
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · Anime e quadrinhos
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77 Chs

Chapter 31 - To Fight or Not to Fight

It wasn't long before Kagami and Mira arrived at the border where they got a quick summary of what was happening. Which wasn't much to say the least as Kumo were using guerilla tactics since they would strike and run away quickly. Thus causing everyone who is stationed here a headache.

So now sitting in Kagami's tent, Kagami and Mira were looking at a map telling them their patrol routes and discussing their plans. Both were discussing how they should handle various ambushes and how they should discover these Kumo shinobi hideouts.

"Judging by the reports, most of the attacks happen around these areas and at frequent rates. It's not enough to show them declaring war, but their intentions of annoying us and wanting to push the border back a bit." Mira listened to Kagami words and nodded.

"Also judging by the news that they announced either because their Raikage is confident or doesn't know. To call himself one of the strongest shinobi in the world, it's a bit dumb." Mira added. "He is only really known for his lightning armor and brute strength."

"Indeed, but you shouldn't underestimate him. Even if he is basically as you said, he still became a Kage and don't forget who his brother is. While I should be able to deal with him in one on one battle, it will be a very tough battle that could easily go either way." Kagami said.

Mira thought about it and her eyes just stared at him weirdly. Since it wouldn't be a stretch that Kagami could be considered an elite of the village. He is well versed and nearly all rounded in all aspects so many find it difficult to fight him. So she has yet to see him lose in a fight.

"So how should we find their hideouts?" Mira asked. "Should we allow them to retreat and follow them?"

Kagami thought about it and half agreed they should allow one or two to wander back. However, he wanted to mark them with his Flying Thunder God Technique and use this method to dig out the Kumo hideouts. Using this method, both him and Mira should be able to remove a few hideouts quickly and before Kumo reacts.

"Sounds like a plan." Kagami fist bumped Mira.


Silently moving about the open land along the Kumo border since neither Kumo nor Konoha wanted to give the other a chance to hide. So it is a very empty space with dirt dunes from past battles being present.

"If Kumogakure wanted to expand, why doesn't it just take the Land of Frost." Mira complained.

While Kumo wanted to take advantage of Konoha state after the Nine Tails. Kumogakure actually had to traverse nearly two small nations to pick a fight. However, there is basically an unspoken rule and reason why small nations hate the large nations as well the five main hidden villages. That rule being the five can come and go to fight each other totally ignoring the small nations in the process.

The reason for this is, because the five tend to pay the daimyo of these small nations a bit of money and like any leader who receives such a hefty sum of money. They turn blind eyes, so unless the two villages go out of their way to slaughter their civilians, they don't care about the people living there all that much.

Kagami was about to respond that the Raikage's main goal wasn't to expand but to hinder Konoha recovery. Only he felt something wrong and noticed some movement not far from him and quickly motion to Mira as he pulled out his sword.

Moments later, the ground around them exploded as explosive tags were triggered. Thus a grand explosion occurred flinging both Mira and Kagami backwards from the blast. So besides a few minor cuts, neither of the two were hurt all that much besides some ringing in their ears.

"Nothing?" When the ringing died down and no one came to attack them, Kagami glanced at Mira.

She too looked puzzled as she looked around and found nothing. After a bit more investigation, and finding one explosive tag that didn't go off. Kagami disarmed it, and didn't know if he should laugh or be annoyed. Since it wasn't a Kumo style explosive tag, but a Konoha one.

"What are the chances Kumo shinobi took them from a dead Konoha shinobi?" Mira asked as she too recognized it.

"Not very likely. This is probably a Konoha shinobi doing." Kagami replied as a boy around twelve or so appeared.

The boy wasn't someone either of them recognized as the boy had short black hair. His face was fairly dark as he angrily pointed at them.

"How dare you ruin my traps. Thanks to you two, I may have lost my chance of being promoted to chunin." The boy angrily shouted at them.

Neither Kagami nor Mira could formulate words at the boys' words, and it was not because they felt bad. They were just that dumbfounded as they were almost blown up by a fellow shinobi of their village and by an idiot genin at that.

Pinching her forehead as her veins seemed to bulge, Mira glared heavily at the angry teen. "You mean to tell me, you're the one that placed explosive tags in the middle of the field."

"Yes. Now you better pay me for setting off my tags." The teen said almost like he was looking down on them.

"I think getting money should be the least of your worries." Kagami said as he also began to rub his forehead.

To plant explosive tags in the middle of an empty field where there is no cover to hide nor any decent camping spots to rest. Kagami could only rub his forehead as he thought of two possibilities for why anyone would be caught by these explosions. The first is the two sides were going to have a head on collision or like what he and Mira were doing, sweeping the field on patrol.

Both reasons also gave him a headache as the first reason ment that Kumo was dead set on starting another war and pushed pretty far already. Since it was only a thirty minute relaxing walk to the base camp. While the other was Kumo sent idiots to infiltrate the camp since on the other side of the camp was a river and small patches of large rocks.

"What does that supposed to mean? Now reimburse me for my tags." The teen nearly shouted.

"We will see, for now, come with us." Kagami said as he moved quickly and tied the angry teen who roared.

For what the fate of this teen was, neither Kagami nor Mira really cared as it was up to the camp leader to decide. Since no one was seriously injured and unless this teen had many such situations. Then the base camp leader can decide the punishment and just leave a small note for the Hokage to look at.

Thanks for Reading.

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