
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · Anime e quadrinhos
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77 Chs

Chapter 41 - Strangeness at the Border

Before Kagami realized it, a few weeks passed by since Mira twelfth birthday and gifting Kōsetsu to her. Which as a small note made him feel that time seems to flash by as their bodies were beginning to mature and should soon enter puberty. Since he noticed she was beginning to fill out when he was adding the fuinjutsu to her.

However, after sealing both Asura inside himself, Kagami noticed that his chakra reserves were increasing fairly fast. Especially as he added nanobots to help out, so compared to a few weeks ago. He felt his chakra reserves increased by at least thirty percent and are still increasing. Thus, based on the data and estimate he currently has around a Uzumaki or Senju clan descendant level of chakra.

Which didn't mean much, but unlike before when he would waste or run low on chakra after a few large jutsus. He could probably pull off a few more without straining himself too much thanks to Asura. However, Kagami knew this was far from enough as he was still quite a bit from even reaching Hashirama or even Naruto when he was suppressing the nine tails.

'I have more than Kakashi, but less than Naruto when he is twelve and suppressing the nine tails.' This is the rough concussion Kagami came to.

"Father, are we leaving today?" Asura's voice rang in Kagami's head.

"It can't be helped." Kagami sighed. "This is the life of a shinobi."

"But, Father, you're not a normal shinobi? You have pushed the village forward towards an economic boom." Asura roared. "You have helped many with your inventions and can create so much more. So why does the Hokage keep sending you to the border?"

"Maybe, I'm too handsome and it steals his thunder." Kagami rubbed his chin with a smile.

"While I agree with the statement that Father is the best looking human. Please be serious, it might be a conspiracy like in those stories you tell." Asura replied with a bit of flattery.

Kagami laughed, but shook his head. "It is not a big conspiracy like you think. The issue is my strength is towards the top in the village. So much like the others who are in the same boat as I, we are rather busy running missions, sitting on the borders, or running the ANBU.'

Despite their young ages, both Kagami and Mira were promoted to Jonin when they returned to the village. Thus, like Kakashi who was promoted to Jonin at twelve, they beat him by becoming a Jonin at eleven. Only unlike him, they weren't favored enough to be enlisted into the ANBU or be one of the mainstay Jonin to stay in the village incase of an emergency.


After packing and arriving at Mira house, Kagami knocked on the door. After a few minutes, Mira opened the door with her stuff packed behind her. However, she wasn't carrying it, but Kōsetsu who sat behind her wagging her nine tails at the sight of him.

"Papa, you're finally here." Kōsetsu said happily. "Mama was pacing as she waited for you."

"Kōsetsu." Mira said as she sent a glare.

Kōsetsu just turned her head and made a playful whistle like she didn't do anything. However, a moment later under Mira glare, Kōsetsu vanished from the spot and judging by the slight tremble of Mira. She entered the seal and clearly said or did something to set Mira off as she clenched her fist.

"Father, are you sure it is safe to leave the two of them together?" Asura asked with a bit of hesitation in his voice.

"I'm sure it will be fine." Kagami replied back, deciding not to worry about it.

If worse comes to worst, he will just undo the seal and figure something else out for them. However, he believes that both of them will become good friends in the long run. Then in the future he might see Kōsetsu Chakra Mode on Mira. That paired with the susanoo, it will be a sight to behold.

"Father, are you thinking of something weird again?" Asura asked.

"I'm thinking of a wonderful future sight." Kagami answered back.

"Father, please try to contain yourself around Mama." Asura stated.

'I feel we are thinking of something completely different.' Kagami thought to himself.

"Come on Kagami, let's get moving. From what I heard, a strange situation at the border awaits us." Mira said. "If I didn't guess wrong, Kumogakure has begun to up the fighting since we weren't there to push them down."

"Be careful you two." Maru who stood off to the side like a forgotten and invisible person made his presence known as he waved them off.

'He doesn't look to be doing too well. Well he is nearly ninety years old so his time might be drawing near.' Kagami thought to himself.

Well until he saw the man pull out an orange book which he recognized as Jiraiya book. So maybe his guess wasn't correct and the man just stayed up too late reading. Since Kagami remembered that his grandfather Taiyō, Maru is just too old and stubborn to die.


Inside an underground lair of Root, Danzo slammed his fist on the desk in front of him. Anger radiated off him as he glared at the very pale man in front of him with snake-like eyes. Clearly not caring for the man who sent back an almost mocking gaze.

"What do you mean all the test subjects died again. You're supposed to be looking for a cure for me." Danzo said through gritted teeth. "Not to mention that Hiruzen is growing suspicious as more and more missing villagers keep appearing."

"I am doing so, but there seems to be issues with the serum itself and until I can find the fix for it. I can only keep testing." Orochimaru replied back calmly. "Besides, I only asked for test subjects, you're the one who keeps pulling them from the village."

"Their sacrifices are for the greater good of the village." Danzo snorted, clearly not caring much. "I will give you two hundred more, but I want results as soon as possible."

Orochimaru just gave a creepy smile as he left, leaving behind a depressed Danzo. As he undid a few bandages, gray spots on his arms appeared as his body was aging at a pace he didn't like. For while the serum did its job of increasing his strength and chakra, however his body was aging faster then he likes.

'At this rate I will be in the coffin before I can become Hokage.' Danzo thought angrily.

Thanks for Reading.

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