Given a second chance by a R.O.B Kenzo traded his knowledge of the Naruto story in exchange for being born a sage. Keeping his power a secret Kenzo must make his way in the unforgiving and dangerous world he has found himself in.
I liked to think I was a fairly calm person, not easily provoked to anger. This though was a violation of myself on a depth beyond anything comparable. Orochimaru had not only attacked me but had fundamentally altered my body in a way that may as well make me an entirely different person. My rage was apocalyptical and that was more than enough to cause a change to overcome my eyes. It wasn't the sharingan or byakugan that appeared though but something else, something new. According to my sensei who was there and saw it my eyes were unnerving to behold.-
My eyes turned red and lost both pupil and iris. In their place a series of white veins snaked across the whole thing like lightning bolts and in the center of my eyes where the pupil used to be a single dot of gold shone. I was startled by these transformation but couldn't miss the abilities of these eyes if I wanted to with how glaringly obvious they were. I could see the energy in the air like a vast aurora of colors and my gaze pierced through flesh, bone and blood to see the energies of my sensei's body.-
That wasn't the most startling ability that I gained however as in addition to that I could see a thread attached to my sensei that interacted with the energies of the world and painted a picture.
'I can glimpse the future!?' I thought in shock as my sensei moved in the exact manner that the thread showed me only later than what I had seen.
Her movements were also dreadfully slow in my new vision like watching a snail move. I couldn't maintain this new state for long however before darkness overtook me again.
When I woke up again she was missing but Karen was nearby and my eyes had seemingly returned to normal though not entirely. I could still see the energies floating through the air but they were blurry and hard to make out individually. The world also moved much slower than normally in my perception not at a snails pace but sort of like one of those slow motion scenes in a movie. I wasn't sure how I knew but I simply understood that what I discovered wasn't all my new eyes were capable of.-
This time when I woke up I didn't immediately try to move my projected my perception towards my own body and was startled at what I found. First and foremost my chakra had more than regenerated while I was out this time. In fact it felt absolutely abyssal with how vast and dense it was now. My chakra network itself had also changed in an odd way as it now had many small pathways that hadn't existed before Orochimaru did what he did. From head to toes my chakra network was like a dense spiderweb that left no inch of my body uncovered.-
The second thing I noticed was that my cells were ridiculously active and filled with energy. It felt as if each and every cell in my body was a miniature sun of vitality. There was one change that I was not the biggest fan of however in that on my head small bumps of bone were growing in what I could only describe as a crown of horns. There were a total of seven which was a suspicious number as it perfectly matched all the base chakra natures. Right now they were barely more than slightly raised places on my head but I could tell they were growing.-
"You're awake!?" Karin exclaimed breaking me out of my thoughts.
"I am." I said opening my eyes and looking at her.
"How do you feel? Sensei Tsunade said that you passed out from overexertion of your chakra and might feel some discomfort after waking up." she said seriously while looking me over.
"I feel off, not bad exactly but wrong and out of sorts. I'll mount that snakes head on my wall for this." I said with a coldness that made Karin pale visibly.
"I s-see." she said shakily while trying not to show a fearful expression.
I saw this and felt my anger quickly get replaced with guilt "I am sorry for speaking to you like that, you don't hold any relation to this and are unworth of being subjected to my wrath. I ask forgiveness for frightening you." I said apologetically.
She waved her hands hurriedly "No no it's fine I understand why you are angry. Anyone would be after something like this!" she said trying to wave off my apology as unnecessary.
"You need not make excuses for me. My conduct just now while logical was unfair to you and deserved an apology. What would you like to make up for it?" I asked sincerely.
She looked conflicted for a moment before my sensei walked in and interrupted "Why not ask for a date? This blockhead might never get the hint otherwise?" she suggested with a glint in her eyes.
"What!? That!? You!? Ugh!" Karin fumbled in shock while turning as red as her hair before dashing out of the room.
"An odd thing to suggest. Why would she even want something like that when we already live together and go out all the time?" I asked confused.
My sensei rolled her eyes and sighed "You really are as dense as a brick sometimes for all that intelligence of yours. That girls been smitten with you since you rescued her in the forest of death but you are too dense to notice unless someone spells it out for you. It's rather annoying to watch her dance about the topic all the time as well." she said bluntly leaving me speechless.
"Huh? Well that explains a lot of inconsistencies. How troublesome." I muttered with a frown.
"Wow, now that's cold. I tell you that a girl is in love with you and you claim it's troublesome, it's a wonder what she sees in you." My sensei teased and I snorted in irritation.
"I can not be blamed for this matter as the way I see it we are too young to even contemplate such things. If you had told me in a few more years I may have even been excited but now it is indeed quite troublesome. Now I have to figure out how to deal with this situation in a logical and well reasoned manner." I said with a groan while it was my sensei's turn to be left speechless.