
Naruto: The Prodigal Uchiha

He didn't know what this world had to offer and he didn't know what he could offer the world. But he was here now, he had no way to go back, and even if he did, there was nothing he could do with this body. Everything he could do before was useless now, everything he knew would be of little help for years. And what was this obsession with eyes? ___ I don't own Naruto. Duh.

Itsame_Mario · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter one

A light was reflected from the metal plating attached to a headband.

Right in the middle of it was a symbol of a spiraling leaf, representing his birthplace and now, his job. Ironic really, old habits do die hard.

With a sigh, he moved his black locks and tied the headband around his forehead. Once a killer, always a killer, as they say.

Standing up from the bench he was sitting up, he walked out of the small park he was sitting in and started walking around. His current location was the leaf village, called so because it was a village... hidden in the leaves.

Yeah, there were better names out there but the village was mostly nice.

Passing by a flower shop, he spared it a glance before turning and heading toward the entrance. The bell rang as he walked in, informing everyone inside about his presence. A blonde man with his hair tied up in a ponytail walked out of the back room with a flower in hand. Their eyes met and the older man offered a small smile that could be found on every merchant one could find.

"Ah, Uchiha-san, how can I help you today?"

The boy nodded at the older man before looking around, spotting a pot of Chrysanthemum flower. Walking closer, he stared at it, with the gaze of an older man on his back the whole time. After a few seconds, he turned around and pointed at the pot.

"I'll take twenty of these, wrap half in black wrap and the other half in blue, please."

The man nodded and placed the flower on the counter before going back where he came from. He waited for a few minutes before the man came out again with his order. Paying the necessary amount, the pre-teen grabbed the flowers and walked out.

His next destination was the cemetery. Absently, he looked around as kids ran by followed by their exasperated parents. the walk only lasted for a while as he walked inside the empty cemetery. Humming slightly, he got near an isolated group of tombstones. Two of them were elevated by a stone platform as he neared and walked up the stairs.

With a sigh, he got to work, taking out the old flowers and putting in the new ones and cleaning off any leaves and sticks that fell on the graves. After he was done, he put his hands inside his pockets as he stared at the names present on the two grave stones.

Mikoto Uchiha and Fugaku Uchiha.

His parents.

"I finished the academy. I should be getting a teacher tomorrow... It will probably be Kakashi but I'm not sure, couldn't be bothered to sneak into the meeting."

He muttered under his breath, making sure that nobody heard him even if he was alone.

The pre-teen stared at the gravestones for a few more minutes, because of the lack of anything to say. It didn't take long for him to turn around and leave, sending a glance at the tree in the distance.

His final destination was his house, meaning, his entire clan grounds. Once, it was full of life, as mundane as it was, but now, it was decollate, it's only occupant being himself. The streets were empty, houses silent once scattered with dead bodies. Walls clean, one covered in blood. He was desensitized to all of it. There was too much of the red liquid of life on his hands already.

Opening the door to his house that was in the center of the whole district, he walked inside, taking off his shoes. What was weird about this time period was that everyone wore sandals. Those thing's were awkward. That's why he wore steel tipped ones, they were just normal sandals that covered the whole foot not just ninety percent of it and had their tips covered in steel to add some extra punch.

Why give up such an advantage?

Sighing at the disappointment that his new allies were, he walked further inside his house and towards the living room. Standing in front of the table for a moment, he blinked and sighed in annoyance.

He had to move this thing again.

After a few pushes, a rolled up carpet and an open trap door later, he was looking at his objective. A rolled up scroll. It may not seem like much, but it was priceless, containing the summoning contract for Hawks. This was his now, as promised by his mother, right after he finished academy.

Unrolling the scroll, he stared at third name written there, his mothers name, with a sigh, he bit down on his finger, drawing blood and using it to write his name, Sasuke Uchiha, in the empty space.

Hawks were now at his disposal.

Closing the trap door with the small scroll still in his hand, he placed the carpet and the table back in place and he then started heading toward the houses armory. Granted, countless hidden weapons and traps were present inside the residence, but since he didn't have any guests over, ever, there was little need to remove them when he could just avoid them.

Besides, it kept away pests.

Reaching the so called armory, he opened the sliding door and walked inside, passing all the swords and armors on display, they would be too impractical with his current body.

Walking up the the previously prepared table, he picked up everything that was present. A dark blue vest that was held together by the clips on the sides, forearm protectors, fingerless gloves, all in dark blue.

They would be needed tomorrow, and he didn't want to walk around the whole house just to get ready.

Walking back to his room, he put everything he was carrying on the table and grabbed a book nearby and sat down on the bed. Flipping it open he stared at the empty pages before blinking, allowing his vision to turn red. The empty pages suddenly turned into advanced manuals of about illusions.