
Naruto: The Laden Tongue

A fresh-faced adult finds himself at the wrong end of some cosmic error and subsequently arrives in a foreign, yet familiar world. Dragged into the 2nd Shinobi War, he’s brought to death’s door. Should he claw his way back to the realm of the living, he would have become a changed man.

RumRumRum · Anime e quadrinhos
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15 Chs

One Final Day

Katsu and the majority of class 3-C were leaving their classroom after having taken the written portion of the graduation exam. They followed Osamu-sensei and two other exam overseers towards the academy training field for the next portion.

Katsu had passed the written test without too much trouble. Studying was something he was quite proficient in, and with the tutoring of an experienced kunoichi like Ayaka, passing the written exam was an elementary task.

However, an unlucky few remained seated in the classroom, deserted and left alone with the lingering shame of their failure. Should they be deemed not totally incompetent by the graduation committee, they would be eligible to retake the test in a couple of weeks.

Reaching the training field, the three proctors faced Katsu's class and Osamu spoke up, "We will now begin the specialized portion of the exam. Should you struggle in a particular field or fields, now is the time to demonstrate your promise in another."

He paused and eyed the fidgeting students before continuing, "You may choose to demonstrate your skill in taijutsu, ninjutsu, genjutsu, medical ninjutsu, weapon mastery, or even fuinjutsu."

Many of the students began to whisper among themselves, nervously deciding what would be the best choice to affirm their right to graduate.

Seeing the discussion among the students, Osamu added, "Keep in mind that the final evaluation of your skill set may affect the details of your deployment and career as a shinobi. That is all."

Osamu turned to look at the proctor to his left, a woman with long brown hair and red fangs tattooed on either sides of her face — an Inuzuka.

She said, "We will be going by class ranking. Rank number one, Katsu, step forward and inform the proctors of what you'll be demonstrating."

Katsu stood before the three proctors and said, "Ninjutsu."

The woman nodded and marked something on a clipboard. "Go ahead."

Katsu turned towards a wooden target that had been set up in advance and signed the bird seal. 'Wind Release: Air Bullets.'

Katsu heaved his stomach and then released countless bullets of compressed air that streaked towards the dummy, tearing it asunder and littering the grass with wooden splinters.

The Inukuza woman thought, 'The air bullets are compressed to an impressive degree. His chakra control is quite good.'

She marked something on her clipboard and called up the next student.

Many would ultimately decide upon demonstrating their weapon mastery, taijutsu, or ninjutsu, with only two others opting for genjutsu. Not a single person chose medical ninjutsu or fuinjutsu.

After all of the students had taken the specialized portion of the exam, they were asked to preform the clone jutsu as per the final requirement for passing.

Usually, the final test would be preformed before the Hokage, but urgent matters held his attention, and it was instead preformed on the spot.

Katsu, and any other students who preformed exceptionally well in the previous test, were automatically exempt from the final test and graduated on the spot.

"Congratulations," Osamu said to Katsu, handing him the classic forehead protected with the Hidden Leaf insignia. "Enjoy your last day as a student. You'll in all likelihood be deployed first thing tomorrow morning. The details of which can be found at the mission assignment desk. Failure to arrive by 8:00am will result in disciplinary action, so don't stay up too late celebrating."

Katsu tied the Konoha headband around his right bicep and looked up at his now-former instructor.

"I won't, Osamu-sensei. Thank you for your teachings," Katsu said with a bow before leaving the academy premises while waving behind him.


It was midday, and Katsu was leisurely walking down the main road of Konoha, taking in the sight one last time. He didn't know if he'd ever get another chance to see it. In many ways, he considered his participation in the war a one-way trip. As a result, a gnawing anxiety always ate away at the inside of his stomach.

'If you can't beat your demons, crush them under copious amounts of sugar,' Katsu thought, eyeing up a dango stand on the roadside.

Approaching the young woman selling the sweet treats, Katsu asked, "May I have two sticks, miss?"

"Certainly," she said with a smile, gracious to have found a new customer.

"And you as well, mister?" she asked.

'Huh?' Katsu glanced over his shoulder to discern who the woman had spoken too.

"Yes, one stick for me please. And I'll pay for the kid as well," the familiar white-haired man said.

"Sakumo-sensei?" Katsu mumbled, bewildered.

'Shouldn't he be on a mission right now?' he wondered to himself.

"Let's walk, kid," Sakumo said while taking a bite out of one of the sticks of dango.

Having received his two sticks, Katsu retreated from the shop alongside Sakumo.

"Thanks for the food, sensei, but why are you here?" he asked.

Sakumo scratched the back of his neck, "Well… I'm not exactly here, but I wanted to congratulate you in person however I could."

"A shadow clone?"

Sakumo nodded while chewing a mouthful of dango.

"Forgive me for keeping this brief, but the real Sakumo will need as much chakra as he can get in the war, so…" Sakumo turned to face Katsu and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Congratulations on graduating, Katsu," he said, "Don't die out there, alright? And let's meet here again after the war is over — in person this time. Then we'll be able to properly celebrate."

Katsu was joyful to hear not just the congratulatory praise, but the genuine concern in Sakumo's voice as well. Even if he was technically just a shadow clone, he was still Sakumo at heart.

"I promise not to die, sensei. I guarantee it," he said with conviction.

Sakumo grinned and ruffled his disciple's hair.

"Good. You've not let me down once since I've known you, so I know you'll keep your word. Be seeing you, kid," Sakumo said, ready to dispel.

"Sensei," Katsu stopped him for a moment.

Sakumo looked at him curiously. "Yes?"

"I'll pay next time."

Sakumo merely smiled at his words and dispelled with a puff of smoke.


It was deep in the night and Katsu was unable to sleep. Every time he closed his eyes, his thoughts always drifted to what awaited him the next day — the death of his comrades, the bloodshed, and the ever present threat of an agonizing end.

He'd celebrated with Ayaka and Kakashi, who'd thrown him something of a farewell party. It was supposed to be a happy occasion, but Katsu could find no warmth in it. The only solace he had was the time between now and the next day. It was a depressing state of mind to be in for those unaccustomed to war and strife — Katsu was such a person.

'One final day,' Katsu thought.

Under the moonlight and a plethora of stars, Katsu wandered the empty streets of Konoha. As he walked, a particular restaurant on the right side of the road caught his eye.

The shop had an open-faced entrance with multiple drapes to conceal the interior. On the drapes was a series of kanji that read "Ramen is the Best Pleasure."

'Ichiraku Ramen? Isn't this…?'

Katsu lifted one of the drapes and ducked his head inside.

Inside the shop was a single counter, a row of stools, and a young man hard at work on something in the back. His attention was thoroughly captured by a ball of dough that he was constantly kneading and rolling to the point of perfection.

"Excuse me?" Katsu said to catch his attention, "Are you open?"

The young man whipped his head around and shouted excitedly, "Finally, a customer arrives!"

Seeing his face, Katsu was quite surprised. The ramen man he was familiar with from the show was middle-aged and gave off kind uncle vibes, but the man before him was no older than eighteen. It really put into perspective how far back in the timeline he was.

"The names Teuchi, my valued customer, what can I get you?" he said with poorly hidden glee.

"One miso ramen, thank you," Katsu said.

Teuchi nodded his head and with boundless vigor, set to making Katsu's bowl of ramen.

A few short minutes later and Katsu stared in awe at the heavenly bowl of noodles before him.

Slurping up a mouthful, Katsu's suspicions were instantly confirmed and he quickly devoured the rest of the succulent golden noodles.

"Delicious," he said in disbelief, "How can such a thing exist in this world?"

"I appreciate the compliment. I poured my heart into that ramen," Teuchi said with the pride of a man who put his all into a personal passion.

"I can tell," Katsu said with a thumbs up, "You're going places, Teuchi."

Teuchi laughed. "I sure hope so. Say, what's your name, kid?"


"It's good to have you as a customer, Katsu. Actually… it would be nice to have more customers in general." Teuchi seemed to deflate a little at his own words.

"Don't worry, word will be spread of your ramen soon. I just know it, so keep doing what you're passionate about. It'll work out in the end," Katsu said, trying to alleviate Teuchi's sudden depression.

"You think so? Well, thanks for the encouragement. I'll certainly keep at it," Teuchi said with renewed energy. "What about you, Katsu? What do you plan to do with your future?"

"I'm a shinobi actually, and will be deploying soon," Katsu said, pointing to the headband wrapped around his arm.

Teuchi's energy seemed to dim a little while melancholy took its place. "I see… These are rough times, Katsu. I wish you the best when you're called to duty."

Katsu nodded in appreciation. "Thank you for your concern. Also… could I get another bowl?"

"Certainly," Teuchi said with a smile.

After having eaten another bowl and conversed with Teuchi for a while longer, Katsu finally decided to call it a day and head home.

As Katsu lifted the drape to duck beneath it, Teuchi called out to him from behind, "Hey kid."

Katsu looked back at him.

"When you return from the field, the next bowl of ramen will be served on the house, free of charge."

Katsu smiled and said, "I cannot wait for that day then."

With somber pause and downcast eyes, Teuchi watched the back of Katsu disappear into the night, knowing well that he would likely never return for that next bowl of ramen.

This arc is officially concluded. War will begin next chapter.

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