
Naruto : The Wind Calamity

The MC transmigrates into Narutoverse in the body of a civilian orphan. Luckily for him, the transmigration results in chakra being unlocked. Follow the story of the MC as he grows in power and stabilizes himself into the world of ninjas and trains to be the strongest.  Warning :  1. The MC won't be op for a long time. All his power would be gained via hard work and training over years (so if u want an op mc right from the word go, this one ain't for you) 2. No harem (probably no romance either) 3. There will be a lot of killing (maybe gore too, not sure if I can do gore right though) 4. The story will start slow. Quite a few of initial chapters will be around training, orphanage and academy life, instead of directly becoming a Genin. 5. MC is a careful person, he won't put his life at risk unless there is no other choice. 6. I haven't read (nor will be reading) Baruto. So Baruto plotline won't be considered much in here. What to expect : 1. Smart and consistent MC  2. Lots of training 3. MC manipulating the plot to his advantage 4. A lot of original arcs.  5. Plot will mostly stay the same (at least till Shippuden), but I won't repeat any scenes/dialogues that took place in the manga (as I'm assuming you've already read it). Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or its characters (except the original characters I create). The image used in the cover isn't mine and belongs to R. J PS : It's my first fanfic, I'm hoping it turns out good. All reviews and constructive criticisms are welcome. Grammar and English should be fine, but I'm not sure how good the dialogues and scenarios will be. Hopefully I'll improve as this fanfic progresses forward.

Devil_Hex · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
643 Chs

Chapter 348 : Training Plan - New Vacuum Jutsus

While Takigakure got busy, Fujin finally stepped out of the Anbu training facility. He stretched his body and thought, 'My chakra has completely recovered. Looks like I can return to training. But first, I need to inform them of the vacation.

3 Shadow Clones appeared around Fujin. They immediately flickered away and informed his teammates about the 3 months long vacation. Everyone thanked him and promised to spend the entire vacation training to become stronger. The clones gave some tips to them, especially to Bunjiro, before dispelling themselves.

When Fujin received their memories, he was back in his home. He thought, 'Not bad. Their determination hasn't decreased. But… how should I move forward?'

He thought for a bit and analyzed, 'My initial plan was to have my clones continue learning the Four Symbols Seal while I begin Ninjutsu training. But, I won't be able to sustain such training until I eat the Soldier Pill Hiruzen gave me. So for the next couple of days, I will focus on ninjutsu.

Even in Ninjutsu, I can't keep moving blindly anymore. Though I did create a few combat systems in the past to ensure that I have no weaknesses, those systems won't be very useful against rank S ninjas or Jounins who have been trained to counter me.

But, that doesn't mean I need to scrap everything I learnt in the past and come up with something completely new. After all, these techniques are still very lethal and provide a skeleton for my future combat systems. I just have to make a few additions or changes that would make any preparations against the current me useless against the future me.'

As he analyzed, Fujin walked into his basement and entered one of the rooms. This room was his study room. It had a few desks, a lot of books, scrolls and writing and drawing tools. Of course, nothing in the room was something that needed to be kept a secret.

Fujin grabbed a pen and a piece of paper and made a few notes as he thought, 'My current strengths are my high movement and combat speed, high speed and penetrative power of Vacuum Bullets, Cannon and Waves, the versatile nature of my Infinite Breakthrough jutsu and my swordplay.

In these aspects, I can compete with almost everyone except the ones that stand at the very top like Hiruzen, Ay or Onoki. Among the ninjas still alive, I guess Ay and Obito are the only ones who can dodge my Vacuum jutsus with ease and would dare to get hit by it. Even though Hiruzen and a few others could dodge, while some like Orochimaru and Kakuzu have their quirks, they would still be very wary when facing me and would be forced to place the majority of their attention on me.

But, it's this penetrative power that made me a bit complacent. Iwa took the perfect advantage of this complacency. I currently use 3 Vacuum jutsus regularly. Vacuum Bullets, Vacuum Cannon and Vacuum Serial Waves. All 3 have to be shot from my mouth. And though short, all 3 need some preparation time.

The Iwa ninjas used this fraction of a second to comfortably dodge my attacks. And, this isn't something I can improve on. The time I take is already very low. Decreasing it any further by a substantial amount isn't viable.

So that leaves me with two options to make my Vacuum jutsus even more threatening…'

Fujin raised his left palm. A Wind Sphere with a vacuum core began forming quickly. Fujin looked at the Vacuum Sphere and thought, 'This was the first Vacuum jutsu I learnt. Iwa ninjas didn't know about this. I could have used it in the battle, but I didn't because I wouldn't have got a lot of kills.

The main reason is that unlike Vacuum Bullets and Cannon, this attack is much slower. After killing 2 or 3 with the element of surprise, the rest wouldn't have fallen for it. I would have just needlessly exposed the fact that I have other methods of using Vacuum jutsus.

What I need to do now is to develop Vacuum jutsus that don't need to be shot from my mouth but can still be fired at a high speed. Like say, if I could fire high-speed Vacuum Bullets from the tip of my fingers, the Iwa ninjas wouldn't have dared attempt something like this. So this will be one thing I will need to work on.'

He dispersed the Vacuum Sphere and continued analyzing, 'The second thing is the scale of my Vacuum jutsus. Other than Serial Waves, all my Vacuum jutsus are single-target attacks. And though Serial Waves can target multiple, it is much slower than the other two in speed.

I remember that Danzo had somehow used Vacuum Serial Waves to pierce Sasuke's Susanoo. Though that attack was named the same, it was more like a vacuum version of the Great Breakthrough jutsu. I need to develop one such jutsu.

An AoE attack that shares the penetrative power and speed of Vacuum jutsus. Once I develop it, just barely dodging my attacks won't be of any further help. The opponent will either need a very good defense or be fast enough to escape the range of the jutsu. A feat that very few would be capable of.'

Fujin kept the pen down and thought, 'Once I master these 2 aspects, Iwa's current preparations against me will become useless. Unless of course, they could come up with something new to counter that. But…'

Fujin's expression became very serious and determined as he muttered, "But, in order to get that information, they will have to pay the lives of hundreds of Jounins. A loss that would make their hearts bleed!"

Fujin shook his head and analyzed, 'This should be enough to break out of the current situation. But, it won't be enough to dominate the rank S ninjas. I need to create jutsus and techniques that complement my fighting style and keep improving them until I can reach rank S through this.

One idea I have had for a long time was using Wind chakra for Taijutsu. Though the Senju Taijutsu style is strong, just like Vacuum Bullets, dodging them is easy. But if I can cover my fists with Wind, then merely dodging won't be sufficient. If I succeed, my punches can become as lethal as my sword.

If I can go a step further and create a Wind Cloak similar to Raikage's Lightning Chakra Mode. But that will be very difficult. I will have to see how I could use Wind to enhance me. I can see how I can use it to make a threat to anyone attacking me, but if I can also use it to increase my speed and power, then the effect will be numerous times higher. And, I will have to do the above without putting a huge strain on my chakra reserves.

Apart from this, there is the idea I had with the rank E and D jutsus before I decided to drop them. That idea might be the key to implementing the idea I had when I was learning Susumu's Wind Style Genjutsu. If I can master this and reach the level I am imagining, then I'm certain that I will be able to go against any rank S ninja.

Though that is a big if. This will be a long-term project. I can't complete this one or the cloak in a short time. But I will begin studying the basics. I will get more ideas to improvise once I start the training.'

Fujin stopped thinking and looked over the notes he had made while analyzing. After a few minutes, he nodded and crumbled the piece of paper in his fist. The paper caught fire and was soon reduced to ashes.

Fujin left his home and stepped into Training Ground 23. He entered into the deepest part of the Training Ground as he thought, 'It's been a while since I learnt a new jutsu. More importantly, this is the first time I am developing my own jutsus without much reference from this world.'

He stretched his body and muttered, "Oh well, I hope everything goes well."

He clenched his right hand into a tight fist and stared at it. Chakra gathered around his fist and forearm. The chakra transformed into the wind and began revolving around Fujin's arm. Fujin focused on the wind and made it revolve faster.

Under Fujin's control, the wind began revolving at a higher speed, almost forming a mini-tornado around his fist and forearm. Suddenly, a long cut appeared across Fujin's forearm! Blood spouted like a fountain and mixed with the mini-tornado, giving it a reddish shade!

[A/N : Bonus chapter on next Sunday if the fic gets 1000 Power Stones. Bonus chapter on next week's Saturday if the fic gets 2000 Power Stones.]


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Can read up to 50 chapters ahead on P@treon.