
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
77 Chs

Chapter 10 - The Bullies

A few months passed by since the start of the academy in which Kagami and Mira soon became the rising stars. Be it in fighting, chakra control or theory, both were always within the top five. Which led to a few praises from their teacher, but dissatisfaction from their classmates.

'It isn't my fault that most of this I already learned,' Kagami thought to himself.

He was sitting off to the side as their chunin instructor was helping students in learning chakra control. Unlike them he and Mira long master this and the more advanced chakra control exercise. So usually during this time, the two would sit off to the side either reading or thinking of something.

Well it was mostly him thinking as Mira would read. Since during this time he was usually sorting random thoughts in his mind. Many of which include how to improve his chakra reader, improve Rasengan, Flying Thunder God Technique, improving chakra nature transformation. Sometimes, he would wonder how to increase both his and Mira chakra levels.

For why both his and Mira, well it was because Mira was his best friend. He also felt unlike how in the few fanfiction he read, no matter how strong he is, he couldn't resist the future threats alone. Hence, he wants to increase not just his own strength but Mira's to be his partner like Naruto and Sasuke in the future.

'Grandfather said that finding a partner for battle who syncs with you is a great thing. Look at Hashirama and Madara, the Kumo AB tag team, Kakashi and Guy, and the Inuzuka clan with their nin dogs. Each has a partner who not only has one back but helps find greater strength they might not find otherwise.' Kagami continues to think.

As for how he plans to increase his and Mira's strength, Kagami has a few ideas. Each isn't really feasible at the moment as he needed to set up a lab and build a bunch of machines. Since it will be far cheaper to build them himself then to spend millions if not more as most of the machines he needed were strictly controlled.

So for the time being until he can gather enough money to buy a warehouse and revernate it to his needs. He decided to put a pin in those ideas for the time being and think of other ways. Since there were still a bunch of ways for them to improve at this time in chakra control, nature transformation, shape transformation, knowledge, and the various branches of taijutsu, ninjutsu and genjutsu.

'According to grandfather, I nearly mastered both Water and Earth transformation completely while Fire and Wind weren't that far behind. Only my Lightning transformation is currently lacking at the moment due to lack of use in incorporating it into daily life.' Kagami thought.

The Naruto World has a weird technology progression for while there is electricity, but not many items that use it. Sure there is television, dishwashers, dryers and such household appliances. However, games, phones and other things don't exist because the current computers are under strict management of the Hokage.


While Kagami continued to think about the world's strange technological progression. Before he knew it, the school day came to an end. So preparing to leave with Mira as her great grandfather wanted to see him again.

For why her great grandfather wanted to meet him, Kagami could guess the reason. First it was to tell both of them about various experiences he had as a shinobi. Sometimes even asking situation questions that have no real answers to test their critical thinking skill. However, most of the time is to brag about how he saw Hashirama's amazing wood release or Madara's destructive power.

"You are Kagami Senju, right?"

Hearing his name called, Kagami looked in the direction to see an older boy three or four years older than him. Hanging around him were a few others as they all glared at him haughty almost like they were looking down on him. Confused for why they were calling out to him.


"I challenge you to a fight." The supposed leader drew other students' attention as he spoke loudly.

Staring into the boy's brown eyes as Kagami carefully looked the boy over. The boy had short brown hair and fairly light skin with fairly chubby cheeks. Hence, Kagami assumed he didn't do any real training outside of the academy. Hence, he should be the lower to middle of his class in fighting thanks to his large size.

"Can I ask why?" Kagami asked before sending Mira a look to wait a few minutes.

"We have been hearing rumors that two geniuses have enrolled. So I am here to teach you a lesson that you shouldn't dream of beating someone older than you." The boy arrogantly spoke.

'What kind of child logic is that?' not only was Kagami dumbfounded but so was Mira and many others.

"So do you dare accept our boss' challenge?" A boy behind the leader taunted.

"Kagami, make it quick. Grandfather is waiting for us." Mira accepted on his behalf.


Thirty seconds later, the group of bullies laid in a pile as Kagami walked away with Mira. Unlike Kagami who trains everyday and can use chakra to improve his strength. The bullies, while average for their age, weren't very good at empowering their bodies with chakra. Hence, Kagami easily beat them.

Reaching the school gates, an old man with the Uchiha symbol on his sleeve waited. Leaning on a cane, he smiled as saw the two of them walking towards him.

"So how was class today?" He asked happily.

A few parents looked bewildered at an Uchiha smiling and speaking in such a cheerful mood. Since, while not as bad as after the nine tails attack, the Uchiha family weren't the most popular. Thanks to their mostly stoic faces and patrolling the village as the police force.

"Well it was boring, but get this grandfather, a group of older students challenge Kagami to a fight." Mira answered with a smile before frowning. "They didn't last even thirty seconds and were very lacking in using chakra to strengthen themselves."

"Is that so, well tell me as we walk." Maru smiled as they left.

Tanks for Reading.

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