
Chapter 48: Hunters

"Mother, what were those things?" Oogway asked after they all were creating another portal for them to return home, with that being the key question on everyone's minds.

Even though they had seemed to be able to easily defeat the beings, if they possessed a similar level of combat training as them, then those creatures could have caused them a great deal of trouble.

"Those were members of the Otsutsuki Clan. They are a group of aliens that view themselves as being Gods, with them going to different dimensions and absorbing the energy of those places to increase their own strength. They're parasites. Nothing more than bottom feeders that feed off of other dimensions." Yao said.

Yao then looked at Madara and Hashirama, with her kneeling down to the two as she rubbed their heads.

"You two have seen a wider level of power that surpasses what the Shinobi World can routinely offer. I have no doubt that you two will reach that level, but I want you both to know that I am extremely proud of you for showing little to no fear in the face of all the threats you faced today. I have no doubt that you will achieve the greatest accomplishments in Magic in the future, but don't allow these events to make you feel as if you can't reach that level, because I assure you that you can." Yao said to them.

Both Madara and Hashirama's eyes widened, with them unable to understand how Yao had somehow seen into their thoughts.

Watching someone completely alter the world around them without making a single hand could put anyone into perspective about how small and inconsequential they were in the wide expanse of the world. 

And even further, they wondered how powerful that their teacher truly was.

They were unable to trace the movements of anyone who were in front of them, and each of them possessed the power to destroy their Clan's a hundred times over.

Yet they each maintained the fact that they couldn't compare to Yao in terms of power. 

So now, both boys made the decision of a new goal to have in life; Reaching the level of their teacher.

"Mom, what was that last being?" Irene asked, making Madara and Hashirama get confused.

"That was an entity that has absorbed so many dimensions that they could create their own. View it as the epitome of the parasites. And it looks like it's a lot stronger than I thought that it would be." Yao spoke.

"Would you be able to stop it?" Irene asked the question on everyone's mind.

They had felt the dense presence that the creature had, and they felt that only if multiple Masters of the Mystic Arts combined their prowess together would they be able to rival the intense aura that they felt when his gaze came onto them.

"It might cause me a little trouble." Yao said as she chuckled.

"But would you lose?" Madara asked.

"Nah. I'd win." Yao said with a smile as their portal opened, with them heading into their dimension.

"It's about time that they left." Jashin mumbled to himself from the safety of his personal part of the dimension.


Inside of the wide expanse of space, a lumbering man towered over a downed alien, with the Otsutsuki Clan Member's skin being purple and him attempting to crawl away form the being it viewed as a major threat.

'I must report this to the Patriarch. If a being like this is in this part of the universe, it may impede our plans for years to come.' Kaishiki thought to himself.

But, a massive fist then landed directly on his spine, with it destroying the creature's ability to crawl.

"What was it you called me at first, an ant? Looks like the pecking order has been properly established. Now, you are going to tell me everything that I wish to know. Am I clear?" The man asked.

The Otsutsuki attempted to take his own life, yet the man grabbed his throat and held him in the air.

His pupils transformed into their snake-like state as more venom flowed into his veins.

"I said, AM. I. CLEAR?"

The Otsutsuki could only agree due to the horrendous amount of pain that he felt.

This was the first encounter that an Otsutsuki would have with their natural predator,
