
Naruto: The rise of Uzumaki Kingdom

As a family that built a country, with huge chakra and vitality, but was actually destroyed by others, Uzumaki Ryuto had something in his heart that he didn't know whether to say or not. Therefore, Uzumaki Ryuto decided to vigorously develop national power. "Ninjutsu is the source of progress." The future development trend is one superpower with multiple powers. Only under the leadership of the Kingdom of Whirlpool can the ninja world achieve true peace.

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52 Chs

Can't Hold Back Anymore, Time to Go All Out!

Early morning.

The ecological environment of the Land of Whirlpools was still quite good, with no smog, trees, mountains, water, and clear air!!

Or perhaps the entire Ninja World's ecological environment was very good, after all, the Ninja World had an advantage that the Earth didn't—chakra, a pollution-free, renewable energy source. So the wildlife here was still quite abundant, and some animals even evolved into summons—intelligent animals that could harness chakra, after gaining wisdom.

Of course, there was also a small portion that had inherited ancient secret techniques and forcibly occupied a well-vegetated area with fresh air, without paying taxes or working, and even proclaimed themselves as the Three Sacred Lands after living there for a while.

Gengetsu Hōzuki and the Kirigakure high ranks sat around a round table, all yawning and with dark circles under their eyes, looking like they had been overworked at night.

Their spirits were low!!


Gengetsu Hōzuki cleared his throat lightly, signaling them to perk up. They were still at war now, so how could they look half-dead like this? Were they going to keep fighting this war or not?

If they didn't want to continue, that wouldn't work. They had to fight, whether they liked it or not!

Otherwise, Gengetsu's mobilization to invade the Land of Whirlpools would be a total loss. Not only would he lose his position as the Mizukage, but even his clan would suffer in the village.

So, whether they wanted to or not, they had to fight. Cheer up, and after succeeding, they could be made nobles and officials, as they wished.

However, everyone knew they were at war, but if you made them stay up for three nights and listen to fireworks for three consecutive days, how would you feel?

Even the God of the Ninja World would probably break down!!

Not only were their spirits low, but they were also irritable!! Hadn't they seen the people from the Kaguya clan start twisting their bones? They were about to go crazy from not eating meat for three days, fighting against nothing but dust that made "bang—" sounds. Their hearts were weary! The Kaguya clan had never encountered such a situation before. Previously, they only needed to howl and twist their bones to slash down, but ever since they started slashing at shadow clones, they felt that if they kept going like this, they might not even be able to lift their bones.

Now, whenever the Kirigakure ninja heard "bang—", their eyes turned red...

They wanted to run away!

Explosive tags would explode, even shadow clones would explode. After listening to it for three days, they felt completely uncomfortable.

They were allergic to the "bang—" sound!!

And now, they were supposed to cheer up? Don't joke around. They didn't even know where the Whirlpool ninja were hiding, they were all just shadow clones.

The Kirigakure ninja had something on their minds that they didn't know whether to say or not!

They felt that currently, one of them could handle ten Whirlpool ninja, and they were still Jonin-level.

This was too much bullying. Even if you were so rich, you couldn't wage war like this!!

Setting off firecrackers in the middle of the night, disturbing the peace!

Now, with their low spirits, they probably even felt a lag when using ninjutsu, coming out in spurts.


Gengetsu Hōzuki, with dark circles under his eyes, looked sternly at the Kirigakure ninja seated. This wouldn't do!! Now he knew what the Whirlpool ninja wanted to do—they were trying to demoralize the Kirigakure forces. How malicious!!!

Hadn't they seen that their morale was already weakening?

What was war about? It was about tactics, money, and morale!!

Now, even their morale was about to be exhausted. How were they going to fight then?

Did everyone not want to fight anymore? This wouldn't work!! How could Gengetsu, as the Mizukage, save face?

The Mizukage's aide frowned as he looked at the high ranks seated. Not to mention the high ranks being in such a state, the lower ranks were even worse. As the Ninja War was nearing its end, anti-war sentiment had already been spreading among the ninja, and on top of that, there had been no gains at all. Probably everyone was sick of it.

"Perhaps we've fallen into a trap?" The Mizukage's aide said thoughtfully, supporting his chin with his hands.

"Oh? What trap have we fallen into?" Gengetsu Hōzuki asked quickly when he heard someone was about to suggest something. Right now, he was afraid of silence, so any suggestion was welcome, no matter what it was or whether it would work. Just put it out there first.

Distracting their attention was also good.

"This time, we Kirigakure ninja have fallen into this situation for two main reasons," the Mizukage's aide said seriously. It was now time for the Mizukage's brain to speak.



"The Mizukage's aide is right."

However, everyone responded perfunctorily, as if they had heard this before and it was useless!! The Whirlpool ninja would still use shadow clones, no matter what!!

"Another reason is that this is their homeland," the Mizukage's aide continued. "The Whirlpool ninja are more familiar with this place than us, so they have an advantage in hiding."

"There might even be traps here that we don't know about." The Mizukage's aide scanned the people seated, frowning. "Have you noticed that everything seems to have gone differently from our original plan since we set foot in the Land of Whirlpools?"

To put it simply, we've been led around, by a bunch of blockheads no less. We were too confident, thinking a bunch of blockheads would only know how to howl and charge head-on. We didn't expect them to actually use tactics. You have to know, one blockhead is already blockheaded, but a group of blockheads would definitely be even more blockheaded, since howling is contagious, you know!

But we didn't expect the blockheads of the entire Land of Whirlpools to remain clear-headed. This is definitely not a whirlpool!!

Everyone nodded, that was indeed the reason.

From the time they landed until now, the plan had been completely changed beyond recognition. Originally, they had planned to directly engage in a head-on clash with the howling blockheads, but they didn't expect the enemy to stop head-on clashing and start harassing them instead.

But plans couldn't keep up with changes! What if they charged in again and fell into a trap?

Seeming to notice the worries of those seated, the Mizukage's aide spoke again, "Everyone is concerned about the Whirlpool clan's traps, but..."

"Have you considered that our situation is different from when we first landed?"

Different? How was it different?

Was it because of their kidney-deficient expressions, as if their bodies had been hollowed out?

Seeing everyone's strange expressions, the Mizukage's aide was about to sprout a black line on his forehead. What were they thinking?

"The numbers, the numbers are different," Gengetsu Hōzuki said seriously, as if he had realized something.

The numbers? Indeed, the numbers had decreased significantly! Many had died from the explosive tags. This was the Mizukage's dereliction of duty!

You should take responsibility! Compensate us!!

The Mizukage's aide nodded seriously when he saw the Mizukage had understood. "Indeed, we have far fewer people now, but..."

"Those remaining are the elites, so our situation is different."

Now everyone seemed to understand. So that was it!!

The cannon fodder had been decimated, but it didn't matter! The Land of Whirlpools still had few people and wasn't very strong, so the Kirigakure Village could still overpower them. Even if there were traps, with so many of them, they could still react in time.

"Exactly, to break through the current situation, we need to disrupt the Land of Whirlpools' arrangements." The Mizukage's aide said solemnly. They couldn't let the enemy lead them around anymore, or who knew, the Kirigakure forces might get overwhelmed!!

"But how do we disrupt the current situation?" The Mizukage frowned.

(end of chapter)