
Naruto: The Mightiest Kai

For some unknown reason a useless piece of human being was given a second chance, even though he should go straight to hell. Reborn in the Naruto world that in his previous life was only just fiction, now it has become reality he lives on. Read his journey who want to become better human for himself and his surroundings. ////-////-////-//////-////// Short chapter until it gradually increase in chapter 9 up, I don't know it was that short. My first time writing we shall see how it goes (⁠+⁠_⁠+⁠) -----::---------::----- Leave some comments for what I need to improve -----::---------::-----

Han_989 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
73 Chs

Chapter 11 : Reopening the Academy

Walking through the village street holding his mother's hands Kai sees all the new buildings that were not long ago just finished being built.

Even though 1 year has passed, the sadness still lingering in the air.

The destruction that has been made, it causes too many losses, grief and bitterness to everyone.

While the hokage forbade anyone from talking about it, it's not stopping them from hating the disaster that fell upon them.

Walking lnto bustling of the village street his eyes never stop wandering around everything that interest him.

In the previous life he spent most of his time indoors, so every new thing he saw always made him interested.

Moreover, all the new fantasy things that he sometimes sees.

It was always entertaining to see new things, especially when it was rare for him to go out a little far away from home.

Usually he only saw little around his neighborhood because after the disaster the village is quite tense for fear that other villages will attack, exploiting the weakening state that village is currently in after the disaster that fell upon them.

After walking for a while they finally reach their destination, akimichi residence and in the front of the house 2 people just come out of their house with the baby in his woman hand.

"Uncle Chozo, Aunt Chomi" Harumi greated both of them while approaching the couple in front of their home.

"Oh Harumi you're right on time, let's go see the academy, it has just been rebuilt, everyone wants to see the new building. There will be an announcement of reopening the academy by the hokage."

"Yes uncle Choza"

"This should be Kai, ohh… Look at you, you can already walk by yourself" Chomi approaches Kai and pinch his cheek.

"Hello auntie, Hello uncle" Kai greeted back while bowing to both of them.

"Hahaha…, hello Kai"

The group starts walking to the direction of the hokage mountain.

While walking Kai sometimes glances at the baby in his aunt's hand who's none other than Choji, one of the characters that he sees from anime.

"Look Kai this is Choji you need to look after him when you are older he's gonna be your underclassmen when you two gonna be in academy" his auntie speaks to him while showing a baby who seems to be quite shy clinging to his mother.

Looking up to the baby in the hand of his aunt he sees quite a chubby baby who is looking at him with curious eyes.

"Yes auntie leave it to me, Hello Choji I'm Kai" Kai said to his aunt while smiling to the baby who quickly hid his face.

After walking for some time the group finally sees a crowd of people already gathering in front of the new academy building.

Walking through a crowd of people, uncle Choza led them through the crowd, he looked like wanna search for someone.

After a while they approach a group of people who he recognized to be the father and mother of shikamaru and ino.

"Shikaku…, Inoichi…"

"Yoo..Choza you finally arrived" Inoichi said while shikaku only waved his hand.

While all the adult men are gathering with themselves, he follows his mother and aunt Chomi to gather with the wifes.

"How are you Harumi, And it must be your child right?" Yoshino, the wife of shikaku said to his mother while looking at him.

"Yes auntie Yoshino this is Kai, Kai introduce yourself"

"Hello aunties, my name is Might Kai" Kai introduced himself to both of the women who he just met.

"Hello Kai, we only meet when you are a child so maybe you not remember it I'm Yoshino and this is my child shikamaru"

"And my name is Ran, and this is my lovely child Ino, does she beautiful right Kai" the other woman said to him who he assumed to be Ino mother who he doesn't remember ever being told whose name was the same as Choji mother.

After introduce each other all mother start to talking by themselves while he look at shikamaru whose seems bored in his mother hand and half sleep and when he look at the Ino direction he was being stare with curious eyes.

After some time the hokage finally arrived at the podium.


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