
Naruto: The Timeless Hokage

The last thing Hiroshi Takahashi remembered was the sudden, blinding glare of headlights and the screeching of tires. There was no time to react, no time to even comprehend what was happening before everything went black. When he next opened his eyes, he was met with the unfamiliar sight of a wooden ceiling and the sound of distant voices speaking in a language he barely recognized. Panic surged through him, but as he tried to sit up, he realized his body felt different—smaller, weaker. His hands, when he looked at them, were tiny and delicate. This wasn't his body. This wasn't his world.

godsfavperson · Outros
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11 Chs

Chapter 1: A New Dawn

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Chapter 1: A New Dawn

The last thing Hiroshi Takahashi remembered was the sudden, blinding glare of headlights and the screeching of tires. There was no time to react, no time to even comprehend what was happening before everything went black. When he next opened his eyes, he was met with the unfamiliar sight of a wooden ceiling and the sound of distant voices speaking in a language he barely recognized.

Panic surged through him, but as he tried to sit up, he realized his body felt different—smaller, weaker. His hands, when he looked at them, were tiny and delicate. This wasn't his body. This wasn't his world.

The door to the room slid open, revealing a woman with kind eyes and dark hair tied back in a bun. "Kuroda, you're awake," she said, relief evident in her voice.

"Kuroda?" he echoed, his voice high-pitched and childlike. It took him a moment to remember—he wasn't Hiroshi anymore. He was Uchiha Kuroda, a child in the world of Naruto, the twin brother of Shisui Uchiha.


Adjusting to his new life was strange at first. He was surrounded by family, the likes of which he had only ever seen on a screen. His parents, kind and supportive, and his brother Shisui, who was always by his side, made the transition easier. He learned to speak their language, to walk and play as a child should.

But Kuroda was no ordinary child. By the age of three, he had already begun to feel the flow of chakra within him, a sensation both thrilling and empowering. He would spend hours sitting in the courtyard, focusing on the energy coursing through his body, trying to mold it, control it.

"Look, Shisui," he said one afternoon, his small hands glowing faintly with blue chakra. "I can feel it. I can control it."

Shisui, though young himself, watched with wide eyes. "That's amazing, Kuroda. You're learning so fast."

By the age of four, Kuroda's prowess had only grown. He had discovered an affinity for lightning nature chakra, a rare and powerful skill for someone so young. He would practice in secret, drawing electricity from the air and shaping it with his will. The crackling energy felt like a part of him, an extension of his very being.

It was during one of these practice sessions that he met Shinari. She was a beautiful girl with kind eyes and a gentle soul, one who didn't hesitate to join him in his secluded training spot.

"Hi, I'm Shinari," she said, her smile lighting up her face. "I've seen you practicing. You're really good."

Kuroda smiled back, feeling a warmth in his chest that had nothing to do with chakra. "Thanks. I'm Kuroda. Want to train together?"

Their friendship blossomed quickly. Shinari was not only caring but also a quick learner, and together they pushed each other to new heights. She became his confidante, someone who understood his struggles and dreams.

Word of Kuroda's talent spread quickly through the Uchiha clan. They marveled at his skill, dubbing him the "Uchiha's Thousand Years Genius." It was a title that carried great weight, one that Kuroda wore with both pride and a sense of responsibility.

Despite the praise and attention, Kuroda remained focused on his goals. He knew the dangers that lay ahead for his clan and his village. With the knowledge of his past life and the power he was cultivating, he vowed to change the future, to protect those he loved, and to forge a new path for the Uchiha.

As he stood at the edge of the training grounds, the sun setting behind him, Kuroda felt a sense of purpose stronger than ever. He was no longer Hiroshi Takahashi, a man lost in an unfamiliar world. He was Uchiha Kuroda, a prodigy with a destiny to fulfill.

And his journey had only just begun.