
Naruto: The Village on the Verge of Bankruptcy, I Dig Out Oil

Naruto: The Village on the Verge of Bankruptcy, I Dig Out Oil (Full Book) Author: Late-night Farmer Also known as "The Unscientific Ninja Tool User of the Sand Village." "Ganbatte, Gaara!" "If we dig out oil, the Sand Village will prosper." Gaara was puzzled. He felt indignant. “Sensei Mukaze, shouldn't hard work be about diligent training? Why are you making me dig sand and search for oil as if it's training?" “From a scientific standpoint, digging sand is a great form of exercise." "Just dig well. If we happen to find oil, everyone in the Sand Village will have a piece of white cloth on their heads, and I'll be the richest person in the world." This is an mtl then edited to make it more readable. If you read other translations of it, this is one is gonna be different since I edited to my own understanding. All rights belong to the author.

Yeeetoo · Anime e quadrinhos
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25 Chs

Chapter 3: Activation of the Unscientific Ninja Tool System

Gaara frowned. "Program?"

Mukaze: "Have you ever seen a computer?"

Gaara shook his head. The Sand Village was too poor to have computers.

Mukaze continued, "How about a television then?"

Gaara nodded.

Mukaze pointed to his head.

"When you turn on a television by twisting the switch, it starts up. Twist it again, and the television turns off. Then, by adjusting the channel, you can tune in to a specific TV station. That's programming. The television follows a pre-set program to provide what we need."

"In fact, ninjutsu and hand seals work in a similar way. Hand seals are like the switches in our bodies. Different jutsu have different switches, and by manipulating them, we can release the corresponding jutsu."

"Our body switches are the electromagnetic signals in our brains. Different hand seals are actually different combinations of electromagnetic signals in our brain's neural pathways."

"My Electromagnetic Release allows me to control the magnetic field within my body. When I need to perform a jutsu, I can directly stimulate the electromagnetic signals in my brain to send signals to my body, thus completing the hand seal process."

"This way, I can perform jutsu quickly without the need for hand seals."

Gaara listened, feeling a bit bewildered.

Mukaze smiled and said, "Study subjects like mathematics, physics, and chemistry well, enrich your scientific knowledge, and in the future, you will also be able to perform jutsu without hand seals, just like me."

"Okay," Gaara nodded firmly.

Mukaze then used his magnetic control to place the sandworm on the iron plate.

"Let's go."

Mukaze lifted the iron plate with both hands, and it floated as he moved towards the village.

Gaara sat cross-legged on the sand mound and followed Mukaze in flight.


The Faraday Ninja Tool Company factory was located 30 miles outside the Sand Village, in the desert.

The main reason for choosing this location was the presence of a sandworm nest behind the factory.

Mukaze kept the captured sandworms there and fed them.

The sandy-yellow factory building stood tall in the desert.

Behind the building were eighteen thick electric poles.

Between the poles, there was a dense and faint blue electric grid.

Underneath the grid was the sandworm nest made of golden sand.

Mukaze dragged the sandworms to the nest first.

The nest was a large pool divided into sections, each one measuring a hundred meters wide.

The walls and bottom of the pool were made of golden sand, with a special magnetic property that the sandworms couldn't devour.

Three large sandworms were already lying in the pool.

Mukaze opened the electric grid and threw the captured sandworms into another pool.

With a loud rumble, the ground shook.

The other three sandworms only trembled for a moment before lying back down.

Sandworms were lazy creatures, rarely moving if they had food and drink.

They had enormous appetites and could consume hundreds of cows and sheep in one meal.

Mukaze invested most of the profits from his ninja tool shop into feeding the sandworms.

Gaara couldn't help but ask, "Teacher, are you planning to use the sandworms as summoning beasts?"

Mukaze replied, "They have no intelligence to speak of, so how could I use them as summoning beasts? What I need is their blood. They survive in the desert, and their blood contains rich minerals. With their large size and abundant blood, they are an important source of raw materials for the Faraday Company."

Gaara felt that his teacher seemed like a strange person conducting some forbidden experiments.

The two of them returned to the factory.

The sales manager, Temari, happened to be there.

Mukaze greeted her, "Hey, Temari."

Temari bowed, "Good afternoon, Boss Mukaze."

"Gaara, good afternoon," she added.

Gaara, upon seeing others, resumed his cool and aloof demeanor.

"Teacher, I'm going back," he said abruptly and walked away.

Mukaze shrugged towards Temari.

"Temari, are you here to pick up the goods?"

Temari nodded, "Yes, that's right. We're running low on shurikens at the store, so I've come to collect some."

Kankuro approached from behind.

"Boss, how are you?"

He handed the bag in his hand to Temari.

"Sis, these are the shurikens you asked for."

The salaries of the Sand Village ninja were too low.

Temari and Kankuro, apart from completing missions, worked part-time at the Faraday Ninja Tool Company to earn extra money.

There were twenty-eight other ninja who did the same.

That was the total number of employees at the Faraday Company.

Temari checked the bag to confirm the quantity.

"Three hundred and eighty-four, hmm, the quantity is correct."

Mukaze took the opportunity to ask Temari, "Temari, how's the sales situation this month?"

Temari shook her head and sighed.

"This month, the sales have been poor. The sales of our company's main products, shurikens and kunai, have dropped by thirty percent."

Mukaze, being a master of metal manipulation, was known for Faraday's famous metal ninja tools such as shurikens, kunai, and Senbon.

Faraday's metal ninja tools, known for their high quality and affordable prices, had virtually monopolized the market in the Sand Village and enjoyed good sales in other cities of the Wind Country as well.

Kankuro complained, "It's all because of that damn Daimyo. He has cut our budget again and transferred the missions to Konoha, resulting in decreasing incomes for the village's ninja."

The actions of the Wind Country Daimyo, who blindly curried favor with Konoha for the sake of so-called peace, greatly harmed the Sand Village.

The village faced financial difficulties, decreased ninja incomes, and a decline in military strength.

Everyone in the Sand Village had strong objections to this situation.

Mukaze nodded, silently reciting, "Activate the Unscientific Ninja Tool System."

In front of him appeared a panel that only he could see.

The Unscientific Ninja Tool System had four main functions.

The first function of the system was the production of non-scientific ninja tools. As long as the host had the blueprints and the necessary materials, they could directly produce the corresponding ninja tools. When materials were insufficient, chakra could be used to make up for it.

It was known as the "Handcrafted Ninja Tool" system, where the ninja tool would appear with a simple rub of the hands using the available materials.

If there were enough materials and sufficient chakra, creating even high-level ninja tools was not a dream.

The second function was the modification of non-scientific ninja tools. The host could ignore certain physical and ninja world laws when modifying the tools. For example, issues like size discrepancies, excessive weight, or conflicting chakra properties could be disregarded, allowing the ninja tool to operate normally.

In simple terms, if the host felt that it could be used, then it could be used.

The third function was the profit generation from non-scientific ninja tools. Every sale of a self-produced ninja tool would reward the host with a certain amount of spiritual energy.

The fourth function was the ninja tool blueprint store, where ninja tool blueprints could be obtained in exchange for money.

The blueprints were diverse and included traditional ninja tools such as the Kusanagi Sword, Akahikō, Kōkinjō, Chōtōfū, Kugutsu, as well as non-traditional ninja tools such as lathes, generators, steel battle armor, zanpakuto, air cannons, bamboo dragonflies, and Gundams.