
Naruto: The journey of Rai Inazuma

Uhg.. one moment I was having a blast the next second, am on the city Floor Dying... ------------- Naruto fanfic and yeah of course I don't own the damn thing as for its kishimoto's and will forever be But I have my Own personaly created Oc's so that's that. ---------- And this wont be 100% following the plot of canon so people that dont like canon getting messed up then leave immediately. There will be some parts of the original canon but anymore will be different. And please when I do just one simple thing dont start saying oh no It a beta mc oh no he's a simp. like please dont... like I said I'll only do stuff in the most logical ways. --------- Welp have a fun read or not it's you not me. -------'xx----- I DO NOT OWN THE COVER PIC I REPEAT I DO NOT OWN THE COVER PIC!!

Arekuruu_Tento · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter 25: Slug princess.

"Next day"

Last night was... well fun very fun, I was able to go out with my parents and Chuji san before they have to go back to the frontlines today or tomorrow.

But right now I am having a good ol chat with someone, well if you could call it that.

"I will not call you senior" I said while Looking at a very beautiful woman whom was looking at me annoyingly.

"Come on! your just a brat so you need to give your fellow senior apprentice some respect!" yelled the woman.

"But aren't I giving you enough respect?" I said with a confused tone.

"no, there is nothing like too much respect, you can never give someone enough respect" she said proudly.

"Ok but I won't call you that name" I said without hesitation.

"Oh come on it's so easy" she said with expecting eyes.

"Then you say it yourself" I said still not budging.

" What's so hard in saying Senior apprentice Tsunade" she said with more expectation to he called that, yup the tsuande student of Hiruzen sarutobi and one of the three sannins.

"Yeah not happening" I said without any hesitation or thinking, you see a few months ago when I was training with sensei he said that i should visit one of his other student in which i accepted later finding out it was tsuande the slug sannin.

"Tch..!" she clicked her tongue before reaching for a bottle of sake infront of me as we were currently sitting next to a restaurant.

"Nope, none of that" I said as I took the bottle away from her reach.

"Hey! that's mine" she said.

"You have already drunk too much if you drink anymore you will be really drunk, and you dont want people seeing one of the legendary sannin acting stupid do you?" I said while moving my hands occasionally from her reach.

"Who cares what they see, am leaving this stupid village anyway" she said with a bit of anger and frustration.

"I see" I said.

"Now give me my sake, I used my money for that" she said as she took the bottle of sake from my hand.

"You are very sad" I said making her flinch.

"What do you mean? who isn't sad" she said before opening the bottle and gulping it down.

"What made you so sad" I said, even through I know I cant just go on saying stuff about times that I wasn't even born yet.

"What are you talking about brat" she said with a bit of annoyance.

"Sigh* don't worry about it, you will tell me when you are ready." I said with confidence.

"Tch... whatever" she once again clicked her tongue before resuming drinking her sake.

"Well where is shizune I thought she always follow you" I said making her put down the bottle.

"You like annoying me dont you" she replied with a groan, in which I responded with a smile that made her flinch.

"Cough* well shizune huh? if I remember correctly she told me she was going to go buy some stuff for the kitchen, she said as she looked at the people passing by our area.

"Oh ok, just wanted to ask of her" I told her as i stood up from my seat.

"Your finally leaving?" she said quickly and expectantly.

"Yeah, I have a little brother to visit" I replied ignoring her happy look.

"Oh ok didn't know you had a little brother and I don't care goodbye" she said rapidly.

"Sigh* I know you don't want me to really go" I said as I left.

"3rd POV"

"What did you say?!" she said with a yell only looking at nothing where she thought Rai was.

"That boy..." she said with a little smile before continuing on with her drink.

"Hey tsunade!" called out a voice from a little distance.

"Huh?, jiraiya?" she said looking at a man with white hair and two red Mark's on the lower part of his eyes.

"Heheh Tsunade" said the man known as jiraiya also an apprentice of the 3rd Hokage and the toad sage sannin of the three.

"What do you want?" tsunade said with annoyance.

"Oh come on why do you have to he so cold" he replied back with a fake sad tone.

"Get on with it!" she yelled.

"Fine, Fine" he said with a scared tone.

"Rai POV"

"hmm hmm" I hummed as I walked through the streets of Konoha.

'Its been nothing but fighting this few few months/years so having a little relaxation doesn't hurt' I thought as i turned a corner and jumped into a roof.

'Phew' landing on the ground infront of a certain house I walked forward before knocki- making my way in.

"Oi! Kakashi!" I called out as I made my way to the kitchen, specifically towards the fridge.

'No Rice?' I thought in disappointment before taking a cup of noodles and began preparing it a few minutes later I heard a sound from behind me, looking towards it I see a sleepy kakashi looking at me confusedly.

"Yo" I said as I finished preparing my noodles and pouring some into my plate.

"What are you doing here?" he said as he walked forward towards the fridge.

"Looking for you" I replied as I placed my plate on the dining table.

"Oh" he said as he took a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Bored?" he asked as he opened the bottle.

"Yeah" I admitted as ate my noodles.

"Ofcourse" he replied knowingly before drinking some water.

"So what happened while I was away?" I said with expectation.

"Except from catching obito kissing a picture of Rin in broad daylight, nothing really happened" he said casually.

"Such a crusher" I said with a little chuckle.

"Hm" he hummed in agreement as he took a sit across from me.

"So where is Sakumo san" I asked him as I ate more of my noodles.

"He went out earlier today to do something" he replied as he took a few more sips of his water.

"Oh ok" I said finishing up my not so delicious noodles.

"You sure enjoyed it didnt you" he said looking at my empty plate.

"No" I said straightforwardly as I took my plate to the sink.

"Ok..." he finished as I washed my plate.

"Well better go get yourself ready, we are going to have some fun today" I said finishing up.

"Yeah, yeah" he answered as he finished his bottle of water.

A few minutes later we went out and enjoyed ourselves well mostly me.

Sorry if you were expecting some action just wanted to do a chill chapter without any fighting and all that.

Review if you enjoy, and comment if you find any mistakes... thank you!

Oh and we are so close to 400k views.

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