
Naruto: Time Control

Reborn as Kakashi's older brother with the power to control time. I do this translation just for pleasure https://www.patreon.com/inferno303

inferno303 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
525 Chs

Chapter 480: Don't Underestimate Me

"Nice power!"

Yeruashi praised.

With his uncontrolled strength in the form of Juubi, he can't show his mastery of sword skill, and although the tail attack seemed huge, it was actually very scattered, less than a tenth of the power of a single punch in his human form, and even more scattered due to the contact area.

But to be able to withstand such a blow, the strength of Superalloy Darkshine's body was also of a very high level, far superior.

On the other hand.

Pig God and the Tanktop Master attacked from another direction, provoking several of Yeruashi's tails in another direction, causing them to attack them.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Yeruashi's tails slammed into the ground, causing the earth to crumble and shatter.

Tanktop Master and the Puri-Puri Prisoner combined their efforts, taking away some strength and barely managing to withstand the aftershocks of Yeruashi's tails' attack, while Pig God grabbed one of the tails and opened his mouth, biting down hard, ripping off a chunk and swallowing it.

At the same time.

A flying machine unfolded inside Kid Emperor's bag, lifting him into the air, while a laser gun appeared in his hand, firing accurately at the tentacle extending from the tail that had Metal Bat and Flashy Flash dangling.


The tail hissed, and several out-of-control tails struck Pig God and Superalloy Darkshine, while one tail lashed out at Kid Emperor.

But just as the tail was about to close in, the figure of the Atomic Samurai leapt into the air, grabbing the hilt of his sword at his waist with one hand and suddenly pulling out the sword, with a glint in his eye.

"Don't limit yourself to praising others, you monster..."

"Atomic Cut!"


Numerous threads intertwined in an instant.

One of the tails that Yeruashi had swept away was instantly cracked and cut into huge pieces, scattering in all directions.

"Well done, Mr. Atomic Samurai!"

Kid Emperor shouted.

The laser gun in his hand had broken the tentacles binding Metal Bat and Flashy Flash, grabbed them both with one hand and sent them flying away.


The pieces cut off by the Atomic Samurai didn't disappear as they fell to the ground, but twisted and turned into little ten-tailed monsters that hissed and lunged at Tanktop Master and Puri-Puri Prisoner.

"Tsk, can they become smaller individuals after splitting up?"

Atomic Samurai looked at the scene and blurted out, "Then it won't be a problem to cut you into little pieces that can no longer survive!".

But as he said that, Yeruashi's tail, which he had partially shredded, twisted strangely, and the shredded part instantly returned to its original state, and dozens of large hands came out at once, heading in his direction.

The Atomic Samurai's eyes flashed, and with a low cry, his sword swung again, weaving countless threads in the air, shattering all the white hands that approached him.

"Cooperation is good enough."

"Strength is also good."

Yeruashi watched as Kid Emperor saved Metal Bat and Flashy Flash, then looked at Pig God, Tanktop Master and Atomic Samurai, and let out soft praise.

But the next moment, his words faded away.


"Don't look down on me either."


Hearing Yeruashi's words, his Juubi form, which had been indiscriminately attacking uncontrollably, saw some of its power forcibly curbed, and three of its tails shook violently, one of which swept directly at the Atomic Samurai.

Under Yeruashi's control, the chakra of the entire tail no longer dispersed, and both its speed and strength had increased countless times!

If one looked closer, one could even see that when the tail swung down, it became twice as slender as a whole, and the chakra and strength level had also doubled!

"So fast..."

The Atomic Samurai's face abruptly changed.

Without hesitation, he let out a low shout and used Atomic Cut again, striking the tail sweeping in his direction in an attempt to cut it again.

However, due to Yeruashi's personal control, the tail was much tougher than before, and after withstanding his Atomic Cut, he had only partially broken the surface!


The Atomic Samurai's pupils contracted violently, but it was too late to do anything.

With a slap of Yeruashi's tail, his entire body crashed to the ground, leaving only a human-shaped sunken crater on the ground.


A large white hand reached out from the tail that Yeruashi was manipulating and reached into the pit, grabbing the Atomic Samurai by the hair and dragging him out of the bottom of the pit.

Coughing out a breath, the Atomic Samurai felt as if his bones were crumbling as he tightened his grip on his sword and tried to cut the white hand, but before he could do anything else, another tentacle extended from the white hand and wrapped itself around him.

The whole man was bound by the tentacles at once.

"Mr. Atomic Samurai!"

Seeing this scene, Kid Emperor, who was holding Metal Bat and Flashy Flash, suddenly cried out in concern. He threw Metal Bat and Flashy Flash away forcefully, and threw a strange machine that came out to protect the two, then turned his head and pointed the laser gun in his hand at the tentacles binding Atomic Samurai.

But before he could pull the trigger, a sense of danger hit him and he turned his head in horror to see that several tentacles had reached behind his head at one point!

Click, click, click, click, click!

Not knowing what kind of machinery had been activated, all kinds of mechanical parts sprouted from the backpack behind Kid Emperor's back, forming an exoskeleton armor and cutting off the tentacles that enveloped him.

But at that moment, the other tail that Yeruashi controlled was already coming toward him, so fast that there was barely room for Kid Emperor to dodge it.


With the blow of the tail, the exoskeleton armor and all kinds of machinery on Kid Emperor's body shattered like a toy, falling to pieces in an instant.

His entire body was also thrown straight out.


The tentacles reached Kid Emperor, tied him up and pulled him backwards.

Almost at the same time, the third tail, manipulated by Yeruashi, had already knocked Pig God, Tanktop Master and Puri-Puri Prisoner unconscious.

Under Yeruashi's manipulation.

The Ten Tails had exploded with almost overwhelming force!

Whoosh! whoosh! whoosh! whoosh!!!!!

A white tentacle shot out in all directions like a rope, binding Metal Bat, Flashy Flash and Pig God, who had been saved by Kid Emperor.

Superalloy Darkshine, who was hanging on by a thread, spat blood and was knocked unconscious by the continuous lashes of one of the ten tails.


Before the disbelieving eyes of countless people, Kid Emperor, Pig God and Superalloy Darkshine.... were defeated!

One of Yeruashi's tails soared skyward, the top of which curved slightly downward, with eight white tentacles extending from it, like ropes, dangling in the air, swaying in the wind, to the eight S-class heroes, including Kid Emperor.

In a matter of minutes, the number of danglers went from two to eight!

Lilith let out a roar, and the rest of her tails struck the earth, making the whole world seem to tremble, an oppressive and terrifying aura spread in all directions!