
Naruto to Boruto Chronicles

This is pretty much naruto and boruto but with fanmade arcs, some better writing and maybe a harem and yes i added a new character and made them a chinoike clan member because why not. (credits goes to Studio Pierrot, Shonen jump & Masashi Kishimoto)

LordSanctify · Anime e quadrinhos
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39 Chs

Academy Arc (Naruto Part 1)

Inside the bustling classroom of the Ninja Academy, where young aspiring shinobi gathered to hone their skills, a new student named Tsukasa Chinoike walked through the doors. He scanned the room, searching for his assigned seat. His eyes fell upon a familiar face—Ino Yamanaka, sitting in the row ahead. Tsukasa made his way towards her, his heart racing with a mixture of nervousness and excitement.

Tsukasa: (softly) Excuse me, is this seat taken?

Ino turned around, her azure eyes meeting Tsukasa's gaze. She was taken aback by his presence, but quickly regained her composure.

Ino: No, it's not. You can sit here. I'm Ino Yamanaka.

Tsukasa: Thank you, Ino. I'm Tsukasa Chinoike. Nice to meet you.

As Tsukasa settled into his seat, the other students in the classroom noticed the newcomer and their curiosity piqued. Whispering and murmurs filled the air.

Sakura: (leaning over to Naruto) Hey, Naruto, who's that guy?

Naruto: (whispering back) I don't know, Sakura-chan. But he sure made an impression on Ino.

Hinata: (blushing) H-He's... handsome.

Shikamaru: (nonchalantly) Troublesome. Now everyone's gonna be distracted.

Meanwhile, Iruka Umino, their instructor, walked into the classroom, noticing the commotion caused by Tsukasa's arrival.

Iruka: Alright, settle down, everyone. We have a new student joining us today. His name is Tsukasa Chinoike. Let's give him a warm welcome.

The students greeted Tsukasa with a chorus of greetings and nods.

Chōji: (grinning) Hey, Tsukasa, welcome to the class! You look pretty cool.

Tsukasa: Thanks, Chōji. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone.

Sasuke: (in a detached tone) Hmph, as if it matters.

Naruto: (whispering to Sasuke) Hey, Sasuke, why are you being so cold?

Sasuke: (sighs) It's nothing, Naruto.

As the chatter subsided, Iruka began the day's lesson. Tsukasa couldn't help but steal glances at Ino, who was sitting in front of him.

Tsukasa: (whispering to Ino) Ino, I hope you don't mind me saying this, but you're beautiful.

Ino's cheeks flushed with a mixture of surprise and flattery.

Ino: (blushing) Uh, thank you, Tsukasa. That's very kind of you to say.

The other students, who overheard the exchange, exchanged curious glances and suppressed giggles.

Shino: (monotonously) Interesting choice of conversation during class.

As the day progressed, Tsukasa slowly but surely began to integrate himself into the classroom dynamics. The students' initial curiosity transformed into acceptance and camaraderie, and Tsukasa found himself making new friends along the way.

The sun shone brightly on the training grounds of the Ninja Academy as the students gathered for their ninjutsu practice. Tsukasa Chinoike stood at one end, while Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki positioned themselves on either side of him. Excitement filled the air as the students eagerly anticipated the upcoming three-way one-on-one match.

Iruka: Alright, everyone, pay attention! It's time for the three-way battle. Tsukasa, you'll be facing Sasuke and Naruto individually. Remember, this is a chance to showcase your skills and learn from each other.

Tsukasa nodded, his determination shining through his dark reddish eyes. He had observed Sasuke and Naruto's abilities and had prepared himself for this moment.

Sasuke: (smirking) Don't think this will be an easy fight. I won't hold back.

Naruto: (grinning) Yeah, Sasuke and I will give you a run for your money, Tsukasa!

The students gathered around, forming a circle as the match commenced. Tsukasa focused his chakra, channeling it through his unique bloodline ability.

Tsukasa: Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation!

Dark reddish chakra enveloped Tsukasa's body, resembling the signature technique of the Hyūga clan. The spinning aura looked familiar to Hinata and Neji, who watched from the sidelines with interest.

Sasuke and Naruto exchanged glances, recognizing the power behind Tsukasa's technique. They both assumed battle stances, ready to engage.

Sasuke: Let's see how you handle this!

Sasuke swiftly moved forward, launching a series of agile strikes. Tsukasa, utilizing his intermediate skills, expertly evaded Sasuke's attacks, spinning his body and redirecting the force with precision.

Tsukasa: You're fast, Sasuke, but I can keep up!

Naruto, not one to be left behind, joined the fray, unleashing a barrage of shadow clones to overwhelm Tsukasa. Tsukasa's dark reddish chakra continued to swirl around him, providing a shield of defense against Naruto's assaults.

Naruto: You won't escape that easily!

Tsukasa: (calmly) Watch closely, Naruto.

Tsukasa executed a countermove, his spinning defense transforming into an offensive technique. The dark reddish chakra surged forward, striking Naruto's shadow clones with calculated precision, dispersing them one by one.

Hinata: (whispering to Neji) It's reminiscent of the Gentle Fist style.

Neji: (nodding) Indeed, it seems Tsukasa has developed his own unique variation.

The intense battle raged on, each participant displaying their skills and adapting to their opponents' strategies. Tsukasa's proficiency with the Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation kept Sasuke and Naruto on their toes, showcasing his growth and determination.

Iruka: (impressed) Excellent job, everyone! Keep pushing your limits!

As the training session concluded, the students applauded the participants, acknowledging their efforts and growth. Tsukasa's display of his dark reddish chakra-infused technique left an impression on his peers, and he gained the respect of both Sasuke and Naruto.

In the bustling hallways of the Ninja Academy, Tsukasa Chinoike found himself making his way through the crowd. As he turned a corner, he stumbled upon three unfamiliar faces, standing together and engaged in conversation. They seemed to be students as well, caught up in their own world.

Tsukasa: (curiously) Excuse me, but are you new students too?

The trio turned their attention towards Tsukasa, studying him for a moment before responding.

Koharu: Yes, we are. I'm Koharu, nice to meet you.

Kaida: I'm Kaida, pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Sena: And I'm Sena. It's great to see some new faces around here.

Tsukasa smiled warmly, appreciating their friendly welcome.

Tsukasa: It's a pleasure to meet all of you too. I'm Tsukasa Chinoike.

As the introductions were made, a sense of camaraderie began to form among them. They quickly fell into step, sharing stories of their backgrounds, aspirations, and the excitement of becoming shinobi.

Koharu: So, Tsukasa, what's your preferred ninja specialty?

Tsukasa: Well, I come from the Chinoike clan, known for our kekkei genkai. I'm still exploring different aspects of my abilities, but I find myself drawn to ninjutsu.

Kaida: That's fascinating! I'm training to become a skilled taijutsu practitioner. I admire the physical prowess of those who excel in hand-to-hand combat.

Sena: As for me, I'm focusing on genjutsu. I find the art of illusions intriguing and believe it can be a powerful asset in battle.

Their conversation continued as they walked together, their voices blending in the hallway's bustling atmosphere. They shared stories of their previous training and experiences, exchanging advice and encouragement along the way.

Koharu: Tsukasa, I'm sure you'll find great success in honing your kekkei genkai. The Chinoike clan has a rich history, after all.

Tsukasa: Thank you, Koharu. I'm determined to make my clan proud.

Kaida: And we'll be there to support you every step of the way. Friendship is essential in our journey as shinobi.

Sena: Absolutely. Together, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

Their bond grew stronger with each passing moment, and the trio soon became inseparable. 

They discovered shared interests, trained together, and relied on one another for guidance and motivation. 

The newly formed quartet, Tsukasa, Koharu, Kaida, and Sena, became a formidable team, each contributing their unique skills and perspectives.

As they walked towards their next class, the hallways buzzed with anticipation. The world of shinobi awaited them, filled with challenges, adventures, and the opportunity to forge bonds that would last a lifetime.

In the training grounds of the Ninja Academy, Tsukasa Chinoike made his way through the bustling crowd, focused on his own thoughts. As he turned a corner, he accidentally collided with someone, causing them to stumble and fall to the ground. It was Tenten, a fellow student known for her dedication to weapons mastery.

Tsukasa: (apologetic) Oh, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?

Tenten: (grateful) Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little clumsy on my part. Thanks for checking on me.

Tsukasa extended his hand towards Tenten, offering her assistance. She gladly accepted, and he helped her up, their eyes briefly meeting.

Tsukasa: No problem at all. It was my fault too for not watching where I was going.

Tenten: (smiling) Well, accidents happen. I appreciate your help, though.

Tsukasa: I'm Tsukasa, by the way. It's nice to meet you, Tenten.

Tenten: Nice to meet you too, Tsukasa. I've seen you around, but we haven't had a chance to talk until now.

Their conversation flowed naturally, as if they were old friends catching up. Tsukasa couldn't help but notice the array of weapons strapped to Tenten's back.

Tsukasa: I've heard you're quite skilled with weapons. Is that true?

Tenten: (grinning proudly) Well, I like to think so. I've been training with various weapons since I was young. It's my passion.

Tsukasa: That's amazing. I've always admired those who can wield weapons with such precision.

Tenten: Thanks, Tsukasa. Maybe someday we can spar together. It'd be interesting to see your abilities as well.

Tsukasa: I'd like that. Let's make it happen.

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of the Academy bell, signaling the end of their break.

Tsukasa: Looks like we better head back to class. See you around, Tenten.

Tenten: Definitely. Take care, Tsukasa.

With a nod and a smile, Tsukasa and Tenten went their separate ways, but their brief encounter left an impression on both of them. They continued their respective paths, their newfound connection paving the way for future interactions and shared training sessions.

In the world of shinobi, chance encounters often blossomed into something more profound, and Tsukasa and Tenten were now on the cusp of an unexpected friendship.

In the vibrant corridors of the Ninja Academy, Tsukasa Chinoike found himself walking alongside his new friends, Tenten, Koharu, and Sena. As they rounded a corner, Tsukasa's eyes met Hinata Hyūga, a shy and gentle student known for her strong will.

Tsukasa: (smiling) Hinata, would you mind walking with me for a moment?

Hinata's face turned a shade of pink as she nodded, feeling both surprised and flustered by Tsukasa's request. The rest of their friends, including Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Tenten, Neji, Rock Lee, Ino, Shikamaru, Kiba, Shino, Choji, and the others, noticed the interaction and slowed their pace, curious about what was happening.

Naruto: (whispering to Sakura) Hey, Sakura, did you see that? Tsukasa and Hinata seem pretty close.

Sakura: (whispering back) Yeah, it's interesting. I didn't know they had a connection.

As Tsukasa and Hinata walked a few steps away from the group, Tenten couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. She exchanged glances with Koharu and Sena, who also observed the unfolding situation.

Tenten: (whispering to Koharu and Sena) Do you think there's something going on between Tsukasa and Hinata?

Koharu: (raising an eyebrow) It's possible. We don't know much about their relationship yet.

Sena: (nodding) Let's not jump to conclusions. We should talk to Tsukasa and get the full story later.

Meanwhile, as Tsukasa and Hinata walked together, Hinata's heart raced, her mind filled with anticipation and uncertainty.

Hinata: (nervously) Tsukasa, is there something you wanted to talk about?

Tsukasa: (calmly) Hinata, I wanted to clarify something. You see, I consider you as my sister. Hiashi Hyūga, your father, adopted me into the Hyūga clan when I was four years old. Neji, he's my cousin too. We share a special bond as a family.

Hinata's eyes widened in surprise and relief. The misunderstanding surrounding their connection had caused her unnecessary anxiety.

Hinata: (softly) I had no idea, Tsukasa. I'm glad you told me. I've always admired you, and now knowing we're family, it makes our bond even stronger.

Tsukasa: (smiling warmly) I feel the same way, Hinata. Let's continue supporting each other as family should.

As Tsukasa and Hinata rejoined their friends, the rest of the group breathed a collective sigh of relief, having overheard their conversation and understanding the truth of their relationship.

Sasuke: (smirking) Looks like there was a misunderstanding. Tsukasa is just part of Hinata's family.

Tenten: (smiling, relieved) That's good to know. I'm happy for them.

Naruto: (grinning) Well, Tsukasa sure knows how to surprise us!

The group resumed their walk together, Hinata feeling a renewed sense of comfort and acceptance among her friends and newfound family.

In the intricate web of relationships and connections, misunderstandings can arise, but true bonds prevail and strengthen. The group continued their journey through the Academy Arc, supporting one another as they grew into the shinobi they were destined to become.

The misunderstanding is resolved, and their bond as family and friends deepens, fostering a stronger sense of unity within the group.

In the vibrant courtyard of the Ninja Academy, Tsukasa Chinoike and Hinata Hyūga continued their walk, engrossed in conversation. As they strolled, a new student named Takashi Fuma approached them, a mischievous grin on his face. He held a single rose in his hand, ready to make his move.

Takashi: (charmingly) Hinata, my dear, would you do me the honor of accompanying me on a date?

Hinata's face flushed with discomfort, and before she could respond, Tsukasa instinctively pulled her back, placing himself between her and Takashi.

Tsukasa: (firmly) That's enough, Takashi. Hinata has already made her decision. It's best to respect her feelings.

Takashi's smirk widened, sensing Tsukasa's annoyance. Ignoring Tsukasa's warning, he proceeded to taunt and insult both Hinata and Tsukasa, his words becoming increasingly provocative.

Takashi: What's the matter, Tsukasa? Afraid someone like you could never win the affection of a girl like Hinata? You're just a nobody with no real talent.

Tsukasa's eyes narrowed, his frustration reaching its breaking point. The insults hurled at Hinata ignited a fire within him that he could no longer contain.

Tsukasa: (through gritted teeth) That's enough! You've crossed the line!

The atmosphere grew tense as Tsukasa's chakra surged, a visible aura of dark reddish energy enveloping him. The surrounding students, including Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Tenten, Neji, Rock Lee, Ino, Shikamaru, Kiba, Shino, Choji, Koharu, Sena, and the others, recognized the impending clash between Tsukasa and Takashi.

As Tsukasa stepped forward, his movements fluid and controlled, he unleashed a swift, precise strike towards Takashi. The force of his attack propelled Takashi backward, crashing into a nearby tree.

The onlookers gasped in awe at Tsukasa's speed and skill, witnessing the power behind his Chinoike techniques. However, Tsukasa's rage subsided, and he shook his head, refusing to continue the fight.

Tsukasa: (calmly) You're not worth my energy. I won't waste my time on someone like you.

Ignoring Takashi's stunned expression, Tsukasa turned away, helping Hinata regain her composure, and rejoined their friends, leaving Takashi seething with anger and humiliation.

Takashi, unable to accept defeat, pushed himself off the ground, wiping dirt from his clothes. A malicious smirk formed on his face as he shouted after Tsukasa.

Takashi: (mockingly) You think you're better than me, Tsukasa? You're nothing but a weak Hyūga reject. Hinata deserves someone who can actually protect her!

The cruel words struck a nerve deep within Tsukasa, shattering his restraint. Without hesitation, he pivoted on his heel, charging towards Takashi with unparalleled speed and precision.

Their battle commenced, showcasing Tsukasa's mastery of Chinoike techniques and Takashi's agility and resourcefulness. Each strike and counterstrike echoed through the courtyard, drawing the attention of the entire Academy.

The intense clash between Tsukasa and Takashi continued, their skills pushing each other to their limits. Their comrades watched with a mixture of concern and anticipation, knowing that the outcome of this battle would leave a lasting impact on their relationships.

As the dust settled, Tsukasa's determination and resolve proved too much for Takashi to overcome. 

With a final blow, Tsukasa sent Takashi sprawling to the ground, defeated and humbled.

Tsukasa stood tall, his chest heaving with exertion. With a steady gaze, he turned his back on Takashi, refusing to let the fight consume him any further.

Tsukasa: (firmly) Remember this, Takashi. It's not about power or winning someone's affection. It's about respect, loyalty, and protecting those who matter to us.

With those parting words, Tsukasa walked away from the defeated Takashi, rejoining his friends who offered their support and admiration.

The scene captures the clash between Tsukasa and Takashi, fueled by Takashi's disrespectful behavior towards Hinata and Tsukasa himself. While Tsukasa initially tries to ignore the provocation, Takashi's insults eventually push him over the edge, resulting in a fierce fight. However, Tsukasa's true strength lies not just in his combat prowess but also in his commitment to protect and respect those he cares about.

In the training grounds of the Ninja Academy, the newly formed teams gathered under the watchful eyes of their Jonin senseis. Tsukasa found himself surrounded by his friends Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Tenten, Neji, Ino, Hinata, Shikamaru, Shino, Kiba, Choji, Koharu, Sena, and Rock Lee. The excitement in the air was palpable as they awaited their assignments.

Jonin Sensei Yukimura: Alright, listen up! Team 2 will consist of Takashi Fuma, Rikako, and Reina. You'll be under my guidance.

Takashi, wearing a mischievous grin, eyed Tsukasa from across the training ground. Meanwhile, Tsukasa's friends gathered around him, Ino and Tenten sitting on either side of him with their arms wrapped playfully around his shoulders.

Tenten: (teasingly) Looks like you're quite popular, Tsukasa. Can't say I blame them.

Ino: (smirking) I must admit, you're quite the catch, Tsukasa.

Tsukasa: (chuckles) You two are troublemakers, but I appreciate the company.

As the banter continued, Hinata sat comfortably on Tsukasa's lap, feeling secure and protected by his presence. Tsukasa's gaze never left her, his protective instincts on full display.

Hinata: (softly) Thank you, Tsukasa. I feel safe with you.

Tsukasa: (whispering) Always, Hinata. I'll keep you safe no matter what.

Just as their playful moment reached its peak, a sudden explosion echoed through the academy grounds. The sound caught everyone's attention, and they turned to see Takashi Fuma striding confidently into the training area.

Takashi: (smirking) Tsukasa Chinoike, show yourself now!

Tsukasa sighed, recognizing the trouble that had just walked in. He noticed the Hokage's faces graffiti'd on the walls, and for a moment, suspected Naruto's involvement. But then he realized Naruto had been with them all along.

Tsukasa: (irritated) Takashi, what are you playing at? What did you do to our friends?

Takashi: (laughing mischievously) Don't worry, Tsukasa. They're just taking a little nap thanks to my genjutsu. Now, it's just you and me.

Concern etched on his face, Tsukasa hurried to wake his sleeping friends, shaking them gently one by one.

Tsukasa: (whispering) Wake up, guys! We're in trouble. I need your help!

As Tsukasa desperately tried to rouse his friends, the scene intensified into a fierce battle between Tsukasa and Takashi. Their movements were fast and precise, each showcasing their unique skills and strategies.

Takashi: (smirking) You can't defeat me, Tsukasa! I'm the superior shinobi here!

Tsukasa: (determined) We'll see about that, Takashi. I won't let you get away with hurting my friends!

The fight between Tsukasa and Takashi escalated, their blows echoing throughout the training ground. Amidst the chaos, comedic moments unfolded, with Tenten playfully tossing a weapon towards Takashi, catching him off guard.

Tenten: (grinning) You'll have to do better than that, Takashi!

Meanwhile, Hinata, partially awake from Tsukasa's efforts, watched the battle with a mix of worry and admiration.

Hinata: (whispering) Please be careful, Tsukasa. I believe in you.

Tsukasa's determination fueled him, his resolve unwavering. The battle raged on, with each strike and counterstrike showcasing the true extent of their abilities.

The scene ends with Tsukasa and Takashi locked in a fierce clash, their rivalry reaching its climax. The fate of their friends and the outcome of the fight hang in the balance, leaving the audience eagerly anticipating the resolution of this intense conflict.