
Chapter 30: Heavyhearted Acceptance

Chapter 30: Heavyhearted Acceptance

Jiraiya stood in front of the Godaime with a serious demeanour as she awaited his explanation. He had found the blonde woman right after the final match had finished and proceeded to inform her of the success of bringing Naruto back. Making a quick departure they had returned to her office and the picking of chuunins was postponed for the time being.

Tsunade was a little shaken with what the frog hermit had told her however they awaited the arrival of a certain Uchiha who had gone to fetch something he claimed was important if they wanted to understand completely. She rested her head in her hands as she dwelled on the revelation of Uchiha Madara being the leader of the Akatsuki. She had known the Uchiha during the early part of her childhood and held great respect for him as he was the best friend of her grandfather.

However, knowing that he was the one behind everything made her question everything she had known to this day. The door to her office opened as Sasuke walked inside.

Jiraiya turned to him as he entered the office noticing the scroll in his hand, "Is that what you went to get?"

Sasuke nodded as he walked towards the desk of the Godaime and placed the scroll on top, "I didn't know that he helped found Konoha…but this scroll tells the history of our bloodline and answers what he's planning to do with the bijuu."

Tsunade picked up the scroll before opening it, "How did you find this?"

Sasuke walked to the wall before resting against it, "I was told…" He closed his eyes as he finished, "…the day of the massacre where to look."

Tsunade didn't ask any further questions knowing of the sensitive subject while Jiraiya made his way around the desk to examine the scroll also.


Naruto stretched his arm as it had been completely healed thanks to the pink haired kunoichi standing in front of him. He grinned as he realised he was near enough healed to the fullest extent, "Heh heh, you did a good job Sakura-chan."

The medic was silent as she continued looking at the jinchuuriki. Kakashi, who had remained unmoving and voiceless throughout the whole procedure, noted the tense atmosphere as he turned a page in his novel before walking towards the exit, "I have somewhere to be…cute Ayame-chan could use some company." He turned to the two shinobi giving them a small wave before calmly walking through the door and closing it behind him.

Naruto scratched his head as he saw the jounin leave, "What's wrong with him?" He turned to Sakura who was now beginning to show her uneasiness as the water in her eyes became a little more visible, "Sakura-chan…"

She let a few tears flow down her cheek as she instantly smacked the jinchuuriki across his head, "Baka! Why did you lie to me?"

Naruto rubbed his head but realised that the kunoichi was upset because of his actions. He didn't try and put on a smile as he calmly answered her, "I didn't want to hurt you…I just wanted to end it."

Sakura shook her head as she threw herself at him enveloping him in a hug and burying her head in his chest. "I'm close Naruto…so close to finding a way and you did that."

Naruto gave a bittersweet smile as he put his arms around the medic-nin, "Gomen…I won't lie to you again."

She moved back from him a little as she stared into his eyes. Realising the sincerity in his words, she brought her lips closer to his, "You better not."

Naruto smiled as Sakura showed some of her normal demeanour, "I won't." He moved in giving her a soft kiss. However, their escapade was cut short as they heard a knock on the door. The kunoichi removed herself from the genin taking a seat beside him on the bed as Naruto called for whoever it was to come in.

The door opened as a familiar set of faces entered the small hospital room. Naruto was taken by surprise as he saw all his friends. Putting on a full fledged smile and oblivious to them knowing of his situation, he spoke cheerfully, "Ohayo…"

Neji didn't make eye contact as he walked to the window and stared out of it and Shino took a position near him. Chouji was calm as he walked over to the spare chair and sat down. Ino and Ten-Ten walked in and stared directly at the blonde with an intimidating and relieved expression.

Hinata shyly made herself visible as Shikamaru walked in right after her. Kiba along with his pet companion and Lee were the last to enter the now cramped room. Naruto realised that the room wasn't fit to hold in so many people as he spoke, "Heh, this is great but what are you doing here?"

Kiba gritted his teeth as Akamaru walked towards Naruto and took a seat next to his feet, "Cut the crap…"

Ino looked towards the Inuzuka as she recognised the harsh tone. Hinata quietly made herself audible, "Uh…Kiba-kun, maybe…"

Kiba didn't give her time to finish as he spoke again. This time the unsettling sound of his voice was clear to the jinchuuriki, "What the hell are you playing at?"

Shikamaru found himself speechless as he heard the understandably upset chuunin. He didn't know what to say now that he was standing near the one person he wanted to see the most for the past few days.

Naruto raised an eyebrow as Sakura looked on confused, "Nani?"

Kiba gritted his teeth as his eyes began to water slightly. He found it enraging and at the same time heartbreaking that the genin was trying to act so calm, "Damn it…this mask of yours. Why the hell have you been hiding from us?"

Lee put his hand on the Inuzuka's shoulder as he was bizarrely composed compared to his usual energetic self. He cleared his throat as he spoke, "Naruto-kun…you have my respect as shinobi and as a friend…but we'd all like to know why you are trying to go through this on your own?" He moved his line of sight towards the ground as he finished.

Naruto looked at all of his friends observing their attitudes. Chouji was sitting on a chair staring at him with concern and there was no sign of food in his possession. He looked next to him to find Shino simply staring at the floor while Neji had his back turned to him and was looking out of the window.

Ino was standing with her arms crossed and a single flower in her hands as Ten-Ten gazed at him on the verge of tears. Kiba was the only one who looked slightly angry as Lee stood sincerely. He stared at Hinata who had her hands clasped as she stood still and Shikamaru was right next to her with an expression on his face which showed that he was deep in thought.

The varied demeanours all had one thing in common and that was the sense of sombreness radiating off them. Naruto looked to his feet as Akamaru raised his head and whimpered slightly. He closed his eyes giving a knowing sigh, "You all know huh?"

Chouji nodded as he answered the blonde, "We were told everything."

Naruto rested his elbows on his knees as he acknowledged his reply, "I don't know what to say…"

Neji broke his silence as he spoke, "An unalterable fate…the burden weighs less if you have help."

Naruto lay back on the bed, "But it's my burden…there was no reason to get any of you involved…what good would it have done if you got hurt because of me?"

Ten-Ten wiped the tears from her eyes, "So it's okay for you to put your life on the line for your friends and your village but not the other way around. We're shinobis Naruto…but more importantly…"

Ino played with the flower in her hand, "…we're your friends."

Sakura looked at the jinchuuriki who closed his eyes, "Naruto…"

Shino analysed the genin's form as he spoke, "It is impossible to completely shield others from pain."

Hinata nodded, agreeing with her team mate, "Hai…b…but it hurts more…when y…you don't expect it." Her voice broke into a whisper as she finished.

Naruto remembered Tobi knowing of the fate he had received, "…I had a lot to deal with…I didn't want one of you to get hurt because of me…" Tobi's innocent smile flashed through his head as he remembered his training and the goofy behaviour of the black haired male, "…that's the last thing I needed…" He couldn't help but tighten his eyelids as he felt them beginning to water.

Sakura knew how it felt to be hopeless when you lost a dear friend as they had only recently brought back Sasuke whom it seemed like would never return. She stroked his hair trying to give him some feeling of comfort.

Shikamaru sighed, "We're feeling it right now Naruto…and it hurts like hell. But we'd feel better if we could've helped you."

Kiba's anger had subsided as he understood why the jinchuuriki was so hesitant in letting them know, "You're our friend Naruto…but we're willing to fight for you too…that's what friends do…" He let a tear escape his eyes, "They bleed together…they laugh together…they go through life together…and we're just as willing to make a sacrifice for you like you are for us."

Naruto opened his eyes as he sat up and looked at the various faces. All of the Rookie 9 and Team Gai were visibly upset and some of them had clear marks of tears running down their faces.

Kiba walked forward and put out his hand, "…we're going to be there until the end…and we'll die right alongside you, if that's what it takes…because we're all shinobi of the Leaf."

Naruto felt a warm feeling brush over him as he smiled at the Inuzuka and remembered his own words and the message the Sandaime had taught him.

"…We are one."

Ten-Ten and Lee walked next to Kiba and placed their hands on his. Lee had a serious expression as he voiced himself, "We shall go through the springtime of youth together."

Ten-Ten smiled, "Hai."

Chouji got up from his seat and also placed his hand on top of his friends as Hinata and Shino followed soon after. Shikamaru sighed as he joined his companions, "Troublesome."

Neji walked from the window towards them all, "We decide our own fate."

Ino walked towards Naruto, placing the flower she had brought with her behind his ear before joining her friends, "Until the end."

Sakura smiled at the display before grabbing Naruto and pulling him up and towards the rest of the shinobi. She placed her hand on top of the rest as she looked at the genin to do the same. Naruto stared at the shinobi before giving a smile and joining them, "…until the end."


Madara performed rapid hand seals as the statue of Anima thundered out of the ground and made its towering appearance visible, "After so long…the time has finally come."

He turned to face Zetsu before taking off his ring and throwing it at him, "Place the rings in the appropriate positions." The green haired Akatsuki nodded before jumping onto the fingers of Anima and methodically placing the rings down.

Madara grabbed two kunai before throwing them at the mouth grip in Anima's mouth. They impacted on each side before it became loose and a scroll rolled open from inside and flowed all the way to the ground.

The sharingan wielder walked forwards towards the scroll and examined its contents, "It's been so long since I've seen this." He addressed the only other member of Akatsuki remaining, "Have you positioned the rings?"

Zetsu nodded before leaping to the ground and standing to a side. The black marks in the eyes of Madara changed as they connected and formed the Mangekyou Sharingan. He closed his eyes as he held his hands together and began to concentrate to expel the chakra of Anima from within him.

As the fearsome chakra radiated from him, he opened his eyes and began to read from the scroll whilst simultaneously forming hand seals. The statue of Anima's eyes opened instantly as only the centre one remained closed.

Madara smirked as he continued reading the scroll and finished his hand seals before 8 chakra forces began to seep from the formidable looking statue. The different coloured energies swirled around momentarily before clashing with each other and causing an extreme amount of force.

As they fully merged, Madara threw out his arms before the now single chakra entity rushed towards him and took him into the air. It circled him before rushing straight into him and causing him to scream out in pain.


Naruto sat on top of the monument of the Hokages as the sky slowly began to fade showing the vibrant red as a few stars began to become visible. He brought his knee up as he rested his elbow on it. He had wanted to end everything but in the past few days, he had learned not only of his past but the tragic fates of those who had given their lives to protect their bonds.

He dwelled on the revelation of what the objective of Madara entailed as he looked down over Konoha. 'Destiny…' The visages of all the shinobi that had fell to their fate replayed themselves in his mind; Haku, as he told him of what was the most important thing to a shinobi in order to become strong, the Shodaime as he leaped to protect the boy he saw as his son before he was engulfed in darkness after having been betrayed by his best friend and Yasuo who screamed in agony after having to witness the death of the person who gave him a reason to live. '…can it really be changed?'

He stared at the village of Konoha as a few lights became visible. Naruto shook his head as he finally understood the familiarity of his situation with not only the Yondaime but with others who had also suffered tragic fates. He instantly turned around as he felt a presence behind him and his eyes came into contact with one who was the closest to understanding the pain he felt.

"Gaara…" Naruto looked at the Kazekage who was uneasy as he looked back.

The black robed Kage made his way over to where the jinchuuriki was and stood a few feet away from him, "…I…I'm sorry…"

Naruto raised an eyebrow as he heard his words, "Why are you apologising?"

Gaara stopped momentarily as the question left him speechless since he didn't know how to put his feelings into words, "…Inside here…" He pointed to his chest, "…It hurts…but it must hurt you more…"

Naruto stayed quiet for a few moments as he observed his demeanour before understanding that he must know also. "…yeah it does…"

Gaara nodded as he looked at the jinchuuriki, the tears visible in his eyes, "…that pain, it's coming back…" He tried to find the right words as he resumed, "…I wanted to show that I can change…but this…" He looked over the village as he finished, "…it feels like…" He stopped as he didn't know how to describe his feelings.

Naruto got up from the ground as he brushed himself off, "You have changed Gaara…" He smiled, "…Heh, I haven't actually congratulated you yet, have I?" Gaara turned to face the blonde, "Congratulations on becoming Kazekage!"

Gaara tried to smile but it disappeared as quickly as it came. The redhead never spoke to people openly often. Even with his brother and sister, he would limit his conversation however around the jinchuuriki, he felt more peaceful and accepted. "…I'm never going to feel like this again am I?"

Naruto listened to the young Kage, "What do you mean?"

Gaara folded his arms before continuing, "…because of you…I wanted to change…but…I'm confused now…"

Naruto put his hands in his pockets as Temari's words came to him.

"He is…but you're an exception."

Naruto smiled as he understood exactly what the sand kunoichi had been trying to say to him that day. He walked forwards standing on top of the Yondaime's head, "Gaara…what you've done up until now…it was the strength of your own heart…that's what guided you…and that's what will continue to guide you."

Gaara let his sand slowly move along the ground as he heard the blonde, "…This…it's all unfair." He closed his eyes as he finished, "…I thought I finally had a friend."

Naruto smiled as he faced the young Kazekage, "…You do have a friend…but I'm not your only friend…you have a village that looks up to you and relies on you…a brother and a sister that have been there with you from the beginning…"

He looked up at the stars, "I realised something you know?" Gaara opened his eyes as he looked at the jinchuuriki, "…there will always be those who have to make sacrifices to bring peace…the Yondaime died protecting this village and the people rejoiced since they were saved…they were sad also but they have lives to continue living."

He turned around before walking towards the edge of the monument, "But what about the Yondaime…his life…his friends…his contentment." He sighed, "He gave it all up…his life ended in sadness for the happiness of many." He scratched his head, "…I share a similar fate…but you're different." He gave a laugh, "Remember when you asked me what the reason for your existence was?"

A single tear trickled down Gaara's cheek as he answered, "Yeah…"

Naruto admired the sight of the glistening village in front of him as the night had fully descended upon Konoha, "…Show them that you can only judge a person by what's inside him…not by appearances…" He closed his eyes as he remembered Yasuo, "…and not by their past."

Gaara's heart ached, "…Arigatou…" He wiped the tears from his face.

Naruto walked towards him and put out his hand, "Death doesn't end a friendship…"

Gaara smiled as he took Naruto's hand and shook it. The stars shone vibrantly upon the mountain illuminating the area whilst everything else was shrouded in darkness. Naruto closed his eyes as he knew what he had to do with one last thought running through his mind.

'It began with him…and it'll end with me.'