
Chapter 32: Moonlight Gathering

Chapter 32: Moonlight Gathering

Naruto held his hands behind his head as he walked alongside the pink haired kunoichi. The sun had recently vanished to steal away Konoha's light and leave them with the night sky. "Are you sure about that?"

Sakura adjusted her kimono which was dark red with patterns of white flowers, "You'll see when we get there."

Naruto was adorned in a tight black shirt along with blue baggy trousers. "Sugoi, the last place was pretty amazing."

Sakura laughed as they neared the Uchiha estate, "The dance floor there is beautiful."

Naruto's ears twitched, "Eh? I thought your dance with me was your first time."

Sakura nodded, "Hai, it was, but I remember it clearly since Tsunade-shisou was busy and I had nothing else to do except observe the people."

They continued walking eventually approaching the entrance of the huge Uchiha estate from which Sasuke was leaving. The Uchiha wore a dark blue ensemble as he had his hands in his trouser pockets.

Naruto waved at him to get his attention, "You're ready?"

He gave a slight nod in answer to the jinchuuriki's question. He joined his team as they made their way to their celebration. The journey was silent as none of them spoke, instead letting the soothing sound of the wind enter their ears.

Sasuke continued walking before he spoke, breaking the long period of peace, "So, you're going to be parents."

Naruto turned his head in the black haired teenager's direction, "Yeah." The genin chuckled, "Heh, I thought everyone would be shocked if they knew."

Sasuke closed his eyes, "I guess you beat me to beginning a clan."

Sakura's eyes widened as she looked at the sharingan wielder, "Sasuke-kun, did you just make a joke?"

Naruto laughed, "He did."

The three teens continued walking before they arrived at their destination. They stood in front of a towering building which was lit up like the stars. The bright sight was a contrast from the rest of the gloomy street.

"Yo." The greeting caused the shinobi to look in the direction from where it came to see Kakashi leaning against a wall whilst reading his book. The jounin was dressed smartly in a tuxedo which looked very similar to the one he wore the last time they had all got together.

Sakura walked up to the ex-Anbu, "Why are you outside?"

Kakashi closed the book before safely tucking it away in his jacket, "I was waiting for all of you."

Naruto and Sasuke joined the two before they walked inside of the building. Naruto looked around as Sakura talked to the receptionist to find out where to go, "Kakashi-sensei, why do we need such a big place if it's only going to be a few of us?"

Kakashi looked at the jinchuuriki as they began to follow Sakura, "There's a lot more people than you think. The Godaime held a meeting yesterday where all jounin, chuunin and Anbu were informed of the full details of the situation. Some of them are here today as well as the Kazekage and his sister."

Naruto scratched his head in understanding as Sasuke addressed the masked pervert, "They know the true purpose of the sharingan and the Uchiha?"

Kakashi walked lazily as the doors to where they were heading came into sight, "Hai."

Sakura opened the tall doors, "We're here."

Team 7 walked into the chamber as they looked slightly taken aback at the amazing display. The lights shone a vibrant gold and columns covered in delicate patterns extended over 50 feet from the ground to the ceiling which was covered in marble and crystal chandeliers.

They were broken from their trance as a blonde called to them, "You're finally here." Yamanaka Ino walked up to her comrades, "Oi, Sakura, come with me."

Sakura raised an eyebrow at the commanding tone, "Why?"

The 3 males in the vicinity of the kunoichi remained silent as observers. Ino sighed, "We have a lot to talk about." She grabbed Sakura by the arm before beginning to drag her away. "You don't mind do you Naruto?" She stuck her tongue out at the jinchuuriki and took off with Sakura in tow not giving him a chance to respond.

The genin began to scour the large hall, "I don't know about you guys but I'm hungry." The jinchuuriki walked away from his friends across the chamber to where he could see all the food.

Naruto had stars in his eyes as he looked at all the delectable food and in particular the boiling pot of ramen, "This really is a celebration." He sniffed before picking up a bowl and beginning to fill it up unceremoniously with as much ramen as he could. Adding the finishing touches, he picked up some chopsticks before taking a seat at a table. He had a grin across his face, "Itadakimasu!"

Before the delicious noodles touched his lips, a scream filled his ear, "Naruto-niichan!"

Naruto turned to the left with a confused expression, "It can't be?"

Konohamaru grinned widely as he stared at the blonde he looked to as an older brother, "Is it true?"

Naruto raised an eyebrow unsure of why the Sarutobi was here and exactly what he could be referring to. He couldn't be talking about his condition since he seemed too happy with the goofy expression he had, "Why are you here Konohamaru?"

Konohamaru shook his head, "I came with Uncle Asuma. I couldn't believe it when he told me. Is it true?"

Naruto ate some of his ramen before answering, "Is what true?"

"That you're going to be a father." Naruto faced the other direction as he heard the new voice.

"Iruka-sensei," The jinchuuriki felt joyful seeing the chuunin after so long.

Konohamaru grew impatient as his question still hadn't been answered, "Naruto-niichan!"

The blonde turned to the young Sarutobi, "Yeah, it is true."

Konohamaru's eyes were brimming with excitement, "Sugoi…" A contemplative look was on his face, "Does that mean…the freakish girl with the monster strength is the mother?"

Naruto slapped the genin across the head causing him to rub his head, "Her name is Sakura and yeah she is."

Iruka laughed at the two before pulling out a chair and sitting down at the table. Naruto began devouring the rest of his ramen, "So how did the finals go?"

Konohamaru folded his arms, "I didn't become a chuunin."

Naruto stopped eating his ramen as he looked at the young Sarutobi, "Oh."

Iruka rested his hands on the table, "He made it to the final match but it was a draw."

Konohamaru smirked, "I may not have become a chuunin but I know people haven't forgotten what the Sarutobi name means. Their appreciation showed me that much."

Naruto finished his ramen before wiping his mouth, "That's great."

Iruka smiled as he heard the words of the jinchuuriki before turning to the Sarutobi, "Could you excuse us? I need to talk with Naruto alone. I'm sure Sakura would want to know how you feel about her being the mother of his child."

Konohamaru scratched his head as he laughed nervously, "I'll go find Uncle Asuma." He turned before taking off in search of the cigarette smoking jounin.

Naruto tapped his stomach having satisfied his hunger. Iruka stared at the table, "I'm glad that you're safe."

The jinchuuriki recognised the fact that the scarred chuunin must know of him leaving Konoha, "He's going to come for Konoha, you know?"

Iruka nodded, "Hai, but just like against the Kyuubi, we'll fight. This time I'll fight in place of my parents."

Naruto rose from his seat and stretched his arms, "I'm going to look around. See you later Iruka-sensei."

The blonde walked away from the tables which had been set out for people to dine at. He raised an eyebrow as he saw something he didn't expect. It seemed there were a row of tables made for people to gamble at along with dealers handing out cards.

He made his way over to the largest table hearing shouts which sounded very familiar. Naruto smirked as he saw Tsunade throw her cards at the dealer's face who looked perplexed. However his mouth fell open when he saw the Kazekage also seated near the Godaime along with cards in his hands.

He walked behind Gaara and shook his head as he saw the cards were upside down, "Hey Gaara, you're holding the cards wrong."

The red haired Kage looked back with a blank expression as the blonde to his side spoke for him, "That's how he plays and we're winning."

Naruto laughed nervously, "Eh, Temari-chan, I don't think it's the best of ideas having him and Tsunade-baachan gambling in front of everyone."

Gaara observed the cards in his hands thinking of his next move, "I like playing this game."

Tsunade grew aware of the jinchuuriki's presence as she shouted at him, "Sit down brat."

"How can you play such a game without the youthful winners of our last encounter?" Maito Gai made his enigmatic entrance along with his taijutsu student both dressed in intoxicating yellow tuxedos.

Naruto found it hard to look at the two taijutsu specialists, "Why are you wearing that?"

Lee gave a thumbs up perfectly mimicking his role model, "This is dedicated to you Naruto-kun. This yellow signifies the burning flame of desire within you as well as your hair."

Naruto laughed as he heard the chuunin, "Hai, I appreciate it."

The unfathomable shinobi's sat down before heckling the dealer for some cards. Naruto began looking through his own cards as more shinobi began to join them. Neji and Shino sat down silently not alerting anyone of their presence. Asuma sat next to Kakashi as Shikamaru voiced his opinion of being dragged into the card game, "This is so troublesome."

Naruto looked at the chuunin, "Why are you playing it then?"

Asuma coughed before exhaling the smoke in his mouth as the Nara answered the genin, "Asuma-sensei wants to beat me in a game of cards since he keeps failing at shougi."

"We will be the ones who will defeat you all!" The loud proclamation by Gai went unnoticed by the shinobis.

Asuma looked through his cards, "I only wanted to see whether you're as good at every game or just shougi."

Shikamaru sighed, "Well, I'm on Naruto's team. I'll learn the rules as we play."

The Godaime shook her head as she pulled the jinchuuriki towards herself, "I need his luck on my side. You're going to need to find your own partner."

Shikamaru stared at the Hokage for a few seconds speechless, 'Women…'

Kiba jumped in the seat next to Shikamaru as Akamaru sat down behind him and rested. "Don't worry; I'll join in."

Shikamaru ignored the loud Inuzuka as the dealer finished handing out all the cards. Naruto chewed the inside of his cheek as he tried to figure out the best move with his cards, "Uh, Tsunade-baachan…"

The Godaime made her move as she placed a card on the table, "What is it brat?"

Naruto sighed, "I was going to ask what cards you had so we could determine the best move…but I guess it doesn't matter now." He placed the best card he could think of which would go well with Tsunade's.

Kiba coughed as they continued playing, "So you're going to be a father Naruto."

Naruto looked at Kiba curiously since he was being repeatedly asked the same question, "Yeah…I am."

Temari followed Gaara's instructions placing the most suitable card in conjunction with his, "Congratulations from both me and Gaara."

Naruto gave his trademark foxy grin in appreciation as Kiba continued, "…That means you must have…"

Kakashi had a smile behind his mask knowing where the chuunin was heading with his conversation while Shikamaru analysed the game and began to pick up the rules. Neji and Shino silently made their move not gaining any attention from the rest of the shinobi.

Lee roared with glee as he threw his card onto the table followed by Gai proceeding to do a similar action. The jounin smiled and gave a thumbs up, "None of you can match our combo of youth."

Tsunade shook her head as the dealer rolled the dice, "If this is going to be like last time where you keep smiling and putting up your thumb after doing every one of your moves, expect an unwanted backlash."

Gai had a confused expression as the dice came to a stop and his eye's lit up with fire, "Yosh! Like I predicted, we will win!" He smiled as his teeth sparkled.

Shikamaru had a lazy expression, "Doesn't that mean you lost?"

The jounin looked closely at the dice before he put out his hands, "There is someone here who matches our blazing determination and habit of winning."

All the shinobi looked towards the winner of the round as Gaara glared back causing them to quickly resume with what they were doing before. Lee stood up and pointed at the red haired teen, "Kazekage-sama, this is far from over. This victory is merely a grain of sand compared to the war that is coming."

Lee went unnoticed by the Kazekage as he looked through the new set of cards he had been given. Gai pointed at the masked pervert across him, "KAKASHI! ARE YOU TEACHING EVERYONE THIS HIP ATTITUDE OF YOURS?"

Everyone made their next move as Kakashi placed his card down, "Did someone say something?"

Gai looked like he was about to fall over as he grabbed his hair, "OH MY GOD!"

Kiba shook his head as everyone calmed down and proceeded to make their moves. He had a tint of red grace his face as he addressed the jinchuuriki, "Uh, Naruto?"

Naruto anxiously awaited the results of the round as the dealer once again rolled his dice, "What is it?"

Kakashi found it hard to contain his amusement as a wide grin was across his face only concealed by his mask. Kiba rubbed his nose, "How was it?"

The dice stopped as Naruto spoke, "How was what?"

Kiba laughed nervously, "You know."

Naruto stared at the Inuzuka as he realised exactly what he was asking, "NANI?"

His outburst was silenced as Gai once again spoke, "There is something wrong! We can't lose two times in a row! I demand the dealer be checked to make sure he isn't biased!"

Tsunade sighed as she became angry and placed her money on the table for losing the round, "All of you, be quiet. We're going to take a break for a while, understood?"

All the shinobi nodded in acknowledgement as they left the table after giving the money they owed to the Kazekage. Naruto shook his head as he slowly walked through the chamber and observed his surroundings.

He stopped before beginning to look around him. The shinobi were enjoying themselves from what he could tell as they were laughing and engaged in activities. His eyes settled on one of the many gambling machines where a meditative Uchiha stood. He saw the black haired teen scratch his head before pulling the handle and waiting patiently for his result. Naruto smirked to himself as he looked at his various friends throughout the room before he was broken from his musings.

"Naruto-kun." The timid voice made him turn around to face Hyuuga Hinata.

Naruto put his hands behind his head as he addressed the girl, "Hey, Hinata."

Hinata looked at the ground as she began to speak, "I…I just wanted…t…to say a few things."

Naruto raised an eyebrow, "Yeah?"

Hinata hesitated for a few moments before strengthening her resolve, "Arigatou."

Naruto tilted his head, "For what?"

The shy Hyuuga raised her head to look at the jinchuuriki, "Uh…because of…y…you, I never gave up. For showing me that…people can change, a…arigatou."

Naruto placed one of his hands in his pockets as he rested the other by his side, "In the end, it was you who decided to make the move. People may be helped by others but ultimately, it is by their own strength that they'll be able to move forward."

Hinata nodded, "Hai."

Naruto laughed, "You've gotten stronger."

They were interrupted as Sakura walked over to them. The kunoichi smiled at Hinata greeting her before looking at the jinchuuriki, "Trust me?"

Naruto had a confused expression, "Nani?"

Sakura smirked before grabbing him by the arm and beginning to lead him elsewhere. They stopped momentarily as Hinata called out to them, "Uh, congratulations…about your baby."

Sakura smiled at the girl as the jinchuuriki to her side gave a thumbs up. However he was once again pulled by Sakura as he stumbled, "Sakura-chan? What's going on?"

The pink haired medic laughed as she led him to a large platform in the centre of the chamber, "Doesn't this feel familiar?"

Naruto walked up the few steps behind the kunoichi onto the dance floor as he realised what she was talking about. It had been him dragging her to dance the last time but the roles had been reversed. He didn't dwell on the realisation as his eyes became glued to the floor.

He continued walking as Sakura led him to the middle before stopping. She looked at his astonished face before smiling, "It's amazing isn't it?"

Naruto looked at the transparent glass platform they were standing on below which there was sparkling water and fish swimming. The golden lights only added to the effect accentuating the already beautiful display. "Yeah."

The music entered their ears soothing them inside as Sakura placed her hand in his, "One more time."

Naruto smiled at the kunoichi before placing his hand on her hip, "Hai." They got into the position as the music slowly began to pick up.

Their dance was a lot more rhythmic and coordinated than the last time as they both knew what they were doing. Naruto found himself lost in the kunoichi's emerald eyes as they danced over the glass platform, the sound of their feet tapping drowned out by the beautiful music.

The classical piece began to slow as Sakura moved forward placing her arms around his neck and resting her head on his shoulder. The jinchuuriki was inebriated by the fresh smell radiating off her as he found himself thinking of how precious she was to him. He closed his eyes as they continued, "…Thanks for always being there."

Sakura buried her head deeper into the crook of his neck as she spoke, "Don't talk like that Naruto."

The genin chuckled as they slowly moved around, "Talk like what?"

Sakura tightened her grip around his neck, "Like you're leaving."

The two resumed their dance as the music began to near its finale. They came to a stop as it finished. Naruto opened his eyes as Sakura moved back slightly to look at him.

The jinchuuriki sighed before noticing the sorrowful expression on her face, "Heh, gomen. I didn't want to make you upset." He leaned forwards resting his forehead against hers.

Sakura stared directly into his sapphire orbs, "Promise me you won't leave me."

Naruto smiled, "…I promise." He leaned in to kiss her as the dance platform continued sparkling showering them in light.


The wind was relentless, blowing hardly as a lone figure trekked through the land with his cloak fluttering. He continued towards his destination as he saw the gates come into view. Madara smirked as he came to a stop.

The new cloak he was wearing clearly had the insignia of Akatsuki as a few shinobi appeared in front of him. His crimson eyes remained fixed on the new arrivals as they spoke, "Akatsuki! You have some nerve returning to this country after what you did."

Madara laughed as he saw the shinobi that had come from Takigakure, "I merely came to finish the job, on a much larger scale." His eyes held a dangerous glint as he finished his sentence.