

They of course knew where he was since he had passed the experiences of his first mitosis clone to them but they also knew what he must have done for that amount of destruction to occur. They knew almost all that he did so they were obviously aware of Saint mode as well as the sort of backlash that came with it. Knowing this they were very aware that the true Kenzo was likely highly vulnerable to attack at the moment should anyone figure out where he was. Thus the clones could only give assurances that everything was alright and that he'd eventually return but refused to give any usable information.-

For the next two weeks Kenzo was in a self-induced coma while his clones timed out and dispelled themselves. His hawk had been eating the stored rations he had in a scroll since it couldn't go hunt for food as it needed to keep the air in this pocket breathable. Kenzo himself was being sustained by the natural energy that constantly flowed into him but that didn't mean his body didn't hunger only that while he was still he didn't require food or water to survive.-

(Normal pov)

The thin layer of dust shifted on my body as I opened my eyes for the first time in who knows how long. My joints popped and cracked in stiffness from sitting so still for so long as I sat up. My stomach also roared in hunger letting me know I was not out for a small amount of time. My head was also positively throbbing as I was still suffering from some of the backlash and my clones having been dispelled didn't help at all though it did let me know that I really should let my sensei know that I was alright.-

'First I need to fuel up as this gnawing hunger is rather distracting.' I thought as I retrieved a lot of rations that I began to devour ravenously.

Once my supply was effectively gone i was still craving more food but wasn't feeling starved at least which was good enough. 

"I'm sorry that you had to put up with this for so long, I'll desummon you now." I said apologetically to my hawk who just screeched about repayment before vanishing in a puff of smoke as I sent them back.

Contrary to what most believe a summoned creature didn't automatically have to be sent back after the summoner lost consciousness. They were most of the time because it took a not inconsiderably amount of chakra to maintain the summon and so the summon themselves cancel the summon after the contractor passes out to preserve the persons life since they could easily run out of chakra while out otherwise. In this case my hawk knew that I was able to withstand the cost of the summon nigh indefinitely so remained to keep the air breathable. That said being stuck underground in a small cave was not exactly fun for an airborne predator and so it wanted repayment for the hassle.-

I could accept that demand easily enough since my hawk had done me good service this entire time so a hefty reward was well earned. Standing up I yawned as my body creaked, popped and crackled as I stretched to get rid of the numbness in it. I flexed my chakra and sank into the hard stone under me before moving up and up until the surface of the ground rippled and I emerged smoothly. I took a breath breath through my nose and sighed in pleasure.-

There was nothing wrong per se with the chakra circulated and enriched air that my hawk made but it was "stale", it held no scents besides our own and that of stone. Let me tell you that is some VERY disorienting stuff for someone with a sharp sense of smell like me. By comparison the forest at the surface was chock full of smells of all sort that gave the air a sort of freshness that I instinctively craved after so long with out it. Naturally that meant I got a rush of dopamine from inhaling this fresh air though the "high" died fairly fast.-

My bodies rather particular about balance like that so I was never too filled or lacking in a particular chemical including dopamine. 

'Now then I should send a message ahead that I'm returning to the village.' I thought before weaving the signs for summoning jutsu and cutting my thumb before slamming my hand onto the ground. A puff of smoke appeared and as it cleared the confused form of my cat appeared while holding a sandwich in it's mouth. I raised an eyebrow at the guilty feline but in a standard unrepentant cat fashion it just dropped the sandwich and started eating it.

"Take this scroll to my sensei when you get back." I said while handing over my message after it was done eating.

My cat grabbed the scroll and I sent the mischievous feline back back to Konoha before flickering away myself to return to the village. Without having to worry about being hunted since anyone who was had long since left after so much time without a lead on where to find me I made great time back to the village. It came as little surprise to see that Shizune and my sensei were waiting at the village gate for me. -

I held up a hand to stop her fist as my sensei immediately threw a punch at me angrily.

"BOOM!" The air rang out with the sound of the impact but I didn't move a single step back.

"How dare you make me worry so much!" she roared angrily and went to throw another punch but I just stepped into it with a smile and hugged her.

"I'm back, it's okay." I said softly and she just sort of deflated.

"I thought the worst after I failed to reach you, there were no sightings and even your shadow clones refused to say where you had gone, why?" She asked clearly having been repressing her concern.

"I was suffering some backlash after using a technique and needed until earlier today to recover. I can't share any details here though, too many loose lips and hungry ears." I said honestly as I let her out of my embrace.

"I understand, we'll speak more in my office. I normally wouldn't push but a lot has happened while you were gone that we need to get you caught up on. And before I forget, welcome home." she with a smile.