and Yami separated.

After the entire group left, Yami burned the surroundings to ash. He wanted to erase any existence of Shigeri and the other mist genin being here.

"You can come out now." Yami said while looking up in the sky.

"Hehe...I must say you have pretty smart senses" Dosu of the hidden sound said as he stood on top of a branch. The rest of his team members also came out from the trees around him.

"This kid has a pretty good mission record but I find it hard to believe that this kid is capable of something like that. He must have received outside help to complete those missions." Zaku said looking a Yami with an envious gaze.

"Zaku don't forget what we are sent here for." Kin said. She wanted to remind Zaku about their mission.

Zaku made an annoyed face and said "If he can't even handle a couple of blows from me then he is not qualified. I just don't want to spend my time on trash."

"I will do it myself." Dosu said as he bolted toward Yami. He wanted to take care of Yami as fast as he could so that he can earn the acknowledgment of Orochimaru.

"He is my prey." Zaku scowled and rushed at Yami as well. He had a kunai in his hand which he aimed toward Yami's neck.

'Let's see if you will block or dodge this attack.' Dosu and Zaku thought as they were about to reach Yami. The next second both of them were shocked as Yami didn't block nor dodge the attack.

'What the hell?' Did we just hit his clone or something?' Dosu thought. But then he saw blood coming out of Yami's mouth and wounds. As soon as the blood touched Zaku and Dosu's hands they knew that this wasn't any trick. They had actually stabbed him.

Just when Zaku was about to celebrate by taunting Yami more, something unexpected happened.


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