
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · Anime e quadrinhos
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77 Chs

Chapter 50 - Laboratory Search

In a training field, days after raiding Orochimaru secret laboratory. Kagami was facing Mira who went all out as they did a taijutsu spar. No weapons or jutsu, just their taijutsu and chakra enhancement. Which led him to discover that Mira has improved again since last time as he put a bit more effort in countering her.

"You have seriously improved again." Kagami grinned.

His words were followed by a heavy knee to her stomach, but Mira managed to move her palm in front. While not totally blocking the power behind his strike, she managed to offset most as she jumped back. However, during the jump she attempted to counter but she miscalculated leaving her counterattack a bit far from touching his clothes.

"You say that every time." Mira said, almost sounding dissatisfied. "Yet, I haven't beaten you once."

"What else can I say, you're very talented." Kagami shrugged. "So how has your magnet release come along?"

Mira frowned, "Not very well, I can't compare to you nor the records of Third Kazekage."

Kagami blinked at her high reaching goal. He has a wealth of experience of all five elements and blends most of them. Not to mention he designed jutsu or modified existing ones. Hence, besides mixing chakra natures, he really only needs to apply his experience.

For example he could easily use Wood Release to create a large golem, but after revising it with his trick with mechanical affinity. Then he could easily do something similar with Ice, Magnet, Crystal or any solid kekkei genkai really. Just unlike the wood golem they can't absorb chakra.

"Well, give it time, you've only been learning it for about a year." Kagami answered.

"Then what about yourself?"

"I'm very talented." Kagami smiled, but nearly took Mira's shoe to his face.


A while later, after their spar and a quick shower to remove the dust and sweat. Kagami scratched his head as he received a notice from the Hokage to go to this laboratory. Hence after arriving at the laboratory, he saw nearly forty Anbu as well as Hiruzen in Hokage robes. However the most surprising part was an old man wrapped in bandages next to him.


"Do you guys need something?" Kagami asked.

"We have reason to believe you were working with Orochimaru. So you need to come with us while we search your laboratory." Danzo spoke in a monotone voice.

However, his eyes glowed with hatred and coldly looked at him making Kagami back tingle. Not that he was afraid of Danzo, but even if he wins, he will lose. Since he most likely will have to run away and become a missing nin.

"Then should I be questioned or under watch? Why invite me here to search my laboratory?" Kagami asked with a grin.

Hiruzen coughed lightly, as he seemed to be slightly embarrassed for his ANBU or more specifically Danzo Root. For they simply couldn't enter because when Kagami has a bit of time, he will increase the security and now. Well, besides breaking down the walls and possibly triggering unknown and potentially dangerous traps. No one knew how to enter without the key, which was only in the hands of Kagami and Mira.

Hence,what was supposed to be a secret search before possibly detaining him if necessary. Well it required Kagami, who was under suspicion to be called to open the door for them.

"Don't worry about it, we just need to do a quick search and we will be gone." Hiruzen waved his hands.

Kagami just shrugged as he opened the door for them. There is nothing in there that is worth noting at the moment. Besides some files containing data and ideas to tinker with. The laboratory is pretty barren at the moment. Since completing the serum, he has been working on the tanks in an effort to clone himself and Mira so they can get Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and improve the machines.

So watching the sea of Anbu rush in, Kagami stood by Hiruzen's side as Danzo also stepped inside. After nearly thirty minutes most of his laboratory turned inside out with every inch searched. Nothing was found, besides Danzo holding a stack of files.

"So how do you search, any results?" Hiruzen asked Anbu.

The Anbu in question shook their head, which seemed to be in Hiruzen's expectation. Then he glanced at his friend's hand as he held a stack of files.

"These files are suspicious and require a more thorough inspection." Danzo said with gritted teeth.

He would simply hide the files away, but if Kagami reported the matter. While not much will come from it, it will be troublesome. Hence, Danzo decided to just copy what he could in a rush and 'attempt' taking it away openly.

Looking at the files, Kagami looked at him confused. Most of the files in Danzo's hands were just random thoughts and ideas. The file on top was literally a machine to make teddy bears.

Hiruzen took the files and quickly flipped through them. While he didn't understand the more technical stuff, he scanned the summary at the top. Hence besides a kunai sharpening, Hybrid Serum and mini robot chef being slightly interesting. Hiruzen failed to understand how Danzo found these things suspicious.

"Well, besides the Hybrid Serum, I don't see anything really suspicious in these files." Hiruzen answered. "Maybe I am too old to keep up."

Danzo frowned but knew he wasn't going to get the files. So after a moment he signals to his men to leave after a small snort. Naturally he didn't care about most of the files, but it was the Hybrid Serum that he wanted. Since he felt he could figure out a cure for himself from the file.

Once Danzo and his men left, Hiruzen then turned his attention to Kagami. "Now, tell me about this Hybrid Serum."

"It's a failure. After dozens upon dozens of tests, with many mice as the subject. The best I got was something similar to Hidden Waterfall Village Hero Water. While improving one strength, it drains one lifespan in return. So I closed the project as noted on the next page."

Hiruzen opened the file and looked it over and indeed. From what he could understand and the data present to him. It was as Kagami stated and he noted in a large stamp "failure" across the page.

Handing him the pile of files, Hiruzen left with his Anbu.

As for why there is still a file, Kagami knew a few who knew he was working on such a project. It has been going on for a few years and this is a ninja village. So he couldn't make all traces vanish, as it would be more suspicious. So instead he tossed a bunch of failures into a file and marked it as failure.

Which seemed to be a good idea, the reactions he just got were anything to go by.

Thanks for Reading.

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