
Chapter 105: Leader

After a few more days had passed, the day of departure for the different battlefields had arrived.

Tsunade stood with her family as she tried her best to say goodbye to them while dealing with the constant crying that they were doing.

"Are you sure you'll be okay Tsuna?" Haru asked for the hundredth time while Tsunade just deadpanned at him.

"Yes Dad, I'm confident to face any challenge." Tsunade said with a smile on her face as she once again gave him a hug to ease his worries.

After another round of goodbyes and promises to write letters frequently, Tsunade finally left to lead the ninja to their locations.


After around a week of traveling, Tsunade finally arrived at the location where she felt it would be best for them to set up their base.

"I want anyone with sensory skills of sensory-based Jutsu to begin setting traps around the perimeter. Those with a specialty in Earth Release Jutsu are to begin forming secondary buildings and aiding to construct the camp. Everyone else is to survey the surroundings and map out anything notable or useful." Tsunade said as she commanded the vast majority of her troops.

After a few hours had passed, one of the Shinobi who was setting the traps began to notice a large influx of chakra signatures.

'That can't be good.' He thought as he headed back to the camp at his full speed.

In less than a few minutes, the man arrived back at the camp, with his urgency and level of alarm making him ignore the checkpoints as he went straight to where he sensed Tsunade's location.

However, just as he was about to make it to Tsunade's location, he suddenly felt a hand grasp his throat, with him then being slammed straight into the ground.

He looked above to see a man with white hair standing over him with a kunai placed against his throat.

The man, realizing his error, spoke through a hoarse throat and said "E-enemy a-attack."

The white-haired man immediately released his grasp, and before the man could gain his bearings, the man had raced into the tent, after which he saw a black-haired man and a blonde-haired woman emerge from the tent and race toward his former location.

Back with Tsunade and the others, they charged straight at the place where the man reported sensing the chakra from.

Tsunade opened her Mind's Eye of the Kagura, with her immediately finding the location of the men.

While she had unlocked the ability, she still hadn't grown to a state of being able to use the ability passively.

"There are 12 Chakras ahead of us. 8 of them have chakra signatures at the level of a Jonin, with the other 4 being at the Special Jonin level. Orochi, you take the 4 on the left, Jiraiya you take the 4 on the right. I'll take the 4 in the middle." Tsunade said as they arrived in front of the group.

The three of them increased their speeds massively as they appeared in front of their targeted groups.

Jiraiya delivered a powerful kick to the one furthest on the right, snapping their neck immediately.

He then followed up with an elbow to the chest of the one next to him, with him grasping the last two by the throat and slamming them into the ground.

He then stomped them both, finishing off his group.

Orochimaru, on the other hand, drew his kunai and slashed the throats of the two closest to him, then turning his hands into snakes and had the serpents bite into the necks of the remaining two.

Finally, Tsunade delivered a powerful punch to the chest of the one who seemed to be the leader, after which she used her high mastery of Water Release to make the remaining three stop in their tracks as she manipulated their blood and knocked them out.

Not long after they finished the group, reinforcements from the camp came, with Tsunade telling them to take the three to the newly formed prison for interrogation.

The troops looked at the three in admiration as they saw how easily they took down the enemies.

Many may not have new at that moment, but this was the beginning of the legendary trio known as The Sannin.

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