
Naruto: The Silent Shadow - Chapter 1: A Hidden Beginnings

Naruto was train from a young age to be the perfect assassin and ruthless Danzo keep his existence secret from every one

andy_narin · Anime e quadrinhos
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4 Chs

Naruto: The Silent Shadow

Chapter 3: The Darkest Deed

Naruto stood in the shadows, hidden from view, as he received his latest mission from Danzo. The underground chamber was as cold and unforgiving as ever, and Danzo's voice carried a weight that sent shivers down Naruto's spine.

"Naruto," Danzo began, his voice devoid of any warmth, "I have a mission for you. A mission that requires the utmost discretion and ruthlessness."

Naruto's expression remained blank as he awaited his orders.

"Teuchi, the ramen chef," Danzo continued, "He has become a liability. He knows of your existence, and he has seen your face. This cannot be allowed to continue."

Naruto's heart sank as the words sank in. Teuchi, the one person who had shown him kindness, was now a target. He had no choice but to obey Danzo's orders, but the thought of ending Teuchi's life filled him with a profound sense of emptiness.

"Understood," Naruto replied, his voice as emotionless as ever.

Danzo handed Naruto a small black scroll, sealed with the Root symbol. "This contains all the information you need. You know what to do."

With that, Naruto left the underground chamber and made his way to Teuchi's ramen stand. The evening air was cool, and the lanterns that illuminated the village cast long shadows on the streets.

As he approached the ramen stand, Naruto could see Teuchi inside, serving a few late-night customers. The old chef's face lit up with a warm smile as he saw Naruto approaching.

"Back for more, young man?" Teuchi asked, his voice filled with genuine kindness.

Naruto nodded, but this time, there was something different about him. He felt the weight of Danzo's orders pressing down on him, a heavy burden that threatened to crush his fragile connection to the outside world.

Teuchi prepared a bowl of ramen and placed it in front of Naruto, but before he could turn away, Naruto spoke in a low, controlled voice.

"I'm sorry, Teuchi."

Teuchi looked puzzled. "Sorry for what, young man?"

Naruto's hand shot out, his movements lightning-fast, as he drove a concealed kunai into Teuchi's heart. The old chef's eyes widened in shock and pain as he gasped for breath. Naruto's mask of emotionlessness remained intact, but beneath it, he felt a profound emptiness, a void that threatened to consume him.

As Teuchi's life slipped away, Naruto withdrew the kunai, wiped it clean, and left the ramen stand without a word. The customers inside were too shocked to react, and by the time they realized what had happened, Naruto had disappeared into the night.

Back in the underground chamber, Danzo awaited Naruto's return. The black scroll was stained with blood as Naruto placed it on Danzo's desk.

"It is done," Naruto said, his voice as cold as ice.

Danzo nodded, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "You have proven your loyalty, Naruto. You are a true weapon of the village."

But as Naruto stood before Danzo, he couldn't help but feel a growing sense of despair. The act he had committed, the murder of the one person who had shown him kindness, had shattered something inside him. The darkness that had consumed his soul seemed even deeper now, and he wondered if there was any way to escape the hellish path he had been set upon.

Little did Naruto know that the consequences of his actions would reverberate through the village, setting off a chain of events that would challenge everything he had been taught and force him to confront the truth about his existence as the Silent Shadow.