
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · Anime e quadrinhos
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77 Chs

Chapter 65 - Mangekyō Sharingan: Greek Fire

Months passed since Kagami achieved Sage mode which allowed his strength to take a step forward. However, all was not well within the village. Despite his and Mira's efforts to convince the higher ups and the Uchiha Clan to stop their coups. It seemed all useless for neither side would heed their warnings.

Late at night, Kagami was at Hiruzen house facing the man. Trying to reach a breakthrough before the Uchiha Massacre. Which was drawing close and could be any day now.

"Sir, you need to remove your friend. He is the reason and without him, we can end this matter between the village and Uchiha clan." Kagami said. "You have sat on this matter for too long. It's time to take action before it's too late."

"There is more at stake than simply removing Danzo." Hiruzen answered. "The Uchiha clan members want Fugaku to become Hokage. Which would have been fine if he filled the qualifications, but the man himself doesn't want it and is easily swayed by others."

"You and I both know that isn't the issue. It is because Danzo pushed them into a corner and when animals and people are back into a corner. They will lash out in a final struggle in a last ditch effort."

"That may be, but there might not be any choices left." Hiruzen replied with an edge to his voice. "If the Uchiha launch a coup, it may lead to war, a war in which may end our village."

"However, wiping out the Uchiha will weaken the village greatly. No matter your grievances with the clan. They are one of our village's top fighting forces." Kagami countered. "This outcome that you have planned may also lead to ruin."

"I have considered this, but this is a lose-lose situation. Compared to the amount of the dead we will have if the Uchiha launch its coup, then if we strike before. We will have more shinobi and should be able to hold against the others." Hiruzen stated.

Kagami frowned at Hiruzen as either way, the Uchiha clan is in trouble. Either they will be arrested with the village degrading them more, or every child, man, woman and elderly will be slain. Each would basically ruin the Uchiha in different ways for years to come.

While Kagami wanted to continue to argue with Hiruzen to try and convince him. The village siren went off, making his eyes blaze in anger at the man. For he knew what had happened or currently taking place.

"If the Uchiha are harmed, then I will wipe out your friend." Kagami growled.

"Do you dare betray the village?" Hiruzen replied back.

"If it is to save the village from elders that wish to harm it in the name of helping it." Kagami replied as his chakra began to break the ground. "Because from what I can see, your guy's time has passed, as once good people have started to become villains."

Hiruzen seemed to have the wind taken from his sails, as he sat down looking far older than he was. Not that he was a young person by any means, but looked a good ten to fifteen years older then he was.

"Maybe you're right." Hiruzen sighed. "Our time has indeed passed. However, sometimes a necessary evil is needed for the survival of others."

Kagami glared at him, before turning to leave. "This conversation isn't over."

With these words, Kagami left and headed to the Uchiha Compound. Maybe it is not too late to save more than just a child. So sensing the kunai he gave to Mira, he used the Flying Thunder God Technique.


When Kagami arrived, he found Mira slashing down at a masked man. The man wore black clothes with red clouds and an orange swirl mask. Only the sight of a sharingan could be seen inside before Mira sword swiped through the man without hindrance.

In an instant, Kagami slid his foot forward and molded his chakra into his fist. Then when the man materialized his fist to attack Mira, Kagami's fist connected with his. A loud bone breaking sounded out as the masked man clearly surprised and in pain as he gripped his hand.

"Mira, go see if you can save anyone. Also if you see Danzo, kill him." Kagami ordered before kicking the masked man heavily away.

"I got him." Mira shouted a bit angry.

"No, he was just playing around. Now go." Kagami ordered with his eyes changing as his Mangekyō Sharingan appeared in his eyes.

Mira nodded before leaving, seeing his look.

"Senju Kagami." The man said in a slightly hoarse voice as bones cracked and steam rose from his wounds. "Do you think just because you landed two blows on me, you can stop me."

"It will take some effort to beat you, but even if you have your tools man who considers himself a god. I could still beat you two, for while strong, you guys aren't that strong in my eyes." Kagami answered.

"You certainly have grown arrogant." The masked man grumbled.

"It may be arrogant in your eyes, but it is only confidence when one has the skills to back it up." Kagami said.

Then below his left eyes, a blood trail appeared. Where a bluish flame appeared causing the mask man to panic as he discarded his robe as it burned with the flames beginning to spread on the stone ground below.

Mangekyō Sharingan: Greek Fire.

This was Kagami left eye Mangekyō Sharingan ability which was a fire that could burn and continue to burn even when doused or submerged in water. Which was similar to the Amaterasu, but instead of being fire release. Kagami figured it was a mixture of water and fire release for Greek Fire that was similar to a liquid.

"Do you think you're invincible because of these flames?" The masked man laughed.

"No, that was just an opening." Kagami smirked as his eyes turned amber with his Mangekyō Sharingan.

Then Kagami vanished from the naked eyes with a kick from the ground. Before he reappeared, in front of the masked man driving a kunai at the man's eye. The man barely dodged, but missed a crystal pike that pieced into his side. Which soon turned into a large crystal trapping the man inside.

However, the man soon phased through it and escaped the crystal. Which Kagami knew would happen and continued his offensive while keeping his attacks focused on the eye or heart.

"I will be back." The man said as venom and annoyance laced his voice.

Slamming his hand down, Kagami created a large dent into the man's chest forcing the man to cough out blood. Then the man vanished in a swirl.

'Obito probably won't show his face for a while.' Kagami frowned, but couldn't do much in this regard.

The elemental continent is a large area trying to find him. Well, Kagami has better and more important things to do than search everywhere.

Thanks for Reading.

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