
Naruto: The journey of Rai Inazuma

Uhg.. one moment I was having a blast the next second, am on the city Floor Dying... ------------- Naruto fanfic and yeah of course I don't own the damn thing as for its kishimoto's and will forever be But I have my Own personaly created Oc's so that's that. ---------- And this wont be 100% following the plot of canon so people that dont like canon getting messed up then leave immediately. There will be some parts of the original canon but anymore will be different. And please when I do just one simple thing dont start saying oh no It a beta mc oh no he's a simp. like please dont... like I said I'll only do stuff in the most logical ways. --------- Welp have a fun read or not it's you not me. -------'xx----- I DO NOT OWN THE COVER PIC I REPEAT I DO NOT OWN THE COVER PIC!!

Arekuruu_Tento · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter 20: Overkill?... yeah nah...

last chapters sentence:

'So fast' thought Sumāto as he looked back only to see a boy with snow white hair and a katana strapped to his back behind him.


'Hmm... he was faster than I could react but he couldn't react to my speed?' thought Rai as stared the pure white human figure.

"Hmmm it seems you are the one from last time and probably the one whom broke my barrier seal" said Sumāto as he looked at Rai with interest.

"Seems so" replied Rai simply.

"Hahah why are you so quiet" said Sumāto as he got closer.

"For a reason" said Rai as he blured out of existence the next second he was behind Sumāto with his katana equipped and ready to reap his life.

"Why are you so impatient..." said Sumāto as he dodged the slash with ease.

"This is a fight so shut up" said Rai as he appeared again a distance from Sumāto.

Suiton: Mizurappa (Wild water wave).

With a peice of paper appearing on his hands out of nowhere Sumāto slammed it on the ground as the next second.

Fuinjutsu: Art of 100 hands.

A hundred hands emerged from the ground and shot towards Rai completely disregarding the huge mass of water falling towards them.

'Creepy' thought Rai as he jumped over a few hands before the next second another hand came rushing towards him.

Katon: Gokakyu no jutsu (Great fire ball)

Burning the hand and others in the vicinity to ashes, not having even another second to rest 20 or more hands sprouted from the ground.

Jinton Attoiuumani kieta(Gone in a flash)

leaving only a blue blur and ashes in his wake he appeared infront of Sumāto with his katana in a slashing motion.

Fuinjutsu: Art of 100 jutsu's.

With that a Earth wall Raised from the ground in hope of blocking the slash... but it was just cut clean through but before it could cut the earth anymore.

A Big Dragon covered in flames appeared infront of Rai and about to devour him, half a second later Rai was on a scorched rock.

"Boom!!" hearing a big boom in the distance Rai knew he had to finish this overdrawn fight.

"Hahahah you really are their son aren't you" said Sumāto in the distance.

"Now I advise you to give me my belonging if you don't want a slow and torturous death" said Sumāto as he walked forward.

"Only a fool and a coward would do so" said Rai as he blured out of existence.


With Rai's figure blurring back to existence a blue mass of chakra followed.

"What th-" before Sumāto could finish his words the Mass of Chakra hit his abdomen in which his body flew through a couple of trees before falling into the lake in the distance a little but loud enough boom following as the water rose splashing the surroundings before settling back.

'Now this is when a typical Protagonist turns around thinking the battle is over...' thought Rai.

"Yeah no..." said Rai as disappeared and appeared a little distance from the lake.

"Kaze Bunshin no jutsu" said Rai as 5 identical him appeared with a puff.

"Ready guys?" said Rai as his clones nof before they all disappeared in a blur before appearing again at different sides of the lake.

"Ranton: Sandādoragon (Thunder Dragon)×6

Cooperation jutsu: Sandādoragonzureiji (Thunder Dragons Rage).

With that a Big black Thunder cloud Appeared And after a Big thundering Roar that people from thousands of miles away could hear the head of a western dragon bathed In thundering Lightning emerged And as quick as it came it dived down towards the lake.

"2 minutes later"

'Was that over kill?' thought Rai as he watched from the distance the evaporated lake and chared ground as wide as a football field.

"Yeah no..." said Rai as he turned his attention to the distance "Mom dad..." leaving nothing but a blue blur Rai Sped towards his supposed parents location.


"??? POV"

"Truly interesting..." said a deep but not so deep voice as a black humanoid figure emerged from the chared ground.

'If allowed to mature... he might even surpass hashirama and madara' thought the black humanoid figure with a smile.

'If I can manipulate him before allowed to mature any further... he would be an essential help in the future...' thought the figure as it submerged into the ground.

"Rais Pov"

"Oh i cant forget about that thing!" said Rai as he remembered the purple ball.

"Ha! there it is!" said Rai as he picked up the purple ball "Now mother and father no more distractions" said Rai as his face turned serious as he headed towards his thought to be parents location.

"Another location in the land of fire"

Landing On the head of young boy a scroll looking to be badly burned dropped onto the grass filled floor.

"Ouch what was that!" said the young boy as he rubbed his head in pain, before locking his eyes on the burnt scoll looking thing on the ground.

"It was you wasn't it?!" yelled the boy as it kicked the burnt scoll but out of nowhere the scoll turned to ashes.

"Heheh that's what you get for hitting me!" said the boy proud of his achievements, but a second later the ashes came to life and before the boy could react he was enveloped by black ashes.


Hope yall enjoyed...

And oh starting next Monday my schedule will be changing as I have to start going for a school program.... but dont worry I'll try to drop atleast 4 or 5 chapters a week!.

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