
Naruto: The Wandering Blacksmith

Ryu lives with his father, Haru, in a small village in the land of water where he helps his father with their blacksmithing business. However, the father and son pair are not as they seem. When Shinobi appear on their doorsteps looking to kill them, Ryu is forced to venture into the harsh world of Shinobi with only the Transformation Jutsu that his father taught him for blacksmithing. Watch Ryu as he hones his skill and becomes a legend the likes of which have never been seen in the multiverse. (By the way, the tag says OP for a reason, Ryu will end up so broken. Like OAA level. And there won't be any cheats, Ryu will discover the multiverse and explore it all with his own power. If you're wondering how such heresy is possible, especially in a Naruto fic, go read the fanfic. Honestly, I made it my personal mission to torment all the power scalers that will read this.) I don't own the image, I can barely write my name in an understandable way much less draw something like that, so if the original artist (TorinoGT from what I found on Wallpaper Abyss) wants it taken down message me. I also don't own Naruto, but I think that's obvious. I mean, if I did own it, I sure as hell wouldn't write fanfictions about it... I'd also be rich :-( One last thing, as of writing this, I'm on what's called in my country "Year of Service" where we go volunteer for a year around the country before going to the military. The workdays are 13~ hours and I live with like 7 other people in a tiny apartment so that's fun. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that my upload schedule will be awful and one chapter a week will be lucky, so be warned.

what_if_3574 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
151 Chs

Chapter 106 - Arriving at a new island

Ryu stood on the deck of Iron Whiskers, feeling the salty spray of the ocean against his face as the ship cut through the waves toward the nearby island. The wind tugged at his clothes, carrying the cries of seagulls and the distant sound of laughter with it.

As the ship approached its destination, Ryu could see the outline of a town on the horizon, nestled between the rolling hills and the sparkling sea. Examining a map that Yoruichi stole from the Marine base in Alabasta, Ryu knew that this was Mock Town, a bustling port town that had gained a notorious reputation as a haven for pirates.

As the ship drew nearer, Ryu's eyes began to discern the details of the town. The harbor came into view first, a sprawling stretch of water dotted with ships of all sizes and shapes. Some of the vessels were massive, with multiple decks and towering masts that reached towards the sky, like the limbs of giant trees.

Others were smaller and nimbler, their sleek design hinting at speed and stealth. Ryu watched as crews of sailors scurried up and down the rigging, shouting orders and hauling ropes to adjust the sails. Some were loading and unloading cargo, while others were engaged in more questionable activities, such as smuggling or bartering stolen goods.

The smell of the sea filled Ryu's nostrils, mingling with the pungent odor of fish and the salty tang of sweat. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore was enhanced by the occasional clang of metal as the ships bumped against each other, and the frequent bursts of laughter or shouting from the sailors.

As Iron Whiskers got closer to the harbor, Ryu started to make out more details about the town. The buildings were mostly wooden, with brightly painted roofs that shimmered in the sunlight like a kaleidoscope of colors. Some of them had signs hanging out front advertising taverns or shops selling gear and supplies. The streets were wide and filled with space, reflecting the freedom and lawlessness that characterized pirate life.

Ryu could see a group of pirates in colorful bandanas gathered around a table outside a tavern, playing a game of cards and laughing loudly. Their wild energy seemed to infect the entire town, lending it a vibrant and lively atmosphere. Nearby, a vendor was selling fresh fish from a cart, calling out to any passersby to come and take a look.

Ryu's eyes were drawn to a street performer who was juggling flaming torches, his movements fluid and graceful. The crowd that had gathered around him watched in awe, their faces lit by the flickering firelight. A group of children played tag nearby, their laughter ringing out like bells.

As Ryu continued to observe the town, he noticed cats prowling along the rooftops, their tails flicking back and forth as they stalked their prey. Dogs barked at each other in the alleys, their tails wagging with excitement. The air was thick with the scent of spices and smoke, and Ryu could hear the strains of music and singing coming from a nearby tavern.

"This seems like a nice place," Yoruichi commented as she looked at the town.

"Yeah, it does... I saw an interesting sign, I think it said 'Pub and Pies', wanna go there?" Ryu asked Yoruichi with expectant eyes.

"Haha, sure, I can go for sweet pie right about now. Lead the way," Yoruichi laughed cheerfully as she followed Ryu down from the ship.

Ryu and Yoruichi strolled through the lively streets of Mock Town, their eyes gleaming with curiosity. Yoruichi, with her nimble grace, weaved in and out of the bustling crowd. Ryu followed behind, an amused sigh escaping his lips as he watched her antics.

As they made their way through the town, Yoruichi spotted a group of pirates engaged in a heated arm-wrestling match outside a tavern. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she approached them and, in the blink of an eye, took the place of one of the competitors.

"Oh? Do we have a new challenger? Careful, girly, I wouldn't want to break that arm of yours," A brawny pirate said with a wry smile as his friends cheered him on.

"Oh, don't worry about me, I'll be just fine. But I am concerned about your eyesight. You seem to be having trouble seeing how much of a joke you are." Yoruichi smirked as the crowd cheered wildly at the heated fight.

"Fine, let's do this," the pirate said with an evil smirk as he and Yoruichi got ready.

"3...2...1... Begin!" One of the pirates shouted.

Before anyone could react, Yoruichi effortlessly brought the pirate's hand down on the table, much to the surprise and amusement of the onlookers. Ryu chuckled, clapping his hands in appreciation. The pirate and his crew were about to begin a fight due to the humiliation, But a scary look from Ryu shot them down.

The pair continued on their way, weaving through the town toward their destination, finally reaching it after a couple more minutes of walking.

Inside Pub and Pies, the atmosphere was warm and inviting, with a low hum of conversation and laughter filling the air. The walls were adorned with an assortment of underwater artifacts, and the wooden tables were polished to a fine sheen. Ryu and Yoruichi found a cozy corner and settled down while looking over the menu.

But as the two were about to order, the pub filled with an eerie silence as a man walked through the door.

The man was tall, with a menacing aura that seemed to radiate from him. His skin had a deep tan, as if he had spent many hours under the unforgiving sun. His short, unkempt blond hair matched his rough exterior, giving him a feral appearance.

The man wore a pink sleeveless shirt that contrasted sharply with the navy blue pirate captain's coat he wore over it. He wore white pants and a green sash adorned with mysterious markings.

The most striking feature of the man's face was the scar above his right eye, which seemed to lend him an even more sinister appearance. Tattoos of eye-like designs decorated his muscular arms, adding to his intimidating appearance.

Following the man was what Ryu assumed to be his crew. One of the members, who looked to be the second in command of the group, began speaking.

The tall, muscular man had skin as white as snow, which contrasted starkly with his wild, wavy blue hair that cascaded down to his broad shoulders. His eyes were concealed behind a purple-tinted visor, which gave him a mysterious and imposing air. He wore a white-furred coat that draped over his bare chest and golden chains that functioned as a necklace added to his flashy attire.

Red-and-white striped gloves covered his powerful hands while matching striped pants hugged his muscular legs. A gold belt encircled his waist, adding to the man's overall bold and flashy appearance.

The man playfully spun around his weapon, a giant dagger with a blade that measured several feet in length. The blade was curved and thick, tapering to a sharp point at the tip. The outer edge of the blade was incredibly sharp, adding to the weapon's lethality. The handle of the dagger was made of dark wood that was wrapped with thick strips of leather for a secure grip.

"Hmm, it seems there's no space left. What a predicament," the man remarked, his tone dripping with sarcasm. As he surveyed the room, his gaze fell upon Ryu and Yoruichi, and a sinister grin formed on his lips.

"Would you two be so kind as to make some room for us?" he inquired, his smirk betraying his malicious intent.

"The cherry pie looks delicious, I think I'll order that," Ryu commented, ignoring the man's request.

"Ah, I wanted that too. I suppose I'll have the apple pie instead," Yoruichi said, shrugging.

The man's frustration at being disregarded was palpable, as a prominent vein appeared on his forehead.

"Listen, you two. If you value your lives, leave now. I'll give you thirty seconds," the blue-haired man threatened, brandishing his dagger at Ryu.

Ryu and Yoruichi exchanged bewildered glances for a moment before breaking into laughter.

"Hahaha, that was good. Screw off, man," Ryu shooed the man with his hand.

"Take it outside, Sarquiss," The man with the blond hair said nonchalantly as he sat at the bar's counter.

"Right away, Bellamy," Sarquiss said with a bloodthirsty expression.

"If you bring that dagger any closer, you'll be parting with that arm," Ryu warned Sarquiss, his eyes flashing dangerously.

"Oh, how terrifying," Sarquiss mocked, taking a bold step forward.

But before his foot touched the ground, Sarquiss' weapon was suddenly airborne. The event transpired so swiftly that he couldn't process it. Glancing down, he saw his severed hand on the floor, blood pouring out.

"Told you," Ryu remarked nonchalantly as Sarquiss crumpled to his knees in agony, prompting everyone in the bar to rise in astonishment.

"Interesting..." Bellamy mused, a wicked grin on his face.

"Oh, that reaction can't be good. That's villain 101. Want to take care of it?" Ryu asked, turning to Yoruichi.

"No thanks, I'd rather not lay a finger on that creep," Yoruichi responded, her face showing revulsion.

"Alrighty," Ryu sighed, vanishing from his spot and reappearing beside Bellamy.

"Hope you've enjoyed your time living," Ryu joked as he gripped Bellamy's throat and hurled him out of the bar, shattering the door in the process.

A thunderous boom followed Bellamy's trajectory toward the sea. Upon impact, a giant pillar of water shot into the air from the force of the crash as Bellamy's body disintegrated into nothing more than a crimson mist.

"Now, about those pies. One cherry and one apple, please," Ryu requested, addressing the trembling bartender with composure. "Y-yes, coming r-right up," the frightened bartender stuttered as he took their order.

"Say, how did this place come to be? I mean, did a bunch of pirates just arrive one day and decided to live here?" Ru asked curiously.

"O-oh, no. They stop here since the Log Pose points upward, and no one knows what it means. There are rumors of an island in the sky, but no one knows for sure," the bartender explained as he started to relax.

"An island in the sky, you say? Sound like a good place to visit," Ryu smirked excitedly.